Until the End

dreamless sleep

. "Hey there girly going to sneak out on me was you?" he was all full of jokes tonight. “No im just out for my usual nightly walk about the city. Id ask for you to join me but im sure you’d rather not go.” I was hoping he would agree and stay behind. “Actually your right I would not like to walk with you, id rather take you for a trip around the city my way. Im sure you will like it if that’s ok with you.” He said this as if he was shy about it. “Well what is your way, are you going to drive me?” I was sure that is all he ment, r maybe go on a bike ride like we used to. “Well if you would prefer that then we could. Although I was thinking of a different method completely one a little more natural.” As he said this, a set of beautiful wings sprang to life from his back. They were a beautiful gold faded to black at the bottom, as he spread them farther out a glow seemed to radiate off of them. “I guess I could see what its like, I mean since I can’t turn into a bat or anything like in the movies.” I was honestly somewhat scared of flying but I was not about to let him know that. “Ok well then I shall be right back, I need to grab my sweater and then we can go.” He climbed through the still open window. He was only gone about two minuets but I had become terribly cold. “I will be back in a sec as well; I think I need a sweater to.” I was just turning to go in when he grabbed me. “No need to do that, that’s why I brought mine, I knew you would get cold and thought you would like it.” I was a little shocked from the sudden statement that I did not notice he was slipping the sweater over my head. “Thanks for thinking of me; I guess that was sweet of you. But how does this work, are you going to carry me?” I was actually beginning to rethink my agreement to this idea. “Well I can but eventually I will have to let you go or my arms might fall off. But lucky for you as an angel and a witch I can keep you in a bind spell while I fly keeping you safe with me.” He seemed to like this idea; I could see it in his eyes. “Well I guess that would be best then, but I just want a short lil fly nothing long. It is way to cold out here for us to take a long one.” I really was not that cold, when I did get to cold I could just cast a warming spell on my self. I just wanted the flight to be short so I would not have to be off the ground that long. He picked me up and said a few spells to keep me intact while in flight. We flew up to the clouds and all around the city and the little bit of country surrounding it. It was so beautiful flying way up here looking at all the lights and people. I had looked up to ask Addy why he ever came down but before I could open my mouth, he kissed me. It took me a moment before the shock wore off but when it did, I kissed back. We flew like around kissing and cuddling when I remember Sebastian and we returned home. I thanked him shyly before checking on Sebastian and then heading to bed. As I lay there watching the sun rise I thought about everything how I felt how I didn’t feel and before I fell asleep I decided to talk to my parents. I wanted to know why they chose him for me and why they wanted me to marry some one I may not love. With these last thought I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

I awoke late in the afternoon the next day, which is slightly unusual for me. I walked to the kitchen to start lunch for Sebastian. When I arrived in the kitchen however, I found Addy cooking. “Wow that smells great, I never knew you could cook. What and why are you cooking any way?” I was not trying to be mean but for some reason I was annoyed with him today. “Well I’m cooking mashed potato’s with home made mac and cheese and homemade bread. Im doing this because little Sebastian asked me to since his mother was not awake and he wanted to be nice and let her sleep in.” he replied slightly agitated. “Oh well thank you, im sure it will taste wonderful. Where is my son, I figured he would be in here trying to help you.” This was rather odd Sebastian was usually always around when cooking was happening. He always made it very hard to cook dinner with out burning it. “He said he would be in his room, said something about a book he wanted to read.” He seemed a little worried he had done something wrong. “That’s fine I was just shocked he was not in here trying to help is all, but I think I will go check on him.” I walked down the hall to my son’s room and knocked on the door. “Come in” he said quietly, it sounded almost as if he was crying. I walked in and found him sitting in the corner of his room, crying as I suspected. “Oh baby what’s wrong, did you get hurt?” I asked as I walked to him and picked him up. “No mommy, im just sad.” he told me. “Well why baby, what happened that made you sad?” I had yet to deal with Sebastian being upset about anything; it was a new experience for me. “Because im not like you and granny, i don’t have special sticks. I can’t make neat things happen just because I want them to.” As he said this, he began to burst out crying again. I never realized he had ever noticed me or my mother doing magic, I had always tried to keep it a secret. “Oh honey im not sure how you found out about that, but don’t worry you will be able to someday. And then I and granny will teach you how to do things like us ok?” I was not sure if that was true, as far as I knew Sebastian was not part witch and could not do magic. “Do you promise mommy, I will be just like you and granny and I can use a wand and everything? Like Harry potter?” he looked at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes id ever seen when he asked all these question, I felt obligated to promise him anything he wanted and I did. “Yes baby I promise. In fact, we can go see granny and gramppy right after lunch ok. Mommy needs to talk to them today anyways.” I was hoping they would be able to help me with Sebastian as well as give me more answers. “Ok mommy that sounds great! Im going to go help Addy finish cooking now.” He jumped up and ran off, leaving me thinking about everything that is to come.
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i know its been a while and im sorry. but here is the next chappie hope ya like!