‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 16

“No, forget about it already, fuck school, you're flying over, Schneider is already ordering your ticket.”

“But Emelie,” Lou's voice protested on the other side of the speaker.

“Lou darlin', listen to Emelie and just fly over here, she needs to get laid anyway,” Billie Joe said, once again sitting at the kitchen table and receiving a slap on the arm from Emelie who stood up and glared at him after that comment.

“At least I don't do it with my band members,” Emelie said cocky, looking at her father before sitting down on the couch again, “Lou, just come over alright, I need a break from this white ass, the crazy as hell drummer who keeps groping him and the hot bassist.”

“Well I'm sure you don't mind that hot bassist...” Lou said quickly, probably smirking on the other side of the line just like Emelie was. Mike entered the bus and looked at the two Armstrongs with a frown on his face.

“What's going on?”

“Oh nothing, just talking about getting laid on this tour that's all.”

“Just like usual then, just get laid already and stop talking about it.”

“I can't, Tré is on his period and refuses to get it up the ass during it,” Billie Joe answered, pouting a little.

“Uh, guys, I really didn't want to hear that,” Lou commented when the room went silent again. Emelie chuckled and shook her head at her friend's remark, knowing she could've expected something like that.

“Just get on that plane Lou,” Emelie sighed, shaking her head at her friends' stubborn nature before hanging up the phone.

“Well that was, friendly,” Billie Joe raised an eyebrow at his daughter before reaching out for the coffee again and refilling his cup.

“She loves me for it.”

Getting off the bus, Emelie was glad to get some fresh air after being stuck on that same bus for almost a whole day. They were in Denver right now and the technicians were already getting out the essentials for the show tonight while the band relaxed for the remaining hours. Emelie on the other hand, liked to explore the things around the venue, talk to the fans and then spend the remaining time around the merch booth together with the rest of the crew, helping them out a little since that was the most busy place before, during and after the concert and every help was appreciated.

The venue itself to her was just like any other venue, and soon, Emelie made her way towards the small line of fans already waiting, she waved at them before moving behind the merch booth and hanging up some of the t-shirts with the necessary price tags so the fans knew how much it was for each.

“Hey Kayleigh, hand me that sweater will you?”

“Sure, how much is it anyway, perhaps I can buy one,” Kayleigh said as she looked at the sweater before tossing it to Emelie.

“Just take one, don't worry about it, we got enough of them,” Emelie winked at the girl. They have been getting along rather well since Emelie had joined the tour and always appreciated the youngest Armstrong (on tour that is) helping out at the merch booth after the first night and realizing that on some nights, the fans could be rather out of control.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, and if you hear any complains, just say it's mine and I gave it to you,” Emelie said, showing the girl a smile before hanging it up next to the other t-shirts and sweaters. Some of the fans were watching in interest at the clothing pieces and wondered if they should buy it before the show or after the show, and which would be more safer for their merch, if they decided to go in the pit or not and actually carrying it with them.

“So, what's going on over at the bus?” Kayleigh asked, wondering if any of the members had said anything else that could lighten up the mood with the girls and make them fall in a fit of laughter.

“Me and Billie had this awesome bicker last night and got Mike and Tré in it, this morning he admitted that Tré is on his period so he's not getting laid and we came to the conclusion that Mike is a hot damn bassist.”

“I always knew Tré was a girl, I mean, that man got way too nice legs to be a man,” Kayleigh sighed, shaking her head.

“It's his hidden secret so don't you dare to tell it on, same goes for you there sneaky fans,” Emelie said, smirking at two of the younger fans sitting close to the merch booth and clearly listening in on the conversation.

“And just for your information, it's all a joke so don't even start to rumor that around and blame it on me,” she quickly added, knowing that it would get on the Internet anyway but just to be safe. The girls looked slightly shocked at the fact that Emelie Armstrong was talking to them and quickly shut up after whispering about it to each other. Emelie raised an eyebrow at their sudden silence before realizing that it was probably because of her and just continued hanging on t-shirts while talking to Kayleigh

“Oh, Jason, if you see Schneider, tell him to either call my cell or try and find me, I need to talk to him about some thing okay?” Emelie leaned over the merch booth and stopped Jason Freese on his way to the stage. The man showed the girl a smile before nodding and walking away from the merch boot again.

