Status: In-Progress

Danger Days by: Marvelous Cyanide Rose

Chapter 10

We drove for roughly five and a half hours and decided to rest on the border between Zone 4 and Zone 5. Usually the borders were dangerous, as dracs seemed to patrol them constantly, but tonight we were alone. C.C. and Ghoul had fallen asleep sometime during the drive, her head leaning on his shoulder in place of a pillow. Without disturbing the couple, we all managed to climb out of the car and set up camp. Poison began building a fire, so I walked over and sat beside him.

"Why do we need a fire?" I asked, "It's not that cold." "Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna stay up and keep watch. These borders are usually teaming with dracs, and I don't want any of us getting injured before we save Missile." Poison said; I nodded.

"Do you want some company?" I asked. I froze once the words left my lips- did I seriously just say that? Am I seriously fucking flirting with Party Poison? He chuckled, "Alright, if you're sure." I smiled, glad he didn't say no. I relaxed a bit, smiling at the memories I've had with my new friends. Especially with Poison…

I mentally slapped myself- why would I think that? Unless I was falling for him… But I couldn't be- could I? I shrugged and realized that I had been to deep in thought all this time and didn't hear a word of what Poison had been trying to ask me. "Rose, hello? Anybody home?" he asked jokingly.

I looked over at him, "Oh, yeah, sorry. What were you saying?" "I was just asking you how you finally got Ghoul to man up and ask C.C. out." "Oh, I just pretty much convinced him that it was the right thing to do. He already REALLY wanted to, and us telling him, you and I, finally made him do it." Poison nodded. "Why do you ask? Do you plan on asking someone out?" I said with a laugh.

Poison just stared back at me with a completely shocked and an "Oh fuck, how'd she know!" expression. His mouth hung open as he continued to stare; it was starting to creep me out. "Umm, Poison? Are you ok, man?" I asked worriedly after a minute of him still staring at me with that same expression.

"What? No, umm, I'm fine..." He said, coming out of his trance and averting his gaze; I could swear I could see a blush begin to creep across his face. I shook my head and looked out at my friends who were resting. Street stood out among them though, his arms pinned to the ground and his legs thrashing about relentlessly.

I could see the pained expression clear on his face; he must be having a nightmare. And by the looks of it, a pretty fucking bad one at that. I debated whether or not to wake him up, ending with curiosity and loathing getting the better of me. I ran quietly to his side and began shaking his shoulders lightly, making his blood-shot eyes break open.

Street sat straight up and quickly inhaled a huge gulp of air. He looked down at his wrists and looked rather surprised, then shook his head. He looked over at me, a kind smile on his face, "Thank you. Those god damn nightmares scare the living shit out of me." "No trouble. It must have been pretty damn bad." "Actually, it's the same nightmare I've been having for quite some time."

I was going to press for more information, but instead Street said: "Well, goodnight." And with that, he turned onto his side and fell asleep. I shook my head before walking back over to Poison, who was staring intently up at the stars. I looked up at them as well, realizing then just how tired I truly was. Before I could stop it, a huge yawn broke out of my throat. "Oh, you must be tired. You should get some sleep so you'll be more alert tomorrow."

"Aww! I don't want to leave alone tho-" another yawn escaped my lips, "though." He shook his head, "No, you need sleep. Don't worry about the dracs, I'll keep you safe tonight." I blushed when he said this, but continued to plead with him; I was losing.

After several unnecessary minutes more, I finally gave up. With a sigh, I bid him goodnight before curling up on the hard floor, and falling asleep.
I awoke and felt something warm leaning, almost hugging, my side. I slowly blinked open one eye, not sure what to expect. What I saw made my jaw drop open: Poison was laying right by my side. I fought back the urge to close my eyes and fall back asleep, so I gently nudged his arm. "5moreminutesmommm...…" Poison slurred, still asleep.

