‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 18

“So, what did you talk about with Tré?”

Lou blushed and whispered something as silent as she could so that Emelie couldn't hear it. Emelie rolled her eyes and hit Lou's arm softly.

“Did he finally get out of his shell and asked you?”

“Fuck yes he did!” Lou jumped up and down excited, “I'm going back to Oakland tomorrow to get the papers and everything in order.”

“So you accepted his proposal?” Emelie asked with her mouth slightly open, “dude, that means I got to get through Tré before I can do stuff with you!”

“Gutted at you!” Tré yelled in Emelie's ear, suddenly appearing behind her.

“Damn you Cool!” Emelie said, trying to tackle Tré but failing miserably when he lifted her up and swung her over his shoulder, prancing around the room.

“Tré, stop raping my daughter please,” Billie Joe said like it was an every day job, his eyes still on the magazine he was reading.

“Make me!” Tré yelled back at the singer, clearly enjoying carrying Emelie over his shoulder even though she was kicking him and punching him with her fists.

“Too lazy,” Billie Joe shot back, not really interested in what Tré was doing.

“Yeah, love you too dad,” Emelie muttered, giving up on trying to hurt Tré so he would put her down and just pouting as he carried her around the room.

“Hey Cool, put her down, you got a meet and greet right now,” Bill Schneider said, entering the room and being followed by two girls. Lou and Emelie took this as a reason to leave the room and so save their ass but they were stopped by the girls who kindly asked them to stay.

“We heard a lot about you Emelie, it'd be such a waste if we couldn't meet you too together with the band,” one of the girls said, smiling sweetly at Emelie who sighed and agreed to stay, moving back towards where the band was sitting and sitting down on Mike's lap instead of her fathers.

“I'm, going to look where Kayleigh is,” Lou said, trying to walk out of the room as silent as she could before running out of the room as fast as she could.

“Wow, she got issues,” Billie muttered, looking at the door that slammed close behind her.

“You got issues,” Emelie muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Hey, that hurt,” Billie Joe said, looking mock hurt before Emelie hit his shoulder.

The two fans stood insecure at the door, wondering if they should say something about the argument but thought it wasn't really their place so they just kept silent. Tré on the other hand, ran over to them and started to talk to them, being his hyperactive self. Emelie giggled at Tré tickling one of the other girls before talking to her friend who seemed rather interested in her and how everything was on tour with Green Day.

“The whole tour is one fucking orgy! That's what it is!”

“Shut up dad,” Emelie muttered darkly, hitting him on the head from her spot on Mike's lap.

“Oh you're just jealous you're not getting some!”

“I'm not the only one then,” Emelie smirked, momentarily forgetting about the fans in the room.

“Okay, that was just too much information.”

“Sorry about that,” Emelie smirked, “what's your name again? I wasn't paying attention earlier, Tré was kind of occupying me.”

“I'm Melissa and the one being thrown around by your father and Tré is my friend Ellen,” Melissa smiled.

“Well be sure you won't be seeing Ellen back the way she was before she entered here,” Mike said, smirking himself before wrapping his arms slightly around Emelie's waist.

“So, what's up between you two? You're like always together,” Melissa said, looking at both Mike and Emelie with an excited smile.

“Nothing, he's my godfather and we're just pretty damn close that's all, why?”

“Rumors are going around that you two are an item,” Melissa said smirking, “so, is it true?”

“Not really no.”

Things carried on like this for the next hour until the Meet and Greet was finally over and Emelie, including the rest of the band could rest for a while, retreating to the bus that was now slightly cramped since it was occupied by 3 adult rock stars and 2 teenage girls.

"Sheesh, meet and greets creep the fuck out of me," Billie Joe sighed, "seriously and what's with the fact that apparently you and Mike are dating?"

"Dad, seriously, get over it, we're not alright? I got the hots for British dudes anyway and as far as I know, Mike isn't British," Emelie said, looking at her nails and frowning before getting some of the dirt from under one of her nails.

"Oh, like Christian Bale?"

"Fuck yeah," Emelie smirked, "now that man can dance."