“Hey, I'm off to get some coffee, you want some?” the young girl turned back and faced Kayleigh who halted for the moment, her arms still up in the air as she was hanging up one of the t-shirts and then nodded.

“Any specific one, since I'm off to find a Starbucks?”

“Bring me a caffe late!” Billie Joe's voice said on the background, Emelie shook her head and ignored him, looking at Kayleigh and waiting for her answer.

“And don't forget it!” Billie Joe yelled again, clearly not realizing that his daughter was ignoring him.

“I'll take the mocha frappucino,” Kayleigh smiled, winking at Emelie and then directing her eyes at Billie Joe jumping up and down at the backstage area, waving his arms in the air to pull Emelie's attention.

“Alright then,” Emelie winked before sighing at her father, thanking god slightly that the area where he was jumping was behind the merch table and not in the sight of the waiting fans. Walking up to her father, she raised her eyebrow at him and then crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at him without saying a word. Billie showed her a crooked smile and panted a little from jumping up and down.

“Don't forget my caffe late!” the singer panted, placing his hands on his knees and bended through them slightly as he tried to catch his breath.

“Give me money then,” Emelie sticked her hand out and smirked at her father who scowled at her and then grabbed some money out of his wallet, pressing it in her hand. Emelie nodded satisfied and pocketed the money herself.

“So, a caffe late you said?”

“And don't you dare to forget it young lady,” Billie Joe pointed at her and smiled, cocking his head for a second before walking back towards the stage, yelling something at a guitar tech handling Blue. Emelie chuckled slightly and then shook her head before turning around on her heels and walking out of the venue in search for a Starbucks.

Emelie was lucky that she didn't meet up with any of the fans killing time at the Starbucks close to the venue and carried the three coffee's up to the venue, including one for herself while trying to balance the magazine she had bought in her other hand and not dropping the coffee's.

“Anything interesting in the magazine?” Billie Joe asked, taking over the coffee while Emelie went through the pages in a hurry.

“I bought it because Green Day was on the cover so yeah, besides, according to page 19, you walk around naked and I got a fetish with statues of you in chocolate.”

“What bullshit, everyone knows you just love me in chocolate,” Mike said while passing the two Armstrongs. Emelie looked at him with a smirk and winked, obviously only doing it to freak out her father while Mike gladly joined her in that little game. Walking over to her, the bassist quickly wrapped his arms around Emelie's waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek and then smirking at Billie and taking the teenager's coffee.

“Did I tell you you could take my coffee?”


“Then why did you take my coffee?” Emelie asked, tapping her foot impatient on the floor and waiting for Mike to give her cup of coffee back. The bassist sighed and let his shoulder hang before handing the cup back to Emelie who smiled and nodded satisfied.

“Thought so.”

Smiling sweetly, Emelie gave both musicians a kiss on the cheek and walked back to the merch table after Mike gave her another couple of kisses on the cheek, enough to freak Billie out that the singer practically dragged the bassist away from his daughter.

While the band got ready for the concert, Emelie chose to mingle among the fans and found out their different perspectives on the new album, she had also received several gifts from the fans who had asked her to give it to a certain member, so now Emelie was trying to make her way to the back room with several teddy bears in her arms and even some letters sticking out of her pockets slightly.

“Billie! Santa is here! See! I told you! I told you Santa is real!” Tré jumped up and down excited, already pumped for the upcoming concert.

“Where did you get all those bears from? I thought I told you that you had enough of them already, our attic is stuffed with teddy bears!” Billie Joe looked at Emelie who raised an eyebrow at her father and then dropped the bears on the couch together with the other gifts.

“Oh Billie! Look! A princess crown! I always wanted one of those,” Tré said, picking up the crown and putting it on his own head before smiling brightly and batting his eyelashes at Billie who sighed and took the crown from Tré's head before putting it on his own.

“I'm the motherfucking princess here!”

