Saving Joey


Andy couldnt stop smiling.His lips seemed to have a mind of their own,pulling tightly at the corners.As he drove,his eyes glazed over towards Joey.Her dress seemed to flow perfectly over her figure,which he couldnt help but admitting was wonderful.

Joey felt a slight sickness in her stomach as butterflies fluttered within her.She couldnt fight the nervous feeling that also overwhelmed her.She tried to focus on the road,and where he was taking them.She watched as they passed through the town and past the town boundary.

The emptiness outside town surrounded them.A few sprinkles of trees scattered across either side of the road.The sun was almost fully set,making the sky dark purple.

"Your always so quiet,"Andy sighed,showing no hint of annoyance or negativity.

"Sorry,just nervous,"Joey whispered,looking down at her heeled feet instead of meeting his eyes.

"Thank goodness,I thought I was the only one,"he teased,his smile curling up more.

"I think I have a right to be more nervous then you.This is my first date,"she told him,surprised at her honesty.

"True,but then again,I really like you so my nerves are pretty shot,"Andy said against his own will.He could feel a blush creeping onto his cheeks,forcing him to eye the road carefully.

He pulled over when the vineyards began.Acres of grapes filled the land now,just miles from the town.Joey shot a perplexed gaze at him as he got out of the car.She was ready to open the door when he was already there,pulling the passenger door open and closing it after her exit.

"Why are we here?"she asked,smiling at the grinning boy before.

"For a date,you remember,that thing you agreed to do with me,"he laughed,his blue eyes lighting up in the darkness of the scenery.

Though sarcastic,his words forced a chuckle through Joey.He twined his fingers through hers and pulled her through the various isles between grape vines.Her laughter filled the air as he began a jog,tugging her along.

The heels made it difficult for her to chase after him,but she ignored it until she couldnt any longer.

"Hold on,"she told him,tossing her shoes off,picking them up and running with him."Where are we going exactly?"she asked.

"Anywhere!"he called out into the night.

The vineyard seemed to go on forever.Finally,Andy stopped their run,but continued to walk through the grape forest.His fingers,still tangled with Joey's went numb with excitement.His nerves had calmed,but the butterflies in his stomach did not.

"So,you've lived here your whole life?"He asked,meeting her nervous eyes.

"Yep,"she answered,popping the "p" in the word."What about you?You lived in Northern California?"

"Yea,its much more green up there,"he laughed.

"This is the desert of California,who would have guessed it wouldnt be all that green?"she shrugged with a chuckle."What about siblings?"

"Just a little sister,who you already met,"he pointed out.

"Right,I knew that,"Joey said,feeling stupid.

"Ha ha,whats your favorite thing to do?"he asked.

"Draw and paint,"she answered quickly.

"Are you any good?"he asked,an eyebrow raised.

"Well I have won plenty of contests,but Im not tooting my own horn,"she laughed,brushing non-existing dirt off her shoulder with the hand not holding his.

"I would love to see some of your work sometime,"he smiled shyly.

"One day,"she promised,dramatically throwing her finger in the air.

They continued to walk through the vineyard,chatting about hobbies,likes and other little things that make up a person.They werent exact opposites or "twins",but they found that their dislikes of the others likes only made them like each other a tad more.
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It was a long wait,and Im sorry.
I know its kinda short,but better then nothing.
Comment please!