"Hey, I can dance too," Billie Joe pouted, defending his own dancing.

"Dad, Christian Bale can dance so much better than you," Emelie admitted, looking at Billie who blinked a few times.

"That guy does not have my bum bum," Billie Joe pointed out.

"Sorry BJ, but I don't think you can pull off the tight leather outfit," Lou mentioned.

Pouting, Billie Joe crossed his arms in front of his chest and muttered some things under his breath that neither Emelie or Lou understood, but perhaps that was for the best.

“But seriously, what was up with you and Mike dating?”

“Dad, I only had one boyfriend in my whole life and it wasn't Mike, get over it, and no I won't tell you about him, ask Mike if you want to know,” Emelie said, looking at her father with a smile and hoping that he wouldn't ask about it.

“Oh that guy,” Lou muttered darkly.

“What about him!?” Billie Joe asked, jumping up and looking at the two teenage girls in alarm.

“Nothing dad,” Emelie sighed.

“No I want to know,” the singer insisted.

“Dad, nothing happened alright, me and Lou took care of it already,” Emelie stressed her sentence a little and looked at her father who pursed his lips together and turned his head towards Mike.

“What?” Mike asked, looking up from his nails and looking surprised at the three people surrounding him, where Tré had disappeared to he had no idea.

“What do you know?”

“Only what Emelie told me.”

“What did she tell you then?”

“Ask her,” Mike smirked a little, nodding towards Emelie who rolled her eyes and had to suppress a smile.

“I'm not telling, and no, you won't get it out of me by buying me loads of Starbucks, forget it dad.”

“Well what about you then Lou, care for a cup of Starbucks with little ol' me?”

“Sure Mr. Armstrong,” Lou smirked, remembering how much that he hated when people called him that, made him feel old, he said.

“Lou!” Emelie tapped her foot on the floor and looked at her friend with a confused look on her face.

“Emelie! It's free Starbucks!”

“Just, you know,” Emelie looked at Lou with a smirk on her face before moving towards the bunk area, leaving Lou alone with both Mike and Billie Joe.

“Oh and Lou, no gay dancing outside, you understand me?”

“Damn it!”

“Hey Emelie have you seen my girlfriend?”

“She and that sexy ass went with my father and his white ass to a local Starbucks so my father can bribe her or something, you won't be seeing her back for a long time,” Emelie explained, looking up at Kayleigh from the merchandise she was laying out.

“Oh darn it,” Kayleigh muttered before taking one of the shirts and hanging it up with the price tag safely secured on it so the fans would be able to see it.

“Why you need her?”

“I just miss her,” Kayleigh blushed a little.

“Well I'm sure she'll pop up somewhere,” Emelie shrugged.

“Yeah you're right, hey hand me that shirt will you?”

Emelie threw one of the shirts towards Kayleigh before taking another one, attaching the price tag and hanging it so that it was visible enough for the fans.

“Hey Mike darling! Could you get me a coffee please pretty please?”

“Sure thing honey!” Mike yelled back, chuckling back at Emelie who was leaning over the table and her hands cupped around her mouth to make sure Mike heard you.

“What's up with you and Mike?”

“Oh we're just making sure that by the end of the tour everyone will go to Billie and tell their congratulations on our fake engagement.”

“Wow, I knew that touring with a band like Green Day would be amusing but this tops all!”

“Hey, it's Andrea's idea, my friend back at home, or busy following Creature Feature, I've yet to find out,” Emelie shrugged, smirking at Kayleigh before setting up everything else they would be needing for the busy night ahead.

“Emelie! Darling! I love you!” Lou tackled Emelie from behind, her arms hanging weakly around Emelie's shoulder and her face nuzzling into Emelie's neck. Emelie on the other hand was looking somewhat uncomfortable all of the sudden, perhaps it was the fact that Kayleigh was standing next to her.

“Dad! Did you give her alcohol again!?”

“Only a little bit! She told me she could handle it!”

“Sheesh, you never listen when I say 'don't give Lou alcohol' do you?”