Tré, being the hyper drummer that he was, protested against that and quickly tackled Billie Joe down on the other couch on the backstage area. Mike looked at his two other band members and then sighed, shaking his head and hoped that they wouldn't look like they just ran into the Mafia when they had to get on stage.

“Ah, Emelie, there you are, I just talked to your mother and -”

“You talked to Adrienne?” Billie Joe interrupted Bill Schneider and looked at him with big eyes like his wife hadn't talked to him in days while she did talk to his manager.

“As I was saying, I just talked to your mother and she was just driving your friend to the airport so we should be meeting up with her at the hotel tomorrow,” Bill continued, looking at Emelie and winked before leaving the room again. Billie Joe looked at Bill with an open mouth and then blinked several times before realizing that Tré was prancing around with the tiara on his head.

“Damn it Cool! That's my tiara!”

“Hey! Break it up you two! You're on in 10!” one of the technicians said, entering the room and seeing Billie Joe sitting on Tré with a smirk on his lips and their faces hovering just a few inches away from each other, “and seriously guys, no wonder your fans write you having sex with each other,” he quickly said before turning around and leaving the room, shaking his head at Billie and Tré who frowned and then looked at each other before raising their eyebrows several times in a way that it disturbed Emelie.

“I'm not sure if I wanted to see that,” Emelie muttered before closing her eyes and imagining something else so that she could forget about the image of her father and Tré laying on top of each other.

“Alright guys! 5 minutes!” the same technician said, the members of the band quickly jumped up and started to run around and give everyone a pair of high fives and cheering themselves. Billie Joe started jumping up and down while Tré

The concert itself went alright, the boys were a bit worn out from the monotonous touring and doing the same almost every night but they handled it well, at least, Billie Joe did. Occasionally shooting a smile at his crowd and so making the teenage girls scream even louder that it hurt Emelie's ears, who was safely standing backstage with a good view of the stage yet not completely visible for the fan's eyes unless they climbed over the barrier in front of the stage. Crouching down and reaching out for the fans just like they were reaching out for him was also done a few times by Billie, often resulting in him letting his microphone drop and the fans continuing the song while the singer tried to convince the security to grab his microphone and give it back to him.

Getting on the bus really quickly after signing several small things of the fans waiting outside at the gate, the band was glad to get on the road towards Iowa for another concert. They wished they could've stayed a bit longer to sign things and meet up with fans but knew that it was practically impossible at this part of their career. Perhaps they could arrange a signing session later.

9 hours later, the band and their crew arrived in Iowa, thankfully catching up on their sleep in the bunks. Emelie herself was busy trying to get the knobs out of her hair, at least the parts that wasn't wrapped in her dreads. She smiled to herself, it was something around noon right now, the crew was up and about and already started preparing the Wells Fargo center for the concert the next night while the band was still catching up on their sleep. Tonight they would get their night off and have a chance to actually stay in a hotel for once, which relieved everyone who needed a good night's rest away from those bunks. No matter how comfortable they might be. And the bus needed to be cleaned anyway so that was a perfect opportunity.

Perhaps Emelie could take the time out and visit the city whenever she was bored or restless, Lou would accompany her, maybe even Kayleigh, she thought smiling a little. Hearing Mike mutter something in his sleep, Emelie placed her comb back down and sighed before slowly making her way through the bunk area without waking up one of them, even though she had the urge to get a bucket of water and toss it in Billie Joe's face without warning, just to pest him. Yet, seeing him sleep soundly (ignoring the soft snores and the muttering coming from him) made Emelie decide it was better if she didn't.

The bus was parked just in front of the hotel, where the band would later take shuttles to get to the venue not so far from it. Emelie would probably stay behind and clean the bus, or steal money from her father and go shopping, whatever she wanted to do at that point since the band usually left around 11 pm for the venue so they could get the sound check and all over and done with.

The Quality Inn & Suites was a tall building, making Emelie sigh and yawn a little.The lobby of the hotel, which wasn't all that luxurious as Emelie was used to, but it was still worth to look around ad admire the may stairs and flowers adoring the entrance of the hotel. Seeing Lou in the hall, and also noting that she had a mysterious smile playing on her lips, probably guessing how she could annoy the staff the most, Emelie shook her head and kept her eye on her friend without alerting her.

