‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 13

“Are you sure, I mean, don't you love school?” Billie Joe asked as he watched Emelie pack her bags and shake her head before raising an eyebrow at her father. He shrugged and walked over to her desk, picking up one of the pens laying around and spinning it around between two fingers.

“So when did you decide you wanted to come anyway?”

“Five minutes ago,” Emelie muttered before glaring at him over her shoulder as she reached out for a couple of black shirts from her closet. Billie frowned at her and sighed, knowing that there wasn't a thing that would stop her from coming with him. Actually, instead of stopping her, he helped her pack up the clothes, just for the fact that the crew was already waiting at the bus and wondering where the lead singer was in the first place.

“What about your tasks? I mean, you can't just come with us without the consequences of not giving in your tasks on time,” Billie Joe reasoned, trying to make Emelie think about school too even though they both knew that the young girl hated school and rather go on tour with her father. Which was what she was preparing for now.

“I'll call my teachers once we're over the border or something, then they can't order me to come back,” Emelie smirked and looked at Billie who's green eyes looked back in her brown ones. For a moment, she saw doubt reflected in them but it was quickly replaced by recklessness and a smirk playing on his lips.

“Perhaps I can send in my homework through email or something,” she muttered to herself as she struggled to close her suitcase, it's not that she had packed a lot, it was just that her suitcase was too small, yeah, that was it. Or at least, that's what she tried to tell herself as she sighed and got out some shirts, knowing that she could always steal from the merch stand if she needed a new one.

“As long as you pass your year without even being there since you know .. we're not coming back for a long time,” Billie informed her, making Emelie halt in the middle of the room with her hand just reaching out for her book before she nodded quickly, grabbed the book and placed it next to her bag before trying to close it again.

“Alright, all set, let's go!” Emelie swung her bag over her shoulder and smiled at her father. She was finally wearing clothes she was comfortable in, some loose black jeans and a shirt that was way too big for her while her bare arms were covered in a long black trench coat that resembled the one Andrea owned a lot.

“That coat is Andrea's isn't it?” Billie Joe asked as Emelie stalked out of the room, the coat swiftly moving behind her as she walked down the stairs and looked over her shoulders with a smirk on her lips.


“You little thief,” Billie smirked, stopping her as they reached the kitchen and Emelie placed her bag on the ground to say goodbye to her mom before they left. Billie Joe had already said goodbye to his beautiful wife so instead, he waited in the hallway with Emelie's bag now swung over his own shoulder before he was greeted by his two sons.

After Emelie had dragged Billie away from Adrienne, whom he kept kissing for the sheer fun of annoying his daughter and the bus driver, who was already complaining about the slowness of the lead singer, father and daughter finally managed to get on the bus in one piece, ignoring the profanities the driver was throwing at the older man. Billie Joe smirked a little at the bus driver, knowing he didn't mean it anyway and then fell backwards so he was laying on the couch.

Emelie looked around the bus and was happy to know nothing had changed a lot since last time she had been on it, which was a couple of years to be quite honest, since Green Day hadn't really used it since last time when they toured, which was with American Idiot, something around the 4 or 5 years ago.

Walking towards the bunks, she smiled and threw her bag in one of the lower ones, knowing that the two top bunks were already taken by either Billie or Tré and Mike. Knowing that Mike always had a top bunk, it only left Billie and Tré to fight over the other one, something that could be quite amusing to see from time to time as the two would just randomly lay in the bunk and forget that it was already taken.

Right now, Emelie didn't really care about unpacking some of her stuff and let her bag rest at the foot of her bunk before she retreated back to the front of the bus and sat down next to her father, placing her head on his lap and smiling sweetly at him as he raised an eyebrow at her action.

“What? Am I not allowed to do this or what?” Emelie asked, copying her father's facial expression slightly and wondering why he was looking like that in the first place.

“How much do you want this time?”


