Status: To tired to write.. I'll write more later loves! ^.^

The Life of Nicole Dawn

Zip Lining and Other Strange Sports.

"Nicole...Nicole. NICOLE! WAKE UP!"
Megan is standing over me with a huge grin on her face. She is my camp roommate. I can't help but laugh out loud. "I'm up, I'm up." I say. Then Megan says "Are you ready to go Zip Lining?!" "Yeah, I can't wait! This will be my first time ever Zip Lining!" "Really? Wow you do know we are gonna be about 300 feet in the air, right?" says Megan. Then I say "Yeah I'm so nervous. Let's go on up to the meeting room. I bet everyone is already up there waiting." "Okay lets go." We then go to the elevator that takes us up to the meeting room. Megan turns to me and says " I'm gonna go get a muffin from the breakfast table. Do you want anything?" "Yeah, Can you bring me so oreos love?" I say. "Sure thing. Be right back." she says. I see my bestest guy friend and run over to him screaming "KENNY!" I tackle him to the ground and then help him up. Then he says"Gosh Nicole, why don't you just give me a heart attack?!" I can't help but giggle at his sarcasm. "Sorry. Hey, so are you excited to go zip lining?" He nods. I can tell he's nervous too. We both have a great fear of heights, but we promised each other we would both conquer our fear now, so we can go to Six flags at the end of the summer. Then I say, "I hope we get in the same group!" He frowns then,"We probably won't; the counselors are splitting us up by grade and age." I can't but yell "Darn it!" Kenny is a year younger than me so we won't be in the same group. Just then Blake and Josh come in the room. The both see me and say, "Hey." at the exact same time. I giggle. They ask us if we are ready to go zip lining, and we both nod. Then the head counselor starts dividing us up in groups. Since we only have one bus The groups have to take turns to go to the Zip Lining place. As she tells us which group is going first, I sigh out of relief that i can wait a little while longer. Then I realize that Kenny is in group one; I turn and give him a thumbs up before he heads out the door to the bus. Me, Josh and Blake just stand there and Decide what we're going to do for 3 hours, then Megan comes over and says, "Sorry I took so long I was talking to our counselor. Black your in the last group, and Me, Nicole and Josh are in the second group." I go and hug Blake and say, "Sorry bro." he says, "Nah, its alright. I still get to go though!" So the next group won't come back for 3 hours so we decide to go change into our bathing suits and get in the pool. Megan's is a bikini, and mine is an all black one-piece. We swim for a while then get ready to go Zip Lining. Finally the first group is back and my group gets on the bus. Me and Josh talk the whole bus ride about how I have a fear of heights, and how he got over his fear along time ago. So we get to the place and we get our harnesses on and we walk the path up to the first line. We meet our guide up there, and find out that he's Australian! :D As he goes over some rules I start to worry. I say to myself, "It's so high up. That looks more than 300 ft." Josh comes over and sees how worried I am. "I don't think I can do this, Josh" he grabs hold of my shoulders and says to me, "Nicole, trust me you can do this. This is how I got over my fear of heights, and I know you can do it." I start to cry and say, "But what if the rope breaks?" He smiles and says, "That won't happen. It's not a rope; its a steel wire cord." "But what if my harness falls apart, and I go spiraling to my death down that hill?!" I say as I start to cry. Then Josh reassures me that my harness is 100% unbreakable,and he reaches up and wipes away my tears. He says, "Don't worry, Nicole, watch I'll go first so you can see how easy it is" I nod. As he goes first he's whooping and cheering all the way to the end of the line. I can't help but giggle and say to myself, "It can't be that bad." I go next and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, but I don't close my eyes. I reach the end of the line and the guide helps me down. I walk to the edge of the railing and lean my self over feeling as if I might puke up my oreos. "Are you OK?" I turn to see Megan and Josh hovering over me, and I realize I'm on the ground. They both help me up with worried looks and I say, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" we all laugh out loud. I finish all the lines with ease and make it back alive to the hotel. All the while saying how I conquered my fears. I see Kenny, and I tell him all about it. He hugs me and I hug him back. He says, "That's great Nicole! I'm so proud! I went first on all the lines. It was so much fun!" That day was so much fun. Tomorrow we get to go to a go-cart race park with mini-golf and everything!