Lou in the mean time, had skipped over to some of the other girls that stayed in the hotel, probably annoying them with her excited grin and talking about what they could all be doing in the few days they were there, even though the girls in her company were thinking of laying at the pool instead of doing what Lou was suggesting.

“Lou! Get back here for crying out loud and stop annoying those blond bitches,” Emelie cupped her mouth with her hands and called for Lou's attention. Receiving a nudge in the ribs by Kayleigh standing next to her, Emelie let her arms hang next to her sides and frowned at her friend.

“Oh let her annoy them, it can only amuse us so no harm done,” she said with a nod before waltzing towards the info desk and starting to talk to the secretary sitting at her computer, typing some things in a document and looking through the reservations so she could see what rooms the group would occupy in the next two days.

“Hi,” she frowned at the girl before her eyes looked at the name tag on the girl's blouse, “Patricia,” Kayleigh continued and smiled sweetly at Patricia who looked up from her computer with a frown. Frowning at Kayleigh, Patricia kept her fingers hovering about her keyboard, expecting one of the crew members to come and get the girl away and tell her to behave and not bug her, alas, this didn't happen when Kayleigh leaned over the desk and looked at the computer screen hidden behind it.

“Are you playing games?” Kayleigh smirked, squinting her eyes a little to look at the screen, Patricia sighed annoyed and pushed the girl back where she was supposed to be. Kayleigh sighed and rolled her eyes, knowing she should've expected a reaction like this.

Relax while you're closing your eyes to me, so warm as I'm setting you free, with your arms by your side there's no struggling, pleasure's all mine this time,” Lou sang as she skipped over to Kayleigh and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist, giving her a kiss in the neck while smirking at Patricia who looked horrified at the two girls in front of her.

Scream from the pleasure, unmask your desire,” Kayleigh gave Lou a sly look before she just let Lou keep kissing her neck as she leaned over the desk and looked at Patricia who was slightly shocked by Lou's actions and was refusing to say anything to the two girls.

“Teehee. Oh darling, don't tease her!” Kayleigh giggled before pushing Lou away a little with a smirk playing on her lips.

“Oh I didn't realize I was teasing them honey... I mean...you know how I am...” Lou said, turning Kayleigh in her arms so she could properly face the girl. Kayleigh smirked and shook his head disagreeing with her movement.

“It's okay, I don't mind the teasing. Just, uh...save some for later.”

“...I'm holding you to that!” Lou gave Kayleigh another kiss in her neck, looking over her shoulder at Patricia who looked in shock at the two girls in front of her, and perhaps also disgusted by their actions.

“Damn it, I'll get the glittery whip, you get the pink, inflatable rubber bouncy ball.”

“We should stop now; we're seriously creeping her out with our...ways,” Kayleigh said, looking a little sad perhaps because she was just having fun but if they would continue, who knows what might happen then. Patricia, who was still looking rather shocked at the girls opened her mouth and closed it again a few times after each other before she shot them a disgusted glare and went back to her typing.

“Damn it, I was just having fun!” Lou whined before she pouted and decided to go back to Emelie and pester her instead of Kayleigh who had once again turned around to face Patricia who did her best to ignore the girl leaning over the desk and trying to see what she was typing.

“You know, I've been thinking of dying my hair blond soon, and I was wondering is your hair is natural blond or if it's really so platinum Blondie like all those super models with no brains,” Kayleigh said, “so, is it dyed or not bitch?”

“Kayleigh! Leave that kind woman to her job please, we don't want to get in trouble on the first hour we arrived here!” Bill Schneider yelled at Kayleigh who sighed and pouted before winking at Patricia and then walking away slowly, planning on rejoining Emelie and Lou, who in the mean time had made their way down to the bar of the hotel, ignoring the complains of the crew. Emelie was trying to convince Lou to get a shot of Cheech, which had always proved to be a difficulty.

