Copii Defalcate


I understood Gerard's nervousness, though it was unnecessary. This was a big step for him, and he knew that, and he was flipping out. I wonder if Oli was this nervous before I came.

"Gerard it doesn't matter about the whole vampire thing right now. I will take care of that. Okay? Just trust me, trust him, and trust that you know what you're doing because you do." I said to him trying to calm his apparent nerves. He just nodded still looking shaken. "Good, now it's a little after 3 o'clock. He will arrive any minute, so I need you to go outside and greet him." I said. "Okay, yeah , right, I can do that." He said eyes darting around the room as if looking for some unseen answers to all his questions. He stood there for a minute. "Now, Gerard." I bellowed at him. "Right! Got it, going outside." He said actually leaving this time.

I sighed, this was going to be a long freaking day if it goes like this. I peered out the window seeing Gerard helping who I think was his marcat because of the noticeable mark on his left forearm. Gerard was smiling now I think only because his friend was smiling. I can't believe I forgot his name already, you think I would remember it but I don't.

Anyways, he was short, much shorter than Gerard. He had black hair that was longish and looked kinda unkempt. He had lots of tattoos like Oli, only limited amounts of their skin showed. He wasn't pale, and definitely tan compared to the vampires here. His ears were pierced and he wore the normal punk-goth-scene type of clothes. If I could say so he wasn't all that unattractive.

When I saw the two boys get closer to the house I stopped creepily staring at the two through the window and made myself look like I wasn't a stalker. They came through the grand arch doorway and Gerard's friend gawked at the house for a moment before Gerard walked over to me, him following suit.

"Frank," Gerard started. That was his name! I can't believe I forgot a name that simple. "This is Linda, she's the head marcat."

I shook his hand while we both said hellos in greeting. I could tell he was looking me over trying to make sense of me. Everyone who meets me does this and solely for my title as head marcat.

"Gerard why don't you show Frank to your guy's room and I'll give him a tour after." I said in the normal marcat manner seeing as Frank was here and training starts the second you walk in the door, so I was setting an example. Gerard nodded grabbing Frank's hand and running up the stairs.

Suddenly, Max walked through the hall and looked at me funny. "That didn't take long." He stated. "Enough to be awkward besides the two were obviously restraining themselves from both jumping each other. So, I thought it would be best to give them some only time." I said sighing and sat on the stairs, him sitting next to me.

"Well, everyone is like that when they come into the house for the first time with their romance interest. I remember when you first came with Oliver. I didn't see you for two days." I laughed. It was true, Max didn't see me for two days after I arrived with Oli but no one was looking for us so we just stayed in the room.

"Yeah and the funny thing is we didn't even have sex in those two days." I said as he cringed at the mental picture I just gave him. "And besides," I started, " I remember when you were about to move in with Ronnie you were all types of nervous."

"You would be too if you were moving in with his hot ass and not knowing anyone besides the fucker."

"Yeah, I guess I got the better end of that deal. I mean, at least I had you when I moved in." I said.

"Heh, yeah. So what's the plan giving him the full tour today, history tomorrow, and then training after?"

"Pretty much depending on what time they come back down. Though, I think Oli said that Gerard had to do something later with him and some other people, and once again I don't know anything about it." I glared at the floor at the thought of knowing nothing at my practical husband's life besides what I force out of him.

"I know how you feel. Ronnie refuses to tell me what he does outside of the house, and nothing will work to get him to tell me. Anyway, you want a familiar face on the tour with whats-his-name?" He asked.

"Yeah, besides I was going to make him meet you later anyways."

We sat there for a few more minutes reminiscing about when we first came to the house when Frank and Gerard came back downstairs. Gerard then said something about having to go somewhere and do something and bid farewells to all of us.

"Alright Frank, this is Max, another marcat in this lovely establishment and he will be joining us on the tour today" I said while they shook hands.

We showed him the main parts of the house the living room, dining hall, gardens, game room, library, servant corridors, and of course the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen, muttering something about how boys were bottomless pits, and sat at the small table.

"Sooo, Frank tell us about yourself." Max said. "Wow Max, not messing around today are you?" I said while he just grinned and Frank snickered.

"Umm well, I'm from Jersey. I play guitar. I met Gerard at a comic book store last year while he was in Jersey visiting some family. We had a long distance thing until I moved out into New York. My favorite color is black. I love scary movies even though I can never sleep after them. I've been skydiving, and I think I might be addicted to getting tattoos, not really sure though." I just processed all the information thinking at least he wasn't a douche. I also noticed Max's ears perk a little during Frank's little speech. They were actually a lot a like.

"That's cool. I'm from Vegas, the one and only. I met Ronnie, my marcator, in high school when we had this garage band going which I played bass in. I got a couple tattoos but I decided to stop once I realized that the pain wasn't worth it anymore. I watch scary movies every Friday night, though most are really shitty. Never been skydiving and don't really want to." Max said introducing himself more while Frank listened a lot more intently than me just for the fact that I knew all this already.

They both looked at me waiting for my little speech about my life which I really didn't want to give. I cleared my throat and at least tried to give a small one. "Umm I was born in Virginia. I moved in with Max's family when I was about sixteen. I met my marcator ,Oliver but we call him Oli, through Max and Ronnie a while ago. Umm, I work at a concert venue every week for classical night seeing as I play violin and piano for a profession. I only have one tattoo and my favorite movie is 28 days later." I said trailing off every once in a while.

"Cool. Why did you move in with Max though? Just curious." Frank asked. Max looked at me concerned for a second trying to see what my reaction would be. Frank wasn't messing around either.

"She just needed a place to crash for-" Max tried to say before I interrupted him.

"It's all right Max. He'll learn it from someone eventually. I'd rather it be from me right now then someone else later," I said calming Max's nerves slightly," Ummm well, my life wasn't very pleasant at home so after a while my mother gave me a train ticket and told me to run. I did, and I lived on the streets for a while until I saw someone doing something they weren't' suppose to. The police then tried to use me as a witness but they didn't know who I was, so they ran my prints and it turned out I was missing for a long time. Then I was turned over to my aunt because both of my parents were places not suitable for children." I said barely above a whisper at the end.

Frank just got more and more shocked after each word I said. I would be too. It was an unbelievable story and most people hated me after I told them just for the fact because they automatically assumed I was a liar. He seemed kinda in a trance for a while before someone came in and took my attention away from the conversation.

Apparently, Oliver got into another fight, and now it was my turn to play good little marcat and go help him. Well, at least it got me away from Frank and Max for a while.
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So I think I just screwed half the words in the spell check thing but you're smart you'll figure out what it is trying to say, and I read the first one and there is screwed up stuff in that one too I'm just too lazy to fix it.