Copii Defalcate

The Great Escape

The rain was still pouring, hard. I walked back to the house slowly not wanting to return and needing an escape even for a few more moments. I instantly knew what would make me feel better. I was going back on all of the promises I ever made if I went through with my plan though, but right then I honestly didn't care at all.

I slipped into the house grateful that no one was waiting by the back door. What I needed was a car and a phone. My phone was in my room and I knew Oli was probably up there waiting for me. It was okay thought the number I needed was etched in my mind like a brand on cattle. I grabbed the first set of car keys instantly recognizing them as Ronnie's car. He wouldn't need it until morning, I'm sure he wouldn't miss it.

I walked over to the house phone and dialed the number rapidly. I waited for the tone before a man's snarky voice came on.

"Hello, Trev speaking." I could hear music in the back round and knew he was right where I needed him.

"Trev, it's me."

"Lin is that you?" He sounded shocked.


"Last time I heard you were out of the game."

"I am Trev I just need a favor."

"They always come back eventually," he sighed, "what can i do you for?"

"I need a fight and I need it tonight. Preferable as soon as you can make it."

"Tonight? You're killing me Lin. All the fights are booked for tonight except the championship fight."

"Who's it against?"

"Are you serious Lin?" He sighed again but he was going to give me the fight anyways, I knew he would. "It's against a newcomer he beat Flex but he still has a lot to learn. He has nothing on you though." I smirked. "Besides it isn't a real championship fight unless I get the real champion, right? And last time I checked that was still you." He continued.

"Whens the fight Trev?" I asked.

"1 at the club. You still know where that is right?"

"Never forgot." And with that I hung up the phone and turned to go to the garage. I saw a servant that was very loyal to Oli at the doorway. I put my finger to my lips telling her that this would be our little secret; she wouldn't keep it though.

I drove in Ronnie's car at the fastest speed it could go almost hitting things. I never really learned how to drive a car but I could manage to get to the club. Motorcycles were my thing. They were faster and could fit it tighter spaces.

I got to the club at around 12:15 and walked to the door. There was a huge line at the front but that wasn't the part of the club that I needed to get in. The bouncer looked at me and I got a couple glares from some girls at the front of the line. They all looked slutty and they were glaring at me because I was wearing the soaking wet clothes from before, which weren't slutty.

I looked at the bouncer, who was a good two feet taller than me, and stared him down. "I need to get in." I stated.

"So do all of these people miss, just get in the back of the line and wait your turn."

"I don't think you understand me big guy. Do I look like I'm going in the club? No. I just need to get in to get somewhere much more important. Now let me in before I get someone above your pay grade out here to let you know exactly who you are talking to."

"And who am I talking to little lady?"

"Have you ever heard of the Jack Rabbit?"

"That's impossible she retired years ago." He said shock clearly written on his face.

"She just came out of retirement now let me in or I will teach you why they call me the Jack Rabbit from a very close prospective." I had no trouble after that. No one would dare speak that name unless they had a damn good reason to seeing as that name was given to me after I took down one of the best street fighters the club has ever seen. It was the name of the strongest fighter the club had ever seen and was kinda like the name-that-shall-not-be-named because everyone feared me.

I passed all the of the grinding couples and the ones who had one too many and went to the doorway behind the curtains that only the fighters and special few knew was there.

I walked down the stairs hearing the screaming of the fight that was currently going on. One guy was on the ground and the other was laying into him pretty good. I walked over to the back where I saw a typically ghetto looking man with girls hanging off of him.

"Get up bitches." I said glaring at the girls sitting around Trev. They instantly got up after a look from Trev said that they should leave.

"Linda always a pleasure." He smiled, well drunkenly smiled.

"Shut up Trev you were glad when you didn't have to see my face for the past few years and don't even try to deny it."

"Well would you blame me you are one scary motherfucker doesn't matter if I was on your good side or not." He kept his face serious like mine until after a few seconds he cracked a smile so did I. "It's good to see you Lin. You wouldn't believe how many crazy suckers we have gotten since you left, but no one has been as good as you."

"No one will ever be Trev, not if I have something to do with it."

"Ah there's the girl I know and what happened to your clothes you look like shit. You need to go change. You now where everything is."

"You still got my stuff?" I asked.

"Of course. Like I said they always come back for more Trev." He smirked

I walked in the back and changed into my normal fighting gear. A white tank top and a sports bra, cut off sweats that wrapped securely around my waist and were cut high enough to not get in my way, fingerless leather gloves that protected my knuckles, and a black ribbon that tied my hair back efficiently.

I walked back out shoeless because shoes weren't allowed in the fight but everything else was. I looked at the clock and my fight would be starting any minute. That feeling of excitement rose in my stomach. I loved these fights, they were one of the only things that made me feel alive.

"You ready?" Trev asked walking up behind me with a new drink and a new bitch on his arm.

"Ready as I will ever be."

"Go get 'em Jack Rabbit."

I walked into the circle of people as they all cheered. A guy was in there also. He was a good foot taller than me and had a lot more muscle. He snarled at me and took a fighting position and I got to see his lovely brass knuckle set. Cheater.