“You looked like you had fun with Kayleigh out there,” Emelie smirked at Lou who kept her eyes on Kayleigh for a moment with a small blush on her cheeks and a tiny smile. She looked shocked at Emelie for a moment before looking down to her glass and wondering if she could hide it a bit longer for her friend.

“Hey I don't mind darlin'. I mean, hell I've been planning on hooking you two up but if you can do it on your own, fine by me,” Emelie smirked before leaning back in her seat and putting her hands in her neck, relaxing as her hands supported her head. Lou chuckled a bit and took a sip from her drink. Emelie rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Come on Lou! Just try it!” Emelie shoved her own glass of Cheech towards the girl who leaned back in her chair and shook her head, glaring slightly at Emelie for not stopping to nag about trying the drink in front of her.

“I'm pretty fine with my own drink, I don't even know if I want to try a drink that was named by Tré Cool,” she said before sipping from her own glass that was still full even though she had been taking sips from it every once in a while.

“But blueberry flavored vodka is so boring, you have to try the Cheech Lou!” Emelie whined, trying to grab Lou's glass from her and give her the glass of Cheech instead but failing miserably. How they got the drinks in the first place was unknown to everyone at the hotel but still, they managed to get some strong alcoholic drinks while they were still under aged.

“So, how the hell did you get these drinks again?” Kayleigh asked, sitting down next to Lou and looked between the two girls who giggled slightly.

“A simple 'my dad is staying here and he said I could try one of these drinks' is clearly enough with these guys,” Emelie shrugged, leaning back in her seat, lifting the glass of Cheech to her lips. Kayleigh frowned a little and then glanced at the bar, wondering if the staff was really that stupid to believe what the girls had told them or if there was another reason.

Of course, Kayleigh wasn't much surprised when she saw a boy over at the bar, not much older than them and looking rather amused by the two girls that were enjoying their drink over at the table on the other side of the bar. He briefly made eye contact with Kayleigh and winked, which caused Kayleigh to sigh and roll her eyes before she planted a kiss on Lou's cheek, smirking in the kiss as she saw the disappointed look on the boys face she could see from the corner of her eye.

“Stop teasing random hot boys, that way you'll never get laid,” Emelie said, smirking and immediately seeing through Kayleigh's plan of putting off the guys that would even think of trying something with her or even trying to hit on her.

Must have stabbed him fifty fucking times!” Lou sang in a heavy voice, clearly trying to sound like The Rev, who did the original vocals in the song as she stumbled into the hotel room, giggling in a high pitched tone that made Kayleigh wince as she turned around so she could bury her head in her pillow. Earlier, Kayleigh had chosen to leave the girls alone at the bar while the rest of the crew went to their respective rooms, not really caring or even seeing that the two clearly had access to alcoholic drinks, if so, it was the band's responsibility since the girls were under their care.

“Oh shut up!” Kayleigh yelled, lifting her head up for a second and then hid it again in the soft pillow that she had stolen from Billie's room while he was distracted.

Ripped his heart out right before his eyes!”

Groaning, Kayleigh knew that she couldn't win against the high singing of Lou, who was skipping around in the small living room that was added to the room. Emelie chose to stumble in the room a few minutes after Lou's entrance, she briefly looked at the girl in front of her and raised an eyebrow before stumbling towards the free bed next to Kayleigh's and laid down, groaning at Lou's hyperactivity.

“What did you give her, she's completely wasted!” Kayleigh turned her head so she could face Emelie, who was laying on her back facing the ceiling with her eyes half closed.

“I didn't give her anything, that boy from the bar kept giving her vodka and started flirting with her and me, the little dick!”

“Well that's just greedy,” Kayleigh muttered before she sighed and closed her eyes again, trying to block out Lou's singing in the living room while she turned around to lay on her back just like Emelie.

The way you dance it turns me on but you know that I'm spoken for, the way your sweat drips off your chest, you know that I'm wanting more!" Lou sang, climbing next to Kayleigh in the bed. Kayleigh groaned and tried to push Lou off her as the girl laid her head down on her chest and quickly fell in a alcohol-induced sleep. Emelie giggled at the sight before she smirked at Kayleigh and raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two girls on the bed before she turned around and went to sleep herself.