Sequel: The Epilogue

A Place on My Pillow


She packed up her stuff and Otto’s later that week after all the promises to visit often were laid out. There were arrangements made and Polly assured Alex that every single Tuesday belonged to him. This made him feel much better about the whole situation. Darren couldn’t keep his Polly away from Alex, not when Polly promised to remain in his life.

“Tuesday, I’ll make meatloaf and we’ll go to the park,” Alex said with a kiss pressed into Polly’s forehead. Otto yipped on the end of his leash, unhappy to be leaving the Jackson home. He was even unhappier when he realized who would be replacing his Alex. It turned out that Otto was even less of a fan of Darren’s than Polly had originally anticipated. It was making things harder, knowing that her baby didn’t want to go. Still, she kissed Alex’s cheek, hugged Cady and led her baby, reluctantly, to Darren’s car.