‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 19

“So, you're leaving now are you?”

“Yeah I am, last night was crazy, I mean, how wasted was I to run on stage and do some kinky shit with Billie Joe?” Lou said, frowning at herself and tossing the last t-shirt in her suitcase, a t-shirt she had probably stolen from one of the band members as an excuse to annoy them again.

“Pretty wasted, I knew it wasn't a good idea for you to go away alone with my father who kept giving you alcohol, but at least now you tried Cheech now,” Emelie shrugged.

“That was bloody Cheech? I'm going to kill that man,” Lou raged a little but was still showing a smile appearing on her lips, letting Emelie know she was only joking.

“How does it feel to know that once you're back in Oakland, you're going to have to sign papers so you're going to be Louise Wright officially?”

“Strange, since you know, it's Tré and Louise Wright sounds so much different than Louise Lamondre,” Lou admitted, sitting down on the bunk behind her and showing her friend a brave smile even though she was afraid of some things herself.

“Why would he want to adopt me in the first place?” Lou asked, putting her head in her hands.

“Because, you are an awesome girl and I've always liked you, I was eventually going to ask you anyway,” Tré shrugged, walking into the bunk area, “oh sorry, did I interrupt a girls in or something?”

“It's okay Tré, we all know how girly you are,” Emelie rolled her eyes at his last remark, smirking a little at him and patting him on the shoulder before leaving the drummer alone with Lou.

“Oooh, I feel a heavy conversation coming up,” Lou said, backing away from Tré a little when he went to sit on the bunk across the one she was sitting on.

“You sure you're okay with me adopting you?”

“Would I have jumped in your arms and yelled 'I love you' if I wasn't?” Lou asked, trying to keep the air around them a little bit lighter than what the conversation was really about.

“Actually a lot of girls tend to do that,” Tré smirked, “but really? Are you okay with it?”

“Listen, Cool, whatever you're thinking, I'm cool with it, no pun intended, I'm sure that once I show my parents the papers to sign them, they're not going to be so cool about it but I can deal with them then, trust me, I want this,” Lou informed Tré before standing up and giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the bunk area, yelling over her shoulder, “after all, redheads should stick together right?”

Tré shook his head at the young girl and briefly asked himself why he got the idea in his head to adopt her, then again, she always had reminded him of himself when he was that age, just with more female qualities.

“Hey Cool, you're up to it? Having that little daredevil in your house?” Billie Joe asked, walking into the bunk area and looking at the drummer who smiled excited at the singer and nodded rapidly.

“I think I can handle her, hell, I'm just not sure if the house will be able to handle both of us,” Tré smirked before almost dancing out of the smaller hallway of the bus. Billie Joe chuckled at Tré before throwing his dark green shirt that he was holding in his hand on his bunk and deciding that he had enough time left for a quick shower.

“So, how much does your head hurt right now?” Emelie asked, sitting down on the couch next to Lou who was sitting crouched with her head in her hands, groaning slightly.

“It's horrible,” Lou groaned, closing her eyes to the bright lights entering the bus from time to time.

“That'll teach you from trying to be like Tré and drink a lot of alcohol in one day,” Emelie pointed out, clearly enjoying the fact that Lou was a little bit hung over.

“Oh shut up,” Lou muttered, rubbing her eyes and trying to blink away the headache following.

“Why should I? I'm having way too much fun,” Emelie smirked, leaning backwards on the couch and wrapping one of her arms around Lou's shoulders. Lou sighed and rubbed her temple, trying to stop the headache from spreading but failing miserably.

“Where is Kayleigh anyway?”

“Somewhere in the bus of the crew, who's driving towards the next venue while we are taking a detour to the airport so I can go home and sign some papers,” Lou explained, sighing sadly as she realized that Kayleigh wasn't with her while she was suffering from a hang over.

“Dad! Stop singing in the shower already!” Emelie yelled towards the bathroom once she heard her father sing an old song she didn't even recognize.

“Hell no!” Billie Joe yelled back from under the shower before singing again, Emelie sighed and looked at a slightly giggling Lou before the girl winced in annoyance at her headache.

“I always heard running is good against a hang over.”

“I can hardly start running around here now can I?” Lou said dry, looking at Emelie like she was crazy.

“No you can't, you'd only make a bigger fool out of yourself,” Emelie sighed.

“Sheesh Billie! Stop singing!” Mike yelled from the back of the bus, probably typing on my computer or trying to contact Brittney to tell her about the tour. Tré on the other hand was snoring peacefully in his bunk, clearly not disturbed by the fact that the lead singer of the band was singing horribly false under the shower, probably to spite the other members of the band and both Lou and Emelie.

“God, how did he get so famous with a voice like that,” Lou muttered, briefly looking at the door of the small bathroom and glaring at it.

“Probably that ass of his.”

“Could be, but I got to admit, Kayleigh got a nicer ass than your father,” Lou raised an eyebrow at Emelie, wondering what her reaction would be to that.

“She does doesn't she?” Emelie smirked at Lou, surprising her with her answer.

“Have you been looking at the ass of my girlfriend darling?” Lou smirked back, looking rather pale in Emelie's opinion. Taking in Lou's latest remark, Emelie had to think about saying next and still coming out rather witty, just like Lou was expecting.

“I don't blame you,” Lou muttered before Emelie could shoot something back at her. Emelie chuckled and shook her head at her friend.

