Status: In-Progress

The Slender Man

Chapter 5

12:31 AM July 30, 2011
A lot of weird shits been happening since I last wrote in here about 5 hours ago. And I don’t mean all the weird shit that’s happening is all the A.B’s fault (A.B. is my way of referring to ‘them’). Before I write about that, I feel like I should say that I managed to get my knife. It is currently tucked away safely inside my back pack, which is next to me.
Alright, so onto the weird stuff. As soon as we set up the three tents (the A.B’s, my mom’s, and my own- thank god I got my own!), the A.B’s said they were hungry. So, I started a camp fire and we cooked some hamburgers- to which they all cringed. But, they must have been starving cause they ate it anyways, but I’m 99% sure I heard them all throwing it up before we went to bed.
We all went inside our tents around 8:30 or 9, but I couldn’t sleep. So, I went outside and walked around our campsite but that eventually got boring too. I grabbed my iPod out of my backpack and decided to record my walk into the woods. I know, “walking into the woods by yourself at night in the complete dark is stupid and dangerous!” I get it, ok? I was bored.
So, I finally sat down underneath this dead tree and put my iPod next to me (still recording). I closed my eyes and after a while, I actually fell asleep.
I woke up because I heard this tapping sound coming from the trees in front of me. I thought one of those girls was just messing with me, but then I realized that they would never step foot outside their tents in the dark. The sound got louder and louder and then I realized it wasn’t a tapping- it was footsteps. Really light footsteps. I started freaking out so I grabbed my backpack, grabbed my iPod, and started running back towards the campsite.
I was actually smart enough to record everything while I ran, and when I finally made it back to my tent, I turned off every possible light source except for my iPod and watched what I had caught on my recording. What I watched scared me to the point where I was shaking.
The shadow of a very tall and slender man walked right past me while I was sleeping, and he must have stood there for a good 10 minutes because his shadow doesn’t go away. Soon after he left, I woke up and I could even hear the footsteps on my recording. While I ran, I caught one thing that really caught my attention. I paused the video and took a screenshot of it, then zoomed in and I started freaking out: it was the man. He was wearing a business suit that was all black except for his shirt (which was white), and his arms were unnaturally long, and his face- my god, his face.
I can’t write about it now, I think I can hear somebody outside my tent. For once I wish I’m just hearing things….