“No Andrea, I'm not on this tour just because I want to get laid, and yes, I know Andrea, I'll tell him okay?” Emelie walked in the back room of the bus after seeing that it was Andrea calling and that it would be better for the band not to hear parts of this conversation. Of course, she was also aware that there was at least one of the three men standing at the door now, trying to listen in on the conversation.

“What? No Andrea, just, no, I'm not running away from him, what makes you think that in the first place anyway?”

Billie frowned, pressing his ear closer to the door and wondering what his daughter was talking about in the first place. Clearly, Mike and Tré weren't all too surprised by his actions and eavesdropping and had just stayed in the front of the bus, either annoying their driver or doing something rather embarrassing that Billie didn't even want to know about.

“Oh that, Andrea honestly, that happened three months ago, drop it already, I do not fancy him, I don't like him, I don't even want to look at him, he's a jock for crying out loud!”

Sighing in relief, the lead singer shook his head and realized that he had been overreacting about his daughter being in love with someone. No matter what Emelie said or did, she would always be his first daughter and so, he was still rather overprotective over her, no matter what she did to get him to be somewhat looser.

“Oh I don't know about that, I heard fro Tré there is this cute little merch girl called Kay, I might try something,” Emelie said, even though Billie couldn't hear it, he knew she was smirking as she said it. He knew his daughter better than that.

“Oh please, stop overreacting, if anyone would hit on her it would be Lou and she's not here right now,” Emelie quickly said afterward, making Billie smirk a little and shake his head as he heard the girls say goodbye to each other and know it would be best if he disappeared from the door now, before Emelie would realize he had been eavesdropping in the first place.

As Emelie walked back to the front of the bus, she noticed that her father was sitting on the couch, a girls magazine in front of his eyes and covering his whole face as he looked over the brim occasionally, trying to find out if Emelie was still staring at him. Emelie frowned at the magazine for a moment and then came to the conclusion it was either her father's or Tré's, who was known to buy random magazines whenever he could, no matter what the manager said about not doing so.

“Very subtle dad,” Emelie smirked as she sat down on Mike's lap since the couch was occupied by Tré laying down with his legs spread out all over the couch. It was an old couch, one Emelie remembered jumping up and down on when she first saw it, even though she had been rather young when that happened. All Billie had done then was laugh at her and then pick her up to swing her around in his arms before placing her back on her feet to let her explore the rest of the bus.

“Oh damn it, I thought I was being all ninja-like!” Billie Joe pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest, throwing the magazine to the other side of the couch where it hit Tré square in the face. The drummer woke up in a startle and looked around as he sat up on the couch and noticed the magazine now laying on his lap.

“Ooh, Cosmo Girl! Billie dear, looking for make-up tips from the ladies again?” Tré smirked, looking at Billie who rolled his eyes at Tré and then just shook his head, leaning back on the couch and ignoring Tré who placed his feet ungraceful on the singer's lap. Emelie frowned slightly at the drummer before sharing a glance at Mike and then shrugging together with the bassist.

“Don't worry, you'll get used to it again, it'll just take a while,” Mike assured her, patting her back slightly as Emelie looked rather disturbed by the fact that two grown men were reading a teenage girl magazine. For a brief moment, she thought of even taking a picture of them like that but then realized that her camera was just too far away for now and that the picture would have to wait.

“So, where are we heading now?” Emelie asked curious of the plans for the next couple of weeks. Mike frowned a little and then grabbed the small suitcase that was placed next to the couch, thankfully still unharmed, something that surprised Emelie greatly but apparently, the three men knew it had important information for them and so left it alone.

“Utah apparently, now that's going to be fun,” Mike said, smirking at Billie who was clearly to occupied to listen what the bassist was saying to him. Emelie giggled a little and then stood up from Mike's lap, stretching out a little and yawning, it was still early but the bus had left almost an hour ago and the landscape flashing by the window was soon boring the teenage girl.

Hearing her phone ring again and seeing that this time it was Lou, she wondered if any of her friends were even at school since there was still the rule 'no calling in class, I don't care how far away your boyfriend is' in the school. It had always made Emelie laugh and make her shake her head before she sighed and picked up the phone anyway before once again disappearing in the back area of the bus.

