‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 17

“Come on dad! Hurry up with that suitcase and get out of the way already!” Emelie whined, jumping up and down a little with her own backpack swung over her shoulders as she waited in the small path between the bunks for her father to move so she could pass. Billie Joe however, found it necessary to take all the time he needed, resulting in Emelie just choosing to sit down on one of the bunks and wait for her father to get his stuff together and move so she could get off the bus.

“In a moment!” Billie Joe said, his head buried in his own suitcase as he was clearly searching for something. Normally Emelie protested against seeing her father in his bare chest the moment she woke up, but this time she just let him walk around half naked, if that was what he wanted. As long as he didn't get sick, that's the only thing she had told him since the air conditioning was on and a few people cramped on one bus could always lead to one of them, or all of them if they weren't careful, being sick.

“Now where is that shirt,” the singer mumbles from his own bunk where he was throwing all things out of his suitcase again in search for a shirt, much to the annoyance to Emelie who had spend the night before packing up everything for him and now saw all her work being practically tossed away.

“I'll clean up later, trust me, just, I need to find that damn shirt!”

Emelie sighed and swung her legs over the side of the bunk in which she had been laying down for five minutes before finding it too boring to look at the bunk above her.

“Just make sure I'm not the one who's cleaning up then, and get your ass moving already! You're blocking the whole path,” Emelie exclaimed, looking at her father with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot slightly moving up and down, making a soft sound on the floor of the bus.

“Uncle Mike! Tell dad to move his ass!” Emelie whined as she saw Mike enter the bus as Billie was bended down anyway and she could easily look over him. The bassist frowned for a moment at the sight of Billie standing horizontal n the middle of the path bended down and Emelie standing behind him on a safe distance.

“Billie, move your ass and let the girl go, she won't have any buttsex with you so stop trying!”

“But I can't find my favorite shirt Mike!!”

“Who gives a damn about your shirt, just let Emelie pass and then you can search futher!”

“But my shirt Mike!”

Emelie sighed, realizing that this conversation could be taking a while longer, leaning against one of the walls that separated some of the bunks, Emelie took the time to observe the conversation between Mike and Billie Joe, clearly enjoying the fact that they were just annoying each other and not helping.

“Uh guys, just so you know, you're not helping the fact that I'm still not able to pass,” Emelie noted after a few seconds of Billie and Mike going back of forth saying “am not” and “are too”, which proved to get boring really quickly for Emelie who just wanted to get of the bus.

“Oh, well, I still don't have my shirt,” Billie Joe pouted, finally standing up and crossing his arms in front of his chest while wondering where he had left his shirt he had been searching for the past half hour.

“Dad! Just. Get. Out. Of. My. Way!” Emelie said really slowly, glaring at her father before grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him slightly out of the way before quickly running out of the bus.

“...She got issues,” Billie Joe looked at the back of his daughter disappearing out of the door.

“Dude, she's your daughter.”

Emelie on the other hand, sighed in relief as she jumped down the stairs that lead towards the entrance of the venue. She smiled to herself as several of the fans spotted her but didn't approach her. Emelie waved at them before entering the building with her pass.

“What took you so long?” Lou asked as she leaned back in the chair, making it lean completely black so half of it was in the air. In her hand was a green apple that she had just taken a bite from before tilling her head completely backwards to see who just entered the room.

“Missing shirt.”

“Oh, you don't think it was this one do you?” Lou pointed at the shirt she was wearing, clearly way too big for her and not made for a girl. Emelie raised an eyebrow at her friend and really hoped that it wasn't the same shirt her father was searching for.

“You better hope it's not.”


“Because you won't survive if it is that one,” Emelie said dryly, clearly not amused by the fact that Lou was probably wearing that one particular shirt.

“My shirt” Billie Joe quickly tackled Lou to the floor, sitting on her stomach and having his two hands next to her face. Lou's eyes widened, trying to get loose from Billie Joe sitting on her but failing miserably.

“Billie, stop raping teenagers honestly, it's not good for your image,” Emelie said, sitting down on the couch on the other side of the room and placing both of her feet on the table in front of it.

“You're bad for my image too,” Billie Joe smirked, looking at his daughter but not moving away from Lou.

“You're bad for your own image dad, now get of Lou, you're only making her laugh anyway,” Emelie said, grabbing the magazine next to her and starting to read it, trying to keep her face as straight as possible when Lou started to laugh and kicking her feet in the air.

“Emelie! I think Lou is malfunctioning,” Billie Joe said, panicking slightly as Lou couldn't stop laughing.

“Just turn her off then,” Emelie shrugged, not looking up from her magazine.

“She's not a robot you know!”

“How do you know?”

“Just get of me!” Lou giggled, grabbing Billie Joe's arms and trying to push him off but failing miserably.

“Give me my shirt back!”

“Oompfh!” Billie Joe fell down on Lou's chest and yelled out as he realized someone else was sitting on him. Trying to look up, Billie Joe could only catch a glimpse of a blur or reddish hair, guessing it was Tré sitting on him with a goofy grin on his face.

