‹ Prequel: Warmness on the Soul

The Way You Look Tonight


The music was blaring, the drinks kept flowing and Grace couldn’t have felt better. It felt good to just let go, to not think about work and to dance, with Brian, his hands on her waist, and his lips on her neck and her ass grinding against his crotch.

It’s safe to assume Grace was in utter bliss.

And then his lips found hers, and it was her hands’ time to explore his body. Their tongues danced together at the same tempo as the pounding music and Grace felt Brian’s arousal as she ground against him some more.

“Want to get out of here?” he whispered, huskily in her ear.

And then they were gone, stopping only to tell Roxie they were getting a cab out of there.

The cab ride, for Brian at least was excruciatingly long, and… uncomfortable. Especially when Grace’s hands seemed to have minds of their own, knowing where to touch him, expertly.

The ride finally ended and Brian through some notes at the driver, not knowing how much he gave him, and not really caring. He picked Grace up and carried her into her parents’ house. Thank God for everyone going over to Graces’ grandmother’s house.

Brian carried her upstairs, lips still locked with hers, “Your room or mine?” he asked her.

She looked at him and smiled, it didn’t really matter, and seemed an almost pointless thing to say right before he was about to get laid.

“Mine,” she answered anyway.

Once in the room, Brian placed both of her feet firmly on the floor, relocked his lips with hers and pushed her up against his bedroom door.

“Mm, ow, mm,” Grace mumbled, and Brian stopped.

“Do you not want to do this? We can stop-” he rambled.

“No! No, it’s definitely not that, it’s just, there’s a door knob in my back,” she laughed and Brian smirked, lifting her back up, and taking her over to her bed.
The next day, Grace woke up with a smile on her face that she was sure had been firmly in place since the previous night’s events.

However, when she rolled over to welcome Brian into the new day, he wasn’t there, and this puzzled her.

She got up, threw his shirt on and a pair of ‘girl boxers’ and went downstairs, to see him sat at the table, reading the paper with a coffee in hand.

“Morning,” she smiled, walking behind him and placing her arms around his shoulders, but he tensed up, which was odd. Had she dreamt the previous night?

Brian looked up at her confused face, “Gracie, we have to talk.”
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I'm on a role tonight! Haha