The ref said a few words to us that I zoned out, I had heard them so many times I knew what he said. Then the announcer said a few words to the crowd and they all cheered hearing his name but the second they heard mine everything got quiet. It wasn't everyday a great fighter came out of retirement. The bell rang and everything disappeared for me.

I only thought of certain things when I fought and right now I was thinking them.

Breathe. Breathe.

He stepped closed in a typical fighting stance.

Breathe. Breathe.

He threw a jab my way which I quickly blocked and gave one in return. I hit him in the rib and he quickly recovered throwing another fist my way. He barely gazed my jaw with his brass knuckle slicing the skin open enough to feel the blood pour down.

Breathe. Breathe.

I took a step back and blocked a couple of his punches. Wow I'm really out of the game if this guy is getting some hits on me. I dropped to the floor avoiding another sinister hit and kicked his legs from under him. He fell to the ground and I landed a few good kicks on his face and ribs before he grabbed my ankle and threw me to the ground. He made a punch to my face but I rolled out of the way and quickly got up. He staggered up with blood dripping down his face. He made a few more jabs my way before a light bulb went off in my head. He doesn't use his legs. All of his powers is in his upper body. Too bad for him. I started to aim lower then and crouched down more. His jabs couldn't get any critical points on my body now that I was lower in his reach. I aimed for his lower body, his abs, stomach, and thighs. I got a few good hits before he was on the ground. The crowd was going crazy then screaming my name. It was like I never left. The guy quickly got up unbalanced. He made random hits now still not using his legs. I few kicks and punches his way and he slowed down. He got a critical hit to my face causing me to fall back. My face went numb and my eyesight blurry. He took this to his advantage and landed a few more hits on my ribs and upper body before I snapped back into it.

Breathe. Breathe.

I got back up quickly, and started fighting like hit didn't hit me at all. I landed a few more hits before he fell to his knees. He tried to block my hits but they were useless now. There was no way he could win now. I hit kicked him a few more times and then did my signature move that earned me the name. I backed to the other side of the circle and he looked up thinking that I was showing him mercy. I wasn't. I ran at him and jumped in the air kicking him hard in the face. He fell to the floor. Knocked out, KO ed, dead Fred, whatever you called it he was it. The fight was over.

The crowd chanted my name.

Breathe. Breathe.

I looked around at the many faces and the many emotions. Most happy that they had won bets and some pissed because they hadn't, but a face stood out like rose in a field of dandelions.

Breathe. Breathe.

My mark on my forearm started to turn red and it burned like my arm suddenly caught on fire. I grimaced and looked up at the person who was causing it. Oli was standing there with an angered expression but it was mostly hurt. I had just broke the most important promise I had ever made and he knew it and it hurt him which caused the mark that bonded us to burn like the fires of hell. I hissed as the pain got worse and worse. I glared at Oli and he glared back.

Breathe. Breathe.

I spit out blood on to the floor when Trev walked over to me smiling. I tore my gaze from Oli and looked over to Trev.

"You still got it Linda, and here is your cut like always." He handed me a roll of bills that was quite impressive. "Now next time give me more time to prepare and you could get a lot more than that. People love to bet against Jack Rabbit thinking that this foe will be the one who will beat you, but it never is." With that we parted ways. I walked up the stairs and walked out of the club.

"Linda." Someone called after me and I kept walking. I knew it was Oli I just didn't want to talk to him right now.
"Linda look at me." He commanded me and I obliged. One thing about the mark is that it made me listen to his damn commands.

"Why? Why did you do it? You promised me tha-"

"Shut up Oli. I know what I promised, but one thing you never learned was that promises are always broken and that you should never trust someone."

"That's what you said to me the first time we met. I didn't think you still thought that." He said while his brown eyes bore into mine.

"That's where you're wrong. I never stopped thinking that way. I still don't trust anyone and every promise I made with someone or towards someone was broken."

"I thought you trusted me." He said sadness apparent in his eyes. The mark heated up again and I looked down at it and then up at him.

"I don't trust anyone and no one should trust me, especially you." I whispered.

"Why?" He said just as quiet.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt and everyone that trusts me I let down and everyone that I trust only leave me in the end. I don't want you to leave so if you never trust me I won't have to see you leave." I said. The burning stopped then. He walked up to me and put his hand on my face wiping some blood up.

"If you never trust me then you wouldn't let me touch you." He said stepping closer to me. "And you wouldn't let me do this." He kissed my check. "Or this." His hands wrapped around my waist. " And you wouldn't have let me do this." His hand skimmed over the mark over my forearm and he kissed my wrist. "If you didn't trust me you still wouldn't be here." He kissed me then. Passionately. And I kissed my back throwing all of my emotions from this night at him my anger, my pain. my hatred, everything.

All I could think was breath. Breathe.
♠ ♠ ♠
1:31 my time. So this is the new chapter. I like it, the fighting scene at least. Though I didn't make her as vicious as I wanted, and there will be more fights to come with Max and Ronnie and such. And, one last thing, everything eill become clear in the next few chapters on what marcats and marcators and the mark she is talking about is.