Copii Defalcate

Dinner For A Champion

It didn't take long for everyone's eyes to be on Oli and me. We sat at the table greeting everyone simultaneously. The food was delicious that night. Steak and vegetables for the normal eaters and something that resembled spaghetti for the blood suckers. The conversation was normal as well, me not talking unless a question was asked directly at me. Boys usually talk about things that I don't care about and vampire boys definitely talk about things I barely care about.

The night slowed down. The food was long gone, but the conversation still thrived. Suddenly, Luna came out and stalked over to me.

"Miss, there is something you need to take care of right away." She whispered in my ear even though everyone else probably heard her.

"Excuse me boys. I'll be back in a moment." I detached myself from Oli not answering his questioning gaze.

I followed Luna to the front door where I saw another servant standing at the door. A man was at the door. A man that made me instantly freeze on the spot at the sight of his horrendous face. Memories back lashed me making my breathing go ragged.

He saw me and he instantly stood up straight. "Linda, ah there you are." He said in his cracked voice that I heard say many terrible things before. I motioned for the servants to leave whispering for them to tell the boys that everything was fine and I was going to be a while.

"What the hell do you want?" I spat at him the instant everyone was out of sight.

"Is that anyway to greet your f-"

"Don't you dare say it you sad excuse for a man." I nearly screamed at him. "Now I will ask again. What the HELL do you want?!" This time I did scream.

"I just wanted to talk to you." He said looking taking back from my outburst.

"Then get your ass the hell away from my house because I never want to see your face again as long as I live!" I screamed.

He took a step into the house and I backed away. He kept walking and so did I.

"Get back." He kept walking.

I grabbed the first thing I saw and threw it at him with all the strength I had. He fell back as the glass of the vase shattered water spilled everywhere and the flowers that were in it were thrown on the floor not even with a second thought. Oli ran in at that moment with Max following close behind. I knew they couldn't resist for much longer.

The man on the floor now had blood run down his lip and scratches on his ugly face because of my superb aim at his head. His hands now stained with blood because he was on glass. He looked up at me with pure shock and then at the others in the room with us. I wasn't looking at them just for the fact that I had fury that would even make the devil jealous all pointed at the scum at my feet.

Max took one look at the man before he was at my side. His anger rising just about to the point of mine. I was glaring at the man with fury evident in my eyes.

"Linda-" He started pleading with me.

"I will say this one time and one time only. Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. House. Or I will do much worse than that."

"Please, Linda listen-"

"Listen to her or you will have an entire house of very angry creatures attacking you because they are all very protective of her." Max interrupted this time.

"Not until I tell her what I came here to say." The man stood his ground standing up finally.

Not surprisingly, Oli was the first one to react to this. He grabbed the man shirt with a deep growl escaping his throat. "If the lady says to leave, then you should leave." Threat clear in his voice, possessiveness dripping out of his pores. The man's eyes became frightened and he looked over to me. Oli pushed him to the door making sure he got outside before he could say anything else.

"I will talk to you soon." He said.

"Not unless one of us is dead." Venom dripping out of my voice.

Oli slammed the door in his face and I walked over to the window to make sure he left. I could see the memories as clear as yesterday in my mind. The pain, the screaming, the pleading, the blood, the fists flying, the yelling, all of it, I could remember all of it. It didn't take long for the tears to well up in my eyes. I bit my lip trying to stop them.

"Linda, darling-" Oli started.

All I did was look at him to make him stop mid-sentence. Everyone was staring at me now. Servants had joined the room so did Ronnie, Frank, and Gerard. I couldn't help the tears that started to pour out of my eyes. I ran out of same door the retched man just went through and I ran as fast I could to anywhere my legs would take me. I could hear Oli try to stop me but then I heard Max telling him to let me go, that now wasn't the time.

The ran started to fall and I stopped running. I looked up staring into the dark sky. I was thankful I haven't cried in nearly fifteen years but now that it was raining it didn't really count did it.

I couldn't believe he tried to find me. I haven't seen him in ten years and those were the happiest ten years of my life. I knew I would see him again and I knew it wouldn't end well.

I didn't focus on that right now. I focused on the rain hitting my face, soaking my hair, and stinging my skin with the cold pellets of water. That was all I focused on the rain and forgetting
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1:22 my time