Status: All Done: Complete.

Obligated Hockey.


Sidney was fiddling with several small things he’d found on his kitchen table. He was currently, dress, and ready to head to the arena. He’d been cleared again for practice but not for contact or games. He’d practiced with his team lightly, as to not strain himself, and would work his way back into games. Fans were excited to hear he’d already been cleared for practice again as was he. He’d been praying and hoping for it but he didn’t think he’d actually happen.

Now though, ready to go show his face in support of his team at a home game mid-season he was stuck waiting for Ellie and Monroe. He was their ride for the evening, they were going to show up at his place and he’d take them in with him.

His eyes moved from the fork he was balancing on the side of his fruit bowl to the clock. They should’ve shown up ten minutes ago. Granted he still had an hour and a half before he actually had to be there he wanted to show up with the team like he would’ve if he were playing.

The second the doorbell rang he jumped to his feet, listening to his fork clatter against the wooden table, and rushed to the door. Pulling it open his heart sank. Ellie was carrying several bags and that honestly terrified him.

“Are you ready?” He asked carefully.

“Do I look ready?” she snapped bitterly pushing past him into the house and into the nearest bathroom. Frowning he looked at Monroe waiting.

Reaching out he gently touched her arm, watching her jump in surprise as one of her small hands shot out to touch him as well, and guided her into his home. His eyes moved to the small dog that was leading her around and sank to his knees once the door was closed to pet him. Thor eagerly greeted the attention and even moved halfway into Sidney’s lap as the man giggled wildly.

“I’ve never seen him take to someone so quickly.” Monroe breathed. She could easily recall Thor listening to Sidney in the hallway at the arena and that had startled her but now, Thor was letting someone other than her pet him. That was just as rare as him listening to someone other than her with her around.

“He just likes to have behind his ears scratched.” Sidney stated standing slowly. His eyes fell on Monroe and he swallowed heavily. “You look beautiful.” He commented without thinking. He silently swore as his ears registered what he’d just said. Her pale cheeks flushed at his words.

“Thank you.” She managed to choke out at him. He nodded his head.

“Do you want anything to drink or eat?” He sprung into good host mode and watched as she shook her head. “Um…I don’t really know what to do while we wait then…” he trailed off. His eyes found traces of dirt on his pants in the shape of Thor’s paws and he began brushing them off easily, no trace of the paw prints left behind. He was grateful otherwise he’d have to change his whole suit. He didn’t have another light grey dress pants, only dark grey, dark blue, or black. He took a mental note that he needed to invest in more light grey suits.

“We could…watch a movie.” Sidney frowned. She was blind, how the hell would she watch a movie? Besides they didn’t have that kind of time and he’d want to cuddle if it was just the two of them on his couch watching a movie. How much more awkward could the night get if that happened? Cuddling with his evil girlfriend’s cute, amazing, nice, gorgeous sister?

Maybe Ellie would leave him if he did and he could actually have a chance at Monroe if she found them cuddling, if Monroe allowed him to cuddle up with her. That would be the biggest asshole move he could pull and Monroe now knew he didn’t like Ellie in the least bit, but did they have that kind of time?

“She won’t be that long will she?” He asked. Shifting his gaze to the bathroom door he tucked his hands into his pockets nervously.

“It’s Ellie.” Monroe deadpanned. Sidney swore, she was right. Well, Monroe was usually right, but he’d never admit that at this point.

“I wanted to arrive with the team.” He growled. Running a hand over his face he looked around his house. It was spotless, like normal, and he was looking for something to do. “Might as well just stick a skewer in my ear and call it life.” He muttered softly to himself.

“Break up with her.” Monroe breathed at him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I’ve tried.” Sidney groaned. “I’ve been told I’m her boyfriend whether I like it or not.” Monroe grimaced at his words. “Yeah that was a fun day.” He grumbled irritated. “Being an asshole doesn’t even work, trust me I’ve been trying.” He groaned. “So movie?” he asked trying to change the subject. Monroe nodded. “What do you want to uh…listen to?” he asked carefully, she giggled at him. “What? I’m trying to not be rude besides I’ve got almost any movie you can think of for some weird reason.” He never really watched movies but he had a lot of them if he ever decided it wanted to.

“Do you have…” She hummed tapping her chin. As she opened her mouth to speak Ellie poked her head out of the bathroom and roughly demanded Sidney come help her before slamming the door shut again.

“And now I’m terrified for my safety.” He grumbled, mostly to himself. Monroe giggled. “What movie I’ll get it started for you.” He offered kindly.

“Nightmare Before Christmas?”

“I have that one.” He pointed. Setting it up for her and leading her to the couch he pressed play and excused himself. Opening the door he closed it at Ellie watching for him in only a pair of lace panties. “Put on some cloths.” He demanded.

“What you don’t like it?” She called.

“This isn’t the time Ellie. I have a game to get to.”

“You’re not even playing.” She snapped bitterly, angry.

“No, but I will support my team. Put on some cloths.” He snapped back. “If you’re not ready in… twenty minutes,” he decided being generous. He’d end up showing up with the last of his teammates and it was better than being the dead last one. He would’ve preferred to be first but that chance was already gone. “I’m leaving without you.” He added heading back to the couch and sitting down next to Monroe.

“Well that was awkward to listening to.” Monroe piped up.

