Status: All Done: Complete.

Obligated Hockey.


Sidney sighed sitting in Mario’s office waiting for the man to get back from a meeting.

“What can I do for you Sid?” Mario asked as he entered the room. Sidney smiled.

“Monroe keeps asking me if I’ve talked to Mr. Ellis.” Sidney sighed. “I don’t know why, but I know if I do talk to him, if I ever find a way how to get ahold of him, admitting his Ellie is bat-shit crazy isn’t going to be my best option.” Sidney shrugged. Mario sighed as he sat down across the small table from Sidney.

“I’ve been trying to get ahold of him since this started.” Mario stated. “I can’t reach him, though I’ve left messages for him to call me, it’s important. Everything. I want to know if he approves of this, his take on it, things of that nature. Yet at this point it’s so far out I’m sure is opinion isn’t going to matter Sid.” Mario shrugged. Sidney nodded.

“Thought I should bring it up since Roe won’t drop the subject.” He sighed.

“You’ve been spending a lot more time with her as of lately.” Mario pointed out. “And nothing on you and Ellie has hit the papers lately…” Sidney could see where Mario was hinting at and flushed.

“Monroe and I are…seeing,” He paused catching Mario’s raised brows. “each other. And Ellie…well, I haven’t even heard from Ellie in…weeks it seems like.” Sidney had forgotten what it was like to not have someone breathing down his throat, to have Ellie breathing down his through. Granted he did hit ignore every time she called or left his phone on silent all the time to ignore her easier, he still hadn’t gotten many calls from her lately.

“Sid.” Mario folded his hands on his desk. “Sidney.” Mario stated again. “You’re officially seeing, two sister’s at the same time. Now, I get you want nothing to do with one, I agree, but the second one you do want to be with.” Sidney nodded realizing Mario was disagreeing with him. “I like Monroe, I wish you two the best.” Sidney smiled. “But Ellie isn’t going to see it the same way.” The blood in Sidney’s veins went dry. “We already know the extent at which she’s willing to go and how much she doesn’t like her sister already. What makes you think just because you’re with Monroe now, is going to stop her from going – as you put it- bat-shirt crazy on her own sister out of anger and jealousy?” Sidney floundered.

“I’m not…I… we’re not advertising it. We hang out all the time. I can…” He paused. “I don’t want Roe hurt.” He whispered sadly. “But I don’t want to be the one to hurt her and tell her we need to stop until I get rid of Ellie completely because who knows how long that’ll be. Hell it’s almost Playoff season. I’ve been dealing with Ellie for months now, almost a whole season! I can’t…no, I don’t want to possibly push Monroe away over her crazy sister.” Sidney stated. Mario nodded.

“I’m not telling you to, Sid. I’m telling you to be careful with the situation. Monroe makes you happy. I’m not telling you get rid of what makes you happy in turn to keep it safe while you deal with something that makes you miserable. I’m not. I’m telling you to also protect her while you deal with the situation at hand and do your damnedest to hide it from Ellie, from everyone. The less people that know, the less likely it is to accidently get out.” Mario shrugged.

“Thanks.” Sidney smiled at his boss and friend. “I will.”

“Is that it?” Mario asked. Sidney nodded. “I’ll keep trying to get in touch with Roger and you keep avoiding and being an asshole to Ellie in private. Deal?” Sidney only held his out to agree to the statement. “Get out.” Mario laughed.

“Thanks Mario.” Sidney breathed as he stood up. Mario nodded shooing the Captain from his office.

“So?” She pressed as he walked in. Rolling his eyes he chuckled at her demand from his kitchen. “What’d he say?” She pressed.

“That we can’t get ahold of him. I don’t know how and Mario keeps leaving messages. Okay?” Monroe pursed her lips as he walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her. Swaying them he kissed her neck softly. “So it’s not that we’re not trying.” He added against her throat.

“Why can’t you get ahold of him?” She asked confused.

He could only shrug at her as he kept swaying them slowly pulling her closer to him.

“He’s busy? I don’t know. Mario’s the one that knows him and how to get ahold of him. I just do as told,” Lifting his head from her neck he kissed her slowly. “You should know that by now.” He laughed. Monroe giggled softly. “It’s been what? Two weeks. I’m already completely whipped.” She made the sound of a cracking whip playfully. “Yes massa.” With that he threw her over his should listening to her squeal as she struggled fruitlessly.

“I’m cooking!” She declared through her giggled. “Down! Now!” Groaning he did as told.

“Don’t make that sound again then. I’ll take you to my bed and the house can burn down.” He stated seriously. Monroe smacked him as best she could before heading back to the stove to keep cooking. “After?” he pressed.

“oh my god!” She gasped. “How much sex can you have?” She asked incredulously.

“How much am I allowed?” He counter coyly. She snorted.

“I swear my vaginas going to fall out.” She teased. He pushed up behind her, arms around her again.

“From too much pleasure.” He growled in her ear. Nipping at it he laughed as she flushed.

“Shut up.” she mumbled embarrassed.