The Time We Share

Chapter 1 His name…is Ray Toro!

Ray was a sixteen year old boy, in Battery City, New Jersey. He played lead guitar, he wrote his own songs, and had a love for his epic fro. Yep, he has a fro.

His best friends, Sarah, Frank, and Burt, are always practicing their music. Sarah is mainly on detailing the music (editing), but she still does a good job! They’re all bisexual. Well, by now, you may be thinking, “Hey, she’s left someone out!” Well, wait a sec and you’ll find that I haven’t.
Ray has a few ‘little secrets’:
1.) He loves Oreo- Smores.
2.) He and his sister BOTH hate Twilight.
3.) He has a MAJOR crush on…his fro.

I know, it’s weird; but it’s Ray. What did you expect?