“Well isn't she popular?” Tré said, clapping his hands together and looking rather proud of the girl who was now out of sight. Billie Joe frowned and then sighed, hitting Tré briefly on the head before walking over to the small counter on the other side of the bus and grabbing a cup before filling it with some fresh coffee Mike had made earlier.

Sipping from the black liquid, he was happy to have at least some comfort of home, having coffee whenever he wanted reminded him of home for some strange reason, yet he had no idea why. Mike watched him every move, something he had gotten used to over the years, just sitting around on their bus was a boring thing to do and it happened more than once that the members would just stare at each other.

“Aaw Mike, you're making me blush,” Billie Joe said, smirking even though Mike couldn't see it because Billie had his back turned to him.

“What?” Mike looked at the lead singer with wide eyes and a small blush creeping up his cheeks as Billie finally turned around and gave him a cup of coffee while holding on to his own before taking another sip.

“Look, I know my ass is kind of sexy to watch, hell, its my ass after all, but still, if you want some coffee too, just ask next time alright?”

“I wasn't looking at your ass Billie Joe Armstrong and you know it!”

“Sure you weren't,” Billie smirked, looking at Mike with teasing eyes and immediately, the bassist knew that the singer was only messing around with him.

Mike rolled his eyes and sighed, looking rather amused by the lead singer but letting it drop. By the time both men had drank out their cup of coffee and in the mean time already started to drink their second one, Emelie returned with red cheeks and a huge grin on her face, letting the members of Green Day know that Lou had once again succeeded in throwing Emelie in a fit of laughter.

“Oh where is the time your mother and I had phone sex!” Billie Joe smirked, receiving a strange look from Emelie before she started to chase him around on the bus, screaming at him to take his words back and Billie Joe occasionally screaming a 'no' in response. Mike and Tré on the other hand, were way too busy with fighting over the remote control of the television installed on their bus instead of helping their lead singer from being attacked by his daughter.

“You've got a friend in me,” Billie Joe sang and danced as he returned from the back room, where he had been tickled by Emelie until he had given up and took back his words. Of course, this had only put him in a good mood and it was obvious to the rest of the people on the bus as he started to sing Disney songs about friendship and love.

“I swear to god, I got nothing to do with that!” Emelie said as she came back to sit on the couch and pointed at her father dancing on the song he was currently singing.

“If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, we stick together and can see it through, cause you've got a friend in me,” Billie sang as he shook his ass on the music that was playing in his head.

Emelie looked rather amused by the fact that her father was dancing on Disney music and quickly ran towards her bunk to grab her camera so she could film it. Turning it on, she smirked and giggled as she saw that Billie Joe had managed to get Mike involved in the dancing and now the two older men were dancing on Billie Joe's singing of the song “You got a friend in me”, something that amused Tré and Emelie greatly.

After seeing this ten times after each other on the small screen of her digital camera, Emelie decided it would be best for her if she took her laptop and worked a little, or just immediately put it on the Internet. That was one of the advantages of being on the Green Day bus, because the members always wanted to be in contact with their family back home, they had a wireless router installed in their bus.

God knows how they did it, but apparently, they had wireless Internet on the bus, Emelie didn't want to know what they had to do to get it but then again, as long as she had somewhat access to the Internet she was fine with it. Smiling as she laid down on her stomach in her bunk with her laptop in front of her. Emelie quickly opened Internet and placed the memory card of her camera in it, making sure she could put the small part of film on her YouTube account.

Knowing that a lot of Green Day fans were subscribed to her account, she sighed and knew that the boys were into something if they found out about this. Not that the fans minded, sometimes her video's were just her filming the concert from backstage with better sound and no shaking camera, something fans certainly appreciated since it was easier for them to follow the concert then and be reminded of the time they had.