“Damn it Wright! Get off me!”

“Don't call me Wright Armstrong!” Tré said, hitting Billie Joe on the head, hearing a giggle on the other side of the room, the two adults looked aside at Emelie laughing at the sight she was seeing.

“What are you laughing about?!” Lou yelled from under Billie Joe and Tré, probably glaring at Emelie but for the moment she couldn't really see. Emelie laughed and shook her head, trying to stop herself from laughing to say something but failing miserably as she just laughed harder every time she directed her eyes at the three persons smashed together.

Mike entered the room and looked at the four other persons, carefully staying away from Tré and looking at his two other band members as he stood next to Emelie.

“What's going on here?”

“Nothing except pure backstage nonsense really, this'll be so much fun to blog about later,” Emelie giggled, whipping away the tears from her eyes.

“Right, so, want to go out and get some coffee?” Mike asked, stretching out an arm to help Emelie up. The girl nodded and jumped up from the couch, wrapping one arm around Mike's waist and walking out of the room, ignoring the various calls from both Billie Joe and Lou yelling 'get your ass back here and get this fat ass drummer of us!'.

“You do know they're going to probably tackle us later on for skipping out on them right?”

“By then, they probably forgot about it already,” Mike smirked, wrapping his own arm over Emelie's shoulder and crossing the street towards the local Starbucks.

“I wouldn't count on that, knowing Lou,” Emelie said dry, looking at Mike as he ordered two coffee's.

“Well you never know right?”
Walking up to the still empty stage, Emelie and Mike enjoyed their coffee while looking at the crew loading everything out and making sure it was all in place for the concert of that night.

“So, you pretty much scared the shit out of your dad out a few weeks back,” Mike admitted, “he won't stop talking about you being not his little girl anymore.”

“Are you talking about that conversation I had with Andrea somewhere in the beginning of the tour?”

“Yeah,” Mike looked down to his cup of coffee and perhaps a little nervous, not really wanting to ask Emelie about those things.

“Trust me, it's nothing I'm proud of but it's also something dad shouldn't worry about,” Emelie assured Mike, patting on his shoulder before standing up from the stage and walking back towards the dressing rooms. Mike looked at her retreating form and sighed, hoping that Billie Joe would finally stop freaking out about his girl dating.

“Oh and Mike? The boy, don't worry, I hit him square in the face after I realized he was an ass,” Emelie said smirking, looking over her shoulder at Mike who sighed in relief to realize that the girl still hasn't changed that much.

“Wait, you didn't realize he was an ass before you started to date him or whatever you did with him?”

“He didn't act like one of the jocks before that, he acted like he was one of the normal people that just was who he was, until of course he had me and then everything went to the top for him,” Emelie shrugged, halting in her footsteps and waiting for Mike to catch up with him.

“So he used you?”

“Sort of,” Emelie said sadly before cheering up and poking Mike and running away as fast as she could.

“Damn it!” Mike yelled, chuckling and running behind Emelie.

“Hey what's going on?” Billie asked, just opening the door of the dressing room when his daughter came running towards him and quickly hid behind his back, looking next to him to see where Mike was.

“I tagged Mike,” Emelie giggled.

“Oh sheesh, not again!”

“Yeah again, now where is Lou, I need to hook her up,” Emelie nodded, standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips.

“Hook her up with who?”

“Kayleigh, from the merch stand, their babies would be adorable, not that they could get babies but seriously, Lou and Kayleigh are damn beautiful and especially together damn it!”

“Except for the fact they can't have babies,” Billie Joe said, waving his arms in the air to state his point.

“Oh don't rub it in,” Emelie rolled her eyes at her father, “so, have you seen her?”

“She left the room with my shirt on, that's all I know,” Billie Joe pouted, sitting down on the couch and in the mean time, wearing another shirt just to make sure he wouldn't catch a cold.

“I'll go search her later, I'm too lazy to do so now.”

“You lazy bum.”

“Look who's talking old man,” Emelie smirked, laying her head down on Billie Joe's shoulder and closing her eyes.

“I'm not old damn it!”

“You're older than me, you're old,” Emelie pointed out, making Billie Joe stammer in search for words before he sighed and pouted, knowing that she was right.

“Hey there people, how are you all doing today?” Lou asked, entering the dressing room again.

“Hey you, where were you?”

“Getting myself some hot ass,” Lou nodded, winking at Emelie who immediately started laughing out loud and making Billie Joe jump up slightly at the sudden laugh.

“Wow, what did I miss?”

“A lot dad, a lot,” Emelie giggled before standing up and walking over to Lou, giving her cheek a soft kiss and then whispering something in her ear which made Lou giggle.

“Oh hell yeah,” Lou smirked.

“I knew you two would get it on, sheesh, did you take long,” Emelie rolled her eyes.

“Oh shut up,” Lou hit Emelie slightly on the arm before the two girls burst out in another bunch of giggles, making Billie Joe groan.