Status: PG-13 but may change later

Dangerous Love

Chapter 1

Ghost law
1. They can have sexual intercourse
2. They can’t eat
3. They can levitate
4. They age with their mate
5. They aren’t allowed to make their mate aware of their presence

“River get your ass out of bed! “ I screamed throughout the house, “Fuck you, “I heard her mumble. While walking towards our bedroom door. I started to knock on the door as loud as I could, which causes it to fly open. River jumped out of bed annoyed, I looked at her and smirked with an egotistical grin "Do you want pancakes or waffles?" River looked at me and flipped me off. “Neither you asshole now get the hell out before I kick your cocky ass!” I looked at her and laughed “Yea? I would love to see you try?” I turn around smirking to myself. I feel her jump onto my back and we wrestle to the floor. Dad came in to see us fighting on the ground.
All I heard was dad walking down the hall to our room. We look up just in time to see him looking annoyed. “What the hell are yall’ doing,” We both simply smiled and hugged each other. River looked up at him while squeezing me as tight as she could. “Oh just a little friendly love hug in the morning,” she said while smiling. I looked at her and smiled while trying to breathe, “Oh yes River I love you so much!” I said tightening my grip on her while she gasped for air, and clinched back at me. Dad looked at us and shook his head in false disappointment, like he always does. “Get your butt’s off the ground before I make you have a reason to be.” River and I look at each other and spoke at the same time “Sweet,” we screamed in false happiness. Dad looked at us and just walked out.
We got up and started straightening the room up, we would look at each other laughing occasionally. After we had finished cleaning our bedroom. River got in her favorite chair and started texting on her I Touch like always. I jumped on the bed and rolled on my back to were I could see her. River looks up at me and smiles, “dude dad said he might take us to the lake next week when you come over.” “Dude that’s sweet,” I replied. She looked at me and can tell something is wrong, “dude what’s wrong?” I looked at her after bringing myself back into the real world. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” I replied. River knows I’m full of it. “If you don’t tell me ill tell David,” she said knowing I didn’t want him to know I like him. “No, I mean fine but dude really its just nonsense that might just be my over active imagination,” I said sighing. “I don’t care, tell me now,” River says while giving me the death stare. I sighed regretting letting her see me that way.
I sighed, “Ok man, I think when I wake up at night sometimes I swear I see something looking at me, or touching me, or dude its doing something, and its creeping me out.“ She looks at me with a concerned look on her face probably thinking I must be on crack “Ok well have you tried just ignoring the thing,” she asked. “Well no duh, but it just stares at me and seriously? I think you would get paranoid if something would just stare at you” I replied. I move closer to her and just stare wide eyed not blinking. After a minute River finally hits and pushes me away. “Ok, ok I get what your saying but still dude all I can say is just ignore the thing man,” she says not knowing what else to say. “Ok but really what help would that do,” I ask looking for advice. She looks at me sighing, and gets out of the chair to go to the door. “Dude, hell if know,” she replied.
River walks out of the room and into the kitchen where her mom is making breakfast. I follow her watching her actions she walks to the fridge and pours herself a glass of tea. Her dad walks in and slaps her on the back of the head, she turns around laughing. “What did I do,” she asks both of us already knowing the answer. He looks at her and walks to the coffee machine. “Nothing that’s the problem, we need to take Liz home,” her dad replied. “What? Why?” We both screamed on cue. He looks at us and glares and starts to yell “because I said so that’s why.”
We start walking back to our bedroom pouting the whole way. I looked at the bed and see someone sitting their, I froze staring at him. He must have realized that I’d seen him; he suddenly made a shocked face and disappeared from my sight. I just stood their a moment in a daze. River started running her hand in front of my face. “You ok Liz,” she asked me concerned. “Uh yea fine,” I reply taking a quick look toward the bed “let’s go.” We walk down to the other side of the house and to dad’s truck. River quickly jumped into the front seat. “You jerk I wanted to sit there,” I said pouting. She laughed “yea well dad loves me more.” “Bull,” I yelled back at her. Dad looked toward both of us “I don’t love either of yall’ so shut the hell up.” River and I both busted out laughing as we pulled out of the drive way. I watch as River looks out the window to see the creek down below. I looked in the direction she was, to see a young man looking about 6’2, short brown hair, a pale face, wearing a simple black t’ shirt and jeans.
I notice he’s staring directly at River and laugh slightly I‘m so going hold this over her. She always says she’s ugly but she’s actually really pretty she stands about 5’3 with medium length beautiful blonde hair, green eyes, and an athletic body. River suddenly jumped and turned toward me we had just passed the creek, she looked back to see if the guy was still looking. She kept looking until she couldn’t see him anymore. She finally looked toward me an mouthed “Dude, I have a hot stalker!” I chuckled at her happiness “Told you, you’re hot,” I mouthed back. She rolled her eyes at me and sat back in her seat rocking out to AC/DC.
