Sequel: The Epilogue

A Place on My Pillow


Darren and Polly were happy. It was strange, really. Polly never thought that living with a guy would ever be a good idea again, not including Alex. She never really counted Alex as a guy, mostly because she trusted him wholeheartedly.

“Give it!” Polly shrieked, jumping over the recliner and leaping onto Darren’s back. He had the remote and Polly was watching one of Alex’s favorite movies. She missed him. She missed sleeping in his bed every night. She missed waking Alex up by giving him a massage and she missed the way his rough hands held hers when they walked somewhere. She just missed everything and while Darren helped her forget about that for a few moments a day, it never lasted long enough to count for anything.

“NOOOOO!” Darren laughed and they collapsed to the ground, Polly still straddled Darren’s back as he face planted. He quickly flipped them, rolling to she was on her back underneath him. He winked mischievously.

“Give it,” Polly pouted.

“Why? It’s a shit movie,” Darren scoffed. This irritated Polly more than anything. He wasn’t open to trying anything new. They never went to any new restaurants. He never read anything new, watched anything new. He never even bought a different kind of milk.

“It is not,” Polly said stubbornly. She was less than not amused now. She just wanted the remote and to watch the movie in peace.

“Come on. Can’t we watch something else?” Darren asked.

“No,” she replied stubbornly. She wanted to watch her movie, in peace.

She literally shoved him off and ripped the remote from his hands. She stalked into the living room and plopped onto their shared couch.

Well, Darren and Polly were mostly happy. There were times that Polly wanted to wring his neck and then there were the times that, she didn’t speak of those times. The sting on her cheek, the marks on her arm that she hid under long sleeves. She didn’t like those times. They were few and far between, but that didn’t mean they didn’t hurt.

She needed Alex.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since the last chapter was so short, I thought I'd post another.

Rory The Roman