The Time We Share

Chapter 7 The Time Reformation

Mikey and Gerard decided it was high time to go to a real school. If the high school was good enough for Ray, then Mikey wanted to go too. He wanted to feel closer to Ray.
But, on Mikey’s first day, the world he knew on the outside…seemed different. He went back inside, taking in what he had just seen.

There were a lot more people, more talking, and…newer music blasting from the passing cars. Like, REALLY new music. It wasn’t the usual singers that Mikey was used to, but different styles and voices all together. He turned on his T.V. and saw the date- 11/16/16- Monday.

When Mikey walked to school, he saw the place where Ray had taken pictures with his friends. As he neared it, he saw a few familiar faces. It was Ray. He was talking to some of his friends.

“Ray!” Mikey cried, running to him.
“Mikey?!” Ray replied, opening his arms to him and holding him close.
“Yeh, it’s me!” Mikey cried.
“How are you…How did you…I’m so fucking glad you’re here!” Ray squealed, trying not to cry.

-The time split was a haze, caused by a fatality halfway between the boy’s birthdays. When Mikey approached a distance of less than fifty feet, at a time when Ray would normally be in that location, the haze was destroyed.

In other words, Mikey and Gerard are now in the year 2016. The sophomore class welcomed them in, or rather Ray’s group did.-