Save You Tonight

won't you please come & be with me?

I let out a sigh, looking at my phone over and over again. My boyfriend, Luke, wouldn't text me back. He was supposed to visit me at a party I was invited to. I rolled my eyes, putting my phone away. I looked around the crowded room, trying to find someone, anyone, I can talk to. I smiled when I saw Louis Tomlinson, a singer in the band, One Direction. I ran to him, seeing that he was dancing with my best friend, Krista Rose. At least they were having fun at this party.

I felt a hand go around my waist, and the person said, “Guess who Nat.” and didn't let go. I laughed, trying to figure out who it was. “Zayn? Niall? Liam?” I asked, trying to turn around to look at the person.

“Guess again,” the familiar voice said. I struggled away, turning to face him. It was Harry Styles. His curly hair was parted perfectly to the side, his eyes were such a beautiful green, his smile was full, but then it went away to an expressionless look. “Where's Luke?” The way he said his name proved even more that he despised him. His British accent brought chills to my body, but I ignored the feelings entirely, and shrugged. “Didn't you invite him?”

“Yeah, but I doubt he's coming,” I stated plainly, crossing my arms. This was the third time this week he bailed on me. It's like he's been avoiding me, it's been pissing me off. He sensed that I was angry, and gave me half smile. When he did that, it meant he was going to tell me something really deep about how men are horrible people, even though he was a guy...

He didn't give me a lecture, instead he asked, “Would you like to dance?” I listened as the next song went on, it was my favorite. Americano by Lady Gaga. I shook my head, nervous. I mean, I did like him, but it felt way more than just friends. Even though I was dating Luke, I felt like I made a horrible mistake and picked the wrong guy. I just don't have the heart to say or do anything about it, though. “C'mon,” he pouted. “I know this is your favorite song.”

I finally caved in, and he pulled me close. The beginning was slow, so we slow danced. We danced gracefully to the beat. When the song started to hype up, I started to clap to the music. He did the same, spinning around me. I giggled as people watched. I grabbed him into me as the chorus started, dancing like a pure Hispanic, which I was. When the verse went on, and it slowed down, he touched my face, whispering the lyrics to the song. I couldn't help but smirk.

People started crowding around us, watching us dance to the beautiful Italian pop song I was in love with. Harry was so close, I thought I could feel his heart beat. Did he feel mine? How much my heart was beating from his touch, I bet everyone could hear it.

When the song ended, he spun me into him, looking me in the eyes. "Wow," he whispered, staring at me. I couldn't help but stare, too. He was absolutely perfect. "You're so beautiful." When he said that, my insides melted. I completely forgot about Luke. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to kiss Harry so bad right now. I haven't even had my first kiss yet, even though I was 16. I was waiting for the perfect guy, and right now, I knew it had to be Harry.

We inched closer to each other, and I felt so nervous and amazing at the same time. If he kissed me, would I have to tell Luke? Would I have to be the one to end the relationship?

Right when our lips were about to touch, I heard my name. "Natalie?" No one ever called me Natalie. It was either Nat or Natty. When people called me Natalie, it meant they were mad at me or trying to get my attention.

I moved away from Harry and looked around the crowd of people, when I saw the person who said my name, my heart sunk.

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new story x