Copii Defalcate

The After Math Is Secondary

The car ride was bitterly silent on the way home from the club. Neither Oli nor I was willing to break the silence even for a moment because if we did this perfect little facade we had would break and we would be screaming at each other in a matter of seconds. That's just what I need another screaming match with someone who supposedly loves me.

Oli drove in Ronnie's car back to the house. He had ran to the club seeing as it was just as fast as the car and he knew I brought one. He pulled into the garage and turned the engine off and sat there. He didn't move, didn't make a sound, didn't blink, didn't do anything. Just sat there.

The silence became deafening to my untrained ears and I quickly got out of the car. I wasn't just going to sit there waiting for something to explode. I just wasn't.

I quickly walked into the house and to the stairs. There I saw the servant from before. She saw me and quickly stood from her seat on the stairs and sneered at me. I knew she never liked me. She liked Oli and Oli liked me more than her hence she hated me.

"You don't look too good." She said still slightly sneering.

I chuckled. "Like you suddenly care about my well being. You only care because you know that Oliver can hear us." She grimaced. She knew the only reason she was doing this was because of him and so did I.

I slid around her and climbed the stairs with every muscle in my body begging me to stop. I got to my and Oli's room where another guest was waiting to take a bite out of my already sour night. Though it wasn't the one I expected.

"Ronnie. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked stepping into my room and him following.

"Well 1. you stole my car which I don't really appreciate but I can forgive and 2. because I need to talk to you." he stated crossing his arms.

"What about?"

"That guy that came tonight he was related to you and Max, right?" I took in a shaky breath. I didn't expect him to ask that question.

"Max didn't tell you?"

"No. He seems kinda touchy about it and when I asked him about it he started screaming at me and told me that and I quote that if I wanted to 'make a fool sized cat of myself' to come ask you. Whatever that means and I kinda got worried he hasn't been this upset about something since the last time you, well, came home like this." he pointed to my bloody face and torn clothing.

"He's just worried about me it will pass in a few days. I just need to talk to him."

"That's the thing I could talk to him if someone just told me this big family secret you guys are always hiding. I mean I've been with Max since junior year of high school, hell I even knew you then, but still no one has ever told me this huge family scandal." Concern showed in his eyes.

"You love Max and I understand that, it's just . . . it's a difficult thing to talk about in my family. We were supposed to be the happy family you know but when the curtains close . . " I took a deep breath. "If I tell you do you swear on yours and Max's death bed that you will not tell another creature living or not on this planet earth especially, especially Oli. Do you swear?"

He nodded and I took another shaky breath.

"That man that you saw earlier was my father and the twin brother of Max's dad. My mother was also his mother's sister, they weren't twins, and they still won't tell us why they went for the practically the same man. Well . . . my mother was different than Max's dad in one sense he . . . he. . . he abused my mother and me. Physically, mentally, sexually, every single way possible he abused me and my mother. After a long time of that my mother gave me a ticket and told me to run. So I did and I learned years later that she shot my dad, he survived obviously, but at the trial she was put in an insane asylum and he was put in jail for abuse and neglect. I didn't think I would have to see him again. And Max, well he hates my dad because he loves me and it made his relationship turn sour with his dad. I don't know if you noticed he would come in with black eyes to school sometimes from when their fights were so bad it turned physical." I got quieter and quieter with every word I said.

I looked over at Ronnie and he looked extremely pissed. Vampires were always protective creatures and I knew Ronnie was very protective of Max even before they got together and him not knowing what was going on probably made him want to rip someones arm off.

"Thank you for telling me Linda. I should see if Max is feeling any better." I nodded and he left. I was glad he didn't pry on it.

Suddenly, Oli came walking in the room with the same expression Ronnie had on just a second ago. I cussed all the profanities in all the languages I knew in my head.

"How much did you hear?" I asked.

"Enough." He replied.

I didn't pry; he heard every word of it I'm sure. I just took a shower and went to bad because tomorrow was going to be a long ass day.
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2:43 my time. I'm sensing of theme of early morning uploads. I am also working on a character page seeing as some of the stories I read can get confusing with all the characters so I thought I should make one for this. So that might be up soon. Title credit to a mcr song and if you don't know it you don't listen to good enough music.