“Be grateful you didn’t have to see what I saw.” Sidney droned softly. He didn’t want to admit Ellie was gorgeous and she was downright perfect with no cloths on physically because of the way she treated him and how they were tangled up in a mess of a relationship. “Be ready to leave in twenty minutes.” He added gently.

“Will you really leave without her?” Monroe asked a bit surprised.

“Yes. I’m not going to be late and look like I don’t care about my team when I do. I’m supporting them all the way even if that means I’m cheering them on to get suited up faster.” He gave her a cheeky grin as she giggled at him.

“I’d like to hear that pep talk.” She teased. “Come on guys you can put your pads on faster, hustle!” He laughed at her comment before she hummed. “ Lace those skates.” She added, he grinned and pushed her slightly.

“Shut up.” He grumbled. “You know what I meant.” He added as she giggled at him wildly.

“Wow.” Monroe stated a bit surprised. Sidney glanced at her and shrugged lightly, forgetting she couldn’t see it. “You do realize she’s going to destroy your place right?” She asked carefully.

Sidney had in fact left without Ellie who was refusing to get dressed in his apartment. He was a touch worried about the fact but he’d also be amazed if she got through some of his doors.

“I locked all the important doors and those are solid doors. If she makes it threw them, I’ll be amazed.” He stated seriously. “I’ll be more amazed if she does it without breaking a precious nail.” He teased. Monroe giggled wildly as he glanced at her for a response.

“That’ll be why you get in most trouble, bet you a dollar.” Monroe stated with a cute giggle.

“Oh, that’s a cheap bet. Might as well give you the dollar now.” Sidney laughed. He liked making Monroe giggle the way she was now. “I bet she’ll get dressed and meet us at the arena and give me the what’s what in front of the press, making her look like an angel and me a total asshole.” He sighed realizing the possible fatal flaw.

“No.” Monroe stated, catching him off guard. “She’ll go somewhere else and make it look like she wanted to be at the game and support you but couldn’t be and then…well…” Monroe trailed off.

“I should be writing my will during the game. Gotcha.” Sidney chuckled nervously. Monroe only nodded and fiddled with her fingers. “Well, I’ve dug my grave if need be you can tell her I kidnapped you.” He tried to tease. Monroe giggled loudly at his comment and covered her mouth.

“You may not need to write your will but you should be ready to get an ear full for a few days.” Monroe sighed softly, her giggle fading.

“Yeah I know, I’m just…” Parking the car he licked his lips as he looked up at all the people moving into the area and around it for the game. He could see several of his team mates just pulling into the parking lot around him and heading for the players entrance. “I just don’t want to be forced in a relationship with a person I don’t like when…” Stopping he bit his lip to stop himself.

“When?” Monroe asked carefully. Sidney glanced at her, she had her head turned towards him waiting for him to finish.

“When there’s someone else I do like and I do want to be with, or trying to be with.” He admitted softly. “We’re here.” He added quickly before she could respond. Monroe’s shoulders dropped as she sighed clearly admitting defeat.

“Just know this Sid, if this girl you do like understands the situation you’re in you may still have a chance.” Monroe stated simply. She felt the door for the door handle as Sidney watched her.

Reaching out he stopped her.

“Who wants to get into a relationship with a man who clearly has another woman, one that the world thinks is perfect. Monroe, tell me that.” He asked. She simply shrugged. “I…I don’t..”

“You don’t what?” She asked gently.

“I don’t want the girl I really like to think of me as a pig, as a creep and if she doesn’t think that of me then Ellie would probably try to actually kill her. I don’t want her hurt, I don’t want her to think less of me, I want…I want her to like me back.” He’d managed to avoid saying he wanted Monroe to like him. “So either way I’m screwed.” He finished lamely. “Let’s go inside and have a good game, okay?” Monroe simply nodded at him.

“I’m sorry Sid.” She whispered as he climbed out of the car. Circling he helped her out of the car and grabbed Thor for her. Leading her inside he laughed as Geno pointed with wide eyes and a huge smile before turning and heading inside as quickly as possible. The gossip would be spread like wildfire. Shaking his head his gaze caught Jordan and Marc-Andre watching him as they both speed quickly for the same entrance. The gossip would be unbearable for him once he got to the locker room. Sighing he forced a smile at Kris nearing them.

“You’re in trouble Capitan.” Kris muttered with a low whistle.

“Why?” Monroe asked. Kris leaned down towards Monroe.

“You’re not your sister and half out team might as well be girls with the way they gossip.” Kris whispered in a teasing tone. She gasped softly at his words and her mouth floundered as her cheeks tinted slowly. Sidney chuckled softly at Monroe’s features.

“Don’t worry, it’s only Geno, Jordan, Marc-Andre… yeah, I’m not making this any better.” Sidney grumbled. Monroe nodded with a slightly amused look on her features. “Sorry.” He laughed gently. Entering the arena and reaching the locker room they were greeted by a half suited team watching them as they entered. Sidney gave a shy smile as Kris chuckled at Sid’s face and Monroe’s when Geno gave a loud: ‘What this? Hmmmm?’ at the two. “Get dressed.” Sid scoffed at them. The room laughed but didn’t move to get dressed only to question them further. “You guys are assholes.” Sid whispered. Monroe only giggled wildly at some of their questions and accusations.