Sequel: The Epilogue

A Place on My Pillow


“I’m headed off to work, Otto. Behave while I’m gone. Don’t chew on anything,” Polly said, tucking the key to the house that Alex had given her into the front pocket of her jeans. Otto barked once from his doggy bed and lay his head back down. She smiled and pushed her feet into a pair of sneakers. Taking a second to double-check everything, she was gone, pulling the front door shut and jogging down the street. Alex had walked her back and forth from work the last couple of days, making sure she knew how to get there and back.

It was a simple path, down this street, down another, cross the big center road, continue down that street and turn left at the large lilac tree. You’ll find yourself in front of Millie’s Emporium of Monographs, the awning old and antiqued with a distinct vintage feel to it.

Millie, when Polly entered, was dusting and humming. Playing softly from a large stereo near the back door was a gentle piano tune. The large stacks and shelves of books were a labyrinth of twists and turns to find the backroom where the clock in sheet was.

“Are we ready to work?” Millie asked as Polly passed her. The little old lady with the bright pink hair was standing on a ladder, dressed in a white tank top and jeans. Polly had chosen a baby blue sweater and light blue jeans, her necklace tucked underneath the shirt.

“We are,” Polly replied.

“Good. Go sign in like I showed you and then come back up here, I need help movies the bibles back from the fiction section. Some jokester thought he was funny yesterday.”

Polly nodded and did as told. She liked it here. It was a nice job, with a nice atmosphere. She had one boss, and one coworker who she’d yet to meet. But so far, this didn’t seem like a bad way to earn a living.