Copii Defalcate

When he 'recruited' me I took it upon myself to save the others. They didn't have to go through with the same things I did. Because these . . . 'people', these 'people' they think they love aren't what they think they are. So I took the job of head marcat to stop them. Because they warned me and I didn't listen. I wish I did. They were right. "You shouldn't mess around with vampires" they warned me. I didn't listen.
  1. Last to Know
    New Comer
  2. Paranoia
    Then there was three
  3. Fighting like Fighters
    Violence isn't the answer
  4. Dinner For A Champion
    Unexpected guest
  5. The Great Escape
    Who knew blood was my escape?
  6. The After Math Is Secondary
    Families, scandals, and is that a stolen car?
  7. History of it All
    I Never Liked Talking About History
  8. The Thoughts That Consume Us
    The Story You All Have Waited For