Copii Defalcate

Fighting like Fighters

I followed Luna, a servant in the mansion and a different kind of marcat to a vampire in the house, up to my room where Oli was sitting on the bed.

Our room was quite impressive, to me at least. It had a black and red pattern on all the walls and black hardwood floors from a tree that you can only find in Romania. We had a king sized bed with red sheets and black covers with roses on it. There was a desk in the room that was only used by me when I was making music for work. Also, a love seat in the corner that matched the rest of the room.

I walked over to where Oli was and lifted his chin to see the damage. He had his black blood dripping down his chin and what looked like a black eye to humans even though it was only a natural occurrence to appear more human then they were. He had more bruises on his body and wounds that would take weeks to heal if I didn't stitch them up even if he did heal quickly. His wrist was broken and also he had a sprained ankle.

"God, Oli what did you do? Fight an elephant?" I sneered at him.

"If you think that then you should see the elephant. He's much much worse." His voice usually smooth and deep because of his English accent was now raspy and forced.

"Oh don't even start that Oliver." He cringed. I only called him by his full name when I was well pissed off. "You can't just go around fighting everyone because you're immortal. For Christ's sake this is the third fight you got in this month I'm surprised you're leg was even healed enough." I grabbed the first aid kit and grabbed his arm in a way that showed how upset I was with him. It didn't hurt him but it decreased the size of his ego enough.

"Look, darling, if you were there you would've fought the guys too." He said silently pleading with his eyes for me to forgive. I always forgive him but this time was different.

"Oh so it's guys now, huh? Besides I wasn't there, I'm never there, and I didn't even know where you were going so how could I relate to you in this situation at all?" I almost yelled at him while threading a needle.

"You didn't need to know." He glared at the floor.

"I never need to know." I whispered. "This is going to hurt." I said while threading the needle through his skin making the patterns of his tattoo join back together. It probably didn't hurt him at all seeing as he had a higher tolerance of pain than normal humans.

"You wish." He said. "You're right because you deserve it." I spat with venom dripping in my voice. "Are you going to even give me an excuse this time or are we just going to pretend it never happened?" I asked while tying his stitches and moving to his face.

"He made some comments that I told him to take back and he didn't." He stated while looking me straight in the eyes. "What would these comments be about?" I asked pushing my luck. "They were about the clan . . . and about you." He whispered the last part. A light bulb went off in my head.

"You don't need to defend me Oli. I can take care of myself." I calmed down a little bit after that and up his face carefully. "Not against this guy besides you don't need to defend yourself that's what I'm here for." I smiled slightly.

"Just don't do it again." It wasn't a question but he still nodded. "You know I love you right?" "I know Oli, I know." I kissed him, short and sweet.

"So how is Gerard's marcat settling in?" He asked while I continued to bandage him up.

"Frank, he's settling in fine. Max and I showed him around the house. He's not too bad he seems like a good match for Gerard and Max seems to like him fine. He hasn't met any other marcators yet so that's why you are coming down to have dinner with us later tonight."

"And when was I going to be told about this?" He asked.

"You were just told weren't you? And besides when was I going to be told that you were going to go fight someone tonight?"


"So let's go. Dinner starts in ten minutes and Max and Ronnie will be there to make it less awkward for you." He groaned. "Oh don't even start you drag me to those council dinners where I have to dress up in horrendous dresses all for you, so you can go to this small dinner with your good friends for me."

"You're getting bloody good at the guilt trip love." He sighed.

"I learned from the best, Oli. So let's go eat some food and whatever you eat." I said while he laughed.

We walked down the stairs, hand and hand, and went down to see all the other boys sitting and chatting away like they were old friends. All I could think was this was going to be an interesting night.
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If you hate it you read it, so it's your own fault.