Age – 16
Gender – Female
Posts – 18 149

Hi there guys! Just checking in on the lot of you, we just left Oakland like, two hours ago and in the mean time, a lot had happened already, I briefly spotted Tré trying to hide the latest issue of Cosmo Girl, I'll be sure to ask him about that little detail, perhaps he can give us girls some more make-up tips!

Even Billie is in a rather happy mood, singing random Disney songs while dancing around on the bus is an amusing sight to see, for those wondering, yes I skipped school to hide away on the bus, not that we all care really, you all love my blogging anyway so why complain eh? Don't deny it, you all love to read the inside scoop of what these three crazy guys do when they're trapped on one bus!

Check in on my YouTube account, where a video of a fore mentioned Billie dancing together with Mike will appear soon. Thank god for digital camera's on moments like that.

'Til next time you little stalkers! We all know who you are!


Smiling satisfied, Emelie uploaded the video and in the mean time, went to get some coffee, knowing that she would need it when her father realized she was uploading a picture of him dancing on Disney music, not that he would mind really, she had uploaded several other personal video's of him doing crazy and knew about it all, he would probably just walk around pouting for a few minutes before he saw the video himself and admit that it was indeed too funny not to post.

Taking one of the cups and filling it with coffee, Emelie leaned against the counter with her back and watched Tré and Mike sleep on the couch, leaning against each other with small smiles on their faces that made Emelie smile sweetly at how close they actually were. She giggled a little and then took a long sip from her coffee before retreating back into the bunk area and laying back down in her own.

Refreshing the page of her blog, she soon noticed that there were already several replies, which surprised her since it was a regular school day and the fans weren't supposed to be on the Internet at this time, unless they were having computer class.

King For A Day
Age – 13
Gender – Female
Posts – 6 245

Wow, hold on there, Tré + Cosmo Girl? Emelie my dear you got to get a picture of that!

Age – 23
Gender – Male
Posts – 3078

Can't wait to see that video little Armstrong! And I second that first comment, I'm sure that you can somehow get us a picture of that with your skilled ninja skills! Don't let us down!

Age – 15
Gender – Male
Posts – 2947

How in godsname did Billie get Disney songs stuck in his head? Did he hit it or something? Or did you secretly steal his Ipod again and filled it with these songs? Please enlighten us about this Emelie!

Emelie grinned and shook her head, wondering if those fans weren't having school or if they had skipped it just because they felt like it. Not that she really cared, she herself wasn't even in school, instead, she was teasing the fans with releasing some funny notes on the members of their favorite band.
Shaking her head, Emelie quickly clicked the reply button and typed a new entry.

Age – 16
Gender – Female
Posts – 18 150

Don't worry, I won't forget taking a picture of Tré and his little bit of reading material, perhaps he can even give me some tips on how to buy them without Billie freaking out about it. Then again, if I buy them, I can blame them on Tré so yeah, either way its a win/win situation, I'm sure he wouldn't mind!

And to answer to the question of how Billie got the Disney songs in his head, no, I didn't steal his Ipod, this time, but thanks for the idea! He's just being his normal crazy self and you all got to accept that, perhaps I can convince him to sing one of the songs on stage tonight! You never know ...

I'll go and practice my skilled ninja skills now to get a picture of Tré and Mike sleeping on each other on the couch.


“I never really understood why you're having so much fun blogging about our life on the tour bus really, it's boring as hell,” Billie Joe said, looking at his daughter closing off the window and smiling at him before shrugging.

“It's some sort of connection to the fans, not a lot of big bands like you guys can actually blog and inform them about what all happens to you while you're not on stage, it's always fun for them if they have these little small bits of information.”

“Yeah, whatever, just stay away from my Ipod,” Billie Joe said, hugging his Ipod closer to his chest as he put the volume back to it's original volume, on which he was ignorant to what the people around him were saying. Emelie rolled her eyes and sighed, looking at her father like he had finally lost his mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have to admit, the Emelie blogging part is inspired by the story No Man's Land by Jinxeh, in which one of the band members start blogging.