I stifled a laugh and instead burst into a fit of giggles. This caused Poison to open his eyes, "What's so funny?" "You…you…you said '5 more minutes mom'!" I said, bursting out into laughter. His face turned a deep red, causing him to put his head into his hands. Once I calmed down, I patted his shoulder, "Sorry. It was just so…" I paused, searching for the right word, "classic! I really couldn't help it."

Poison looked up at me, his lips turning up at the edges. Then I remembered why I ever even bothered waking him up in the first place: "Poison? Why are you, uh, why are you so…close? I mean, I don't really care- at all- it's just, you know, wondering." I managed to say- and managed to make myself look incredibly stupid at the same time.

"Oh yeah. Remember I said 'I'll keep you safe tonight'? I meant it. So when Jet took his turn to keep watch, I sat down next to you." He explained. I nodded and could feel my heart flutter at the thought. "Thanks, Poison." I said, a little breathlessly. I looked around and noticed everyone was asleep- even Jet.

I chuckled at the sleeping watch guard before looking around the surrounding area for dracs- there were none. I sighed and decided to do what I wanted most- go back to sleep. I curled up on the ground once more, mumbling to Poison that I would be going back to sleep. "Ok," he said, "I'll be right here." I felt comforted by his words and soon found myself slipping into sleep.
"Rose, hey, Rose? Wakeup, we're going to leave now." Poison's voiced flowed into my right ear. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw his gorgeous face hovering just inches above mine. He smiled back and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the ground and towards the Trans Am.

Since we started out early, we would probably cover a lot of ground today, which meant it was Street's turn to drive. Ghoul, C.C., Jet, Poison, and I sat in the backseat while Kobra sat up front; he had the best aim for long distance shots. I honestly didn't mind being squished in the backseat though; Poison made the experience worth it. I was just beginning to relax when I heard a motor that didn't belong to our car. I saw a group of seven figures driving towards us on white motorcycles- they worked for BL/ind. I was just about to warn Street when he said: "Yeah, I know. I got it."

I shrugged and relaxed again, but only a tiny bit. I watched as Street flipped open a secret compartment, revealing a whole panel of colorful buttons. Wow, he really went all out with this upgrade thingy. I watched with anticipation as he pushed a green button twice, causing a popping noise to occur, then pushed a blue button. I waited for something to happen, becoming a little frustrated when nothing did, only to see as the group of dracs were blown into a billion pieces; their bikes were destroyed as well, causing shrapnels to fill the air and rain down on us.

I yelped in surprise when tiny pieces of the incredibly sharp metal pounded against the hood, threatening to break through. Poison put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed, letting me know not to worry. I rested my head on his shoulder, not really thinking about my actions, and enjoyed how right it felt. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly lifted my head up, only to see Poison's devastated face. I faked a sneeze, that being the only excuse I could think of without me rambling like an idiot, and rested my head on his shoulder once again.

I smiled when I felt him rest his head on top of mine, strands of his red hair falling onto my face and tickling my nose; it was then that I could feel the tiredness of weeks with no rest catching up to me. I fought back against the feeling, ultimately prevailing in the end. I became slightly bored, having nothing to do, and let my mind drift; I subconsciously began humming a song I listened to frequently in 2012- Animal by Neon Trees. I realized what I was doing and began to softly sing the lyrics so that only Poison and I could hear: "Here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friends," I began, putting emphasis on the first words.

"Oh oh, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight." "That's a nice song." Poison whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I looked up at him and smiled; he smiled back. He winked at me and I grinned even wider. I looked over at Ghoul and noticed he was staring at Poison and I; he raised an eyebrow. I quickly glanced at Poison and noticed he had his eyes closed, so I looked back at Ghoul and stuck out my tongue; he smirked and held his thumbs up. C.C. leaned forward and held her thumbs up as well, mimicking Ghoul. I rolled my eyes at them and then closed them again, resting at the calmness and embarrassing nature of our silent conversation.

It was then I truly remembered why we were doing this: to save Missile. I was taking advantage of the situation as an opportunity to get closer to Poison, but he must be so sad. Angry tears welled up in the corners of my eyes at the very thought of her alone with Korse. He would pay for this; I'll make sure of it.