I look down at myself I wasn’t very athletic like River but I wasn’t in bad shape, she’s jealous cause I have a double D bra size and a big butt standing at 5‘7. That’s the main reason she thinks she’s not very pretty because I get more guys than her. Just because that reason I also have an ugly face, thou River says different. I have brown curly hair, and with brown eyes. I look up and realize we had gotten to my house not very surprised seeing as I only live five minutes away. I get out of the car and give River a hug. Dad looked at use and sighed, “Bye Liz.” “Later dad,” I replied happily. River holds on to me for a little bit. “Dude yall’ have to go, so get off,” I said chuckling. “No, ill miss you way to much,” she yelled in my ear. I look at her and laugh, squeezing her as tight as I could. “I‘ll miss you to girly,” I replied. We both started acting like we were crying causing dad to slap River across the back of her head. “Get your ass in here and let’s go,” dad said getting annoyed. We look at each other and let go. River climbs in the truck and they drive off, after they left the drive way.
I walk up to my front porch and throw the door open my moms idiot dog jumps on me and scratches the fuck out of my legs like she usually does. “Ouch Cloe,” I yell pushing the dog off of me. I walk over to the bar an put my stuff down. My jerk of a step father was sitting on the couch watching television. “What the hell are you doing home so early,” he asked annoyed. I look at him annoyed it’s my house for crying out loud I can come home whenever I damn well please, I thought to myself. “I don’t know, I guess their leaving to go do something,” is said in a careless tone. I walk threw the kitchen to my moms bedroom door and knocked. “Mom,” I yelled trying to get her attention. I waited a little while for her to answer. I look down and see that the light was on. I knocked on the door again before opening it. “What Liz,” she asked slightly annoyed. I saw her face in the bathtub that was covered in soap. “Nothing just wanted to say that I was home,” I stated trying to keep from annoyed her further. “Oh well ok,” she said shooing me away.
I shut the bedroom door and pick up my stuff at the counter. “Liz,” Mike said trying to get my attention. I stop in front of the television and look at my step dad. “What,” I said forcing the tone out of my voice. “Go feed the animals, and do your chores,” he replied.
I nodded and went to my room and shutting the door. I look around for my kitty and find her in the windowsill she starts to meow. “Hi baby,” I say picking her up and put her on my shoulder to show her some love for a little while. After a while with her on my shoulder I start fixing my room. Bell my cat suddenly hissed and jumped off my shoulder scratching me painfully in the process. I turn and look at my cat; she runs under my bed and starts whining. I turn and see someone looking at me through the window, and seeing all the horror movies that I absolutely love, I freak out and jump on my bed. I hear my cat and look down when I remembered that the man was looking at me. I turn around and he was gone.
I get out of bed and walk around. I look down and see my cat looking around as well. After a few minutes I stop being so paranoid, and started doing my chores, by dinner time my room, bathroom, and the animals were all taken care of. After dinner I set my clothes out for school the next day, I turned off my light and jumped into bed and accidentally landing on my cat thank god she was fine. I grabbed my pillow and snuggled next to it after a while in silence. I shivered from paranoia and pulled the cover up to cover half of my face. I open my eyes and looked around a little. I saw someone sitting at the end of my bed and I just stared at him. He was cute but very pale I just stared at him but what seemed like hours; finally I took the covers off of me and crawled towards him. After that all I remember was him holding me, and looking into his faded green eyes.
I jumped up and heard my phone beeping at me. I look at it and saw that I’d woke up late. “Shit,” I mumbled to myself, I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After ten minutes I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. Cloe was barking ridiculously loud especially for this hour of the morning. My land lords nine year old son, Frankie was walking out of his house as I walked up to his front door.
We walked down the driveway to the bus stop and stood their talking. “So where were you this weekend,” he asked in a sarcastic tone. “Why do you care,” I replied, annoyed. He looked at me and punched me in my stomach for no apparent reason. “Cause I just asked,” he stated overly confident. Ok now I‘m mad, I looked at him and grabbed his collar and punched him across the face. He fell hard on the ground fake crying, I’d barely hit him a bruise wouldn’t even form. The bus pulled onto our road and Frankie got on his feet again crocodile tears rolling down his face. He ran to him house, I could already tell when I got home I was dead meat.
I get on the bus and walk to the back to were River is sitting. I sigh an plop down next to her still mad, with my blood boiling. She looks at me and chuckles, “Why the hell did you punch Frankie?” I look at her and throw my hands in the air. “Because felt like it,” I said laughing lightly. “Yeah sure, let’s go with that,” she replied sarcasm dripping from each word. I look at her and smack her on the leg. “Shut the hell up, you would have done exactly the same thing in my situation,” I replied. She smirked at me with a smirk playing on her lips. “Tsk, tsk I would never hit a child,” she stated laughing lightly. I grin widely “yeah and I would just love to ride on a pink fluffy unicorn into the sunset,” I said sarcastically. I look towards her and we both busted out laughing. People behind, an ahead of us were imploring us to be quiet.
I looked toward the front of the bus. I see a blur in front of me, almost like a cloud but oddly shaped like two humans. I get tapped on the shoulder by River and remember that I was on the bus. I hit her arm a couple of times trying to get her attention. "Dude look" I said pointing to the blurry cloud in front of us. It jerked back like it knew we spotted it and disappeared. River and I stared in a daze for a moment; we were shaken out of our trance like state from the bus coming to an abrupt holt. We got off the bus and hugged each other, I watch her walk away. Thinking to my self ‘what the hell is going on’.