“Hey, what do you think Tré would say if I suddenly come back with my hair lime green?”

“He'd probably call you mini Tré from then on,” Emelie pointed out, remembering Lou that Tré himself once had bright green hair.

“Damn it, what will it take to shock the shit out of that man anyway?” Lou asked.

“Nothing, you just can't scare Tré anymore,” Emelie sighed, “I guess that happens when drummers decide to go to clown college and get prepared on unexpected events that they don't even look up from it anymore.”

“Shit,” Lou pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Damn it Armstrong! Stop singing Avenged Sevenfold on such a bad tone! You're doing it fucking wrong!” Lou yelled towards the bathroom once Billie started singing a song that Emelie didn't recognize immediately.

“Oh shut up Cool!” Billie Joe screamed, already using Cool as Lou's new surname, something that surprised her for a moment before blushing a little.

“He's so ruining a good song,” Lou complained.

“I don't even know it,” Emelie admitted.

“Such a shame,” Lou shook her head at her friend before standing up and trying to keep her balance while walking up to the counter and pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“I need advice.”

“On what?” Emelie asked, wondering what her friend would want to ask her.

“How do you stop the room from spinning?” Lou asked before stumbling back towards the couch and miraculously not spilling any coffee all over herself or the floor.

“Take that Advil Mike laid out for you, it's on the counter,” Emelie nodded towards the pill and the glass of water next to it as Lou sat down again.

“That'll really help?”

“I don't know, I don't get hang overs,” Emelie admitted, “But Mike said it helped so you should try it.”

“But I just sat back down,” Lou whined.

Sighing, Emelie stood up instead of Lou and grabbed the Advil on the counter with the glass of water before handing it to Lou who took the pill with much protest.

“Ugh, I hate pills,” Lou muttered.

“Deal with it Louise,” Emelie said, using Lou's full name, knowing well enough that her friend never liked it when she did but still, sometimes saying Louise instead of Lou made the redheaded girl realize that it was serious business.

“Auch, that hurt,” Lou said, mocking a moment of pain as she placed her hand on her heart.

“Hey, what's going on here?” Mike frowned as he walked into the front of the bus and saw the two teenagers shoot witty remarks at each other.

“Just a battle of who's the wittiest,” Emelie smirked, “but good timing Mike dear, we just arrived at the airport.”

“Yay! Airport!” Tré came in running and hugged Lou who had just stood up from the couch and was still trying to keep her balance as the room kept spinning.

“So glad to get rid of me?” Lou started to fake some tears, just to tease Tré.

“No, but the sooner you get home, the sooner the papers are going to get signed,” Tré said, jumping up and down, clearly excited about the adoption papers getting signed.

“Right,” Lou looked at Tré, a little doubting if she should really sign the papers in the end, knowing that she could probably tease him with that thought for another while.

“Don't even think about it,” Emelie whispered in her ear as the two teenage girls walked off the bus.


About half an hour after their arrival, Lou was checked in and about to go into the tax free area of the airport where she would wait another hour for her plane to arrive. Tré on the other hand, had clearly grown fond of the girl he was about to adopt and refused to let her go, no matter what Mike or Billie Joe said about being late for the concert if they didn't leave. Hanging onto Lou who was slowly trying to get free from Tré's grip on her waist, Tré kept yelling at her not to leave him, not listening to his band members who kept saying they really had to leave and ignoring the strange glances people were shooting at him.

“So, when did you actually decide to adopt Lou?” Emelie asked while sitting backstage with Tré, her father and Mike were still somewhere around the bus or on the stage but Emelie herself was too lazy to go and find them.

“Um, a few years back when she got Billie Joe in such a frenzy because of her clothes,” Tré shrugged, “besides, it feels right I guess.”

“It's just so unexpected, you never said you wanted to adopt before, let alone adopt a teenager,” Emelie said rather dry, “the fans are going to be in a frenzy when they hear about this.”

“In a good way or a bad way?” Tré asked with a frown.

“I don't know, that's the problem,” Emelie admitted.

“Well why don't you tell them already, through your blog thing,” Billie Joe poked his daughter's arm and smiled down to her. Emelie frowned a little and looked down to her hands, perhaps a little unsure about what she should do next.

“Alright,” she sighed, “if I can have your laptop,” Emelie quickly added with a smirk on her lips.

“It's in my bunk, but don't download junk!” he yelled after her, hoping she would listen for once.

Age – 16
Gender – Female
Posts – 18 154

Stealing your father's laptop has it's advantages on tour sometimes, since right now we're still on the bus towards the next venue, which is, somewhere, I forgot to be honest, I'm not that good with remembering dates and places whenever I'm on tour, we got Mike for that.

The reason why I'm suddenly blogging again, since I haven't been doing that for a few days ago is because some of you might have heard the rumor about Tré adopting, Tré getting another kid or whatever. He can't keep his mouth shut about it so it wouldn't surprise me if the whole fan base was already buzzing over it.

Now you probably all wondering if that rumor is true, what Tré actually got in his head to start it and who he is adopting if it's true. Well, it is so let's just skip the dramatics -Billie Joe already did that when he first heard it- and go on with the question “who?”.

For those people that spend too much time on youtube might have already seen the video of Billie Joe and our friend Lou dancing on stage last night, a result of her drinking too much Cheech and other alcoholic drinks (courtesy of Billie Joe Armstrong himself).

Oh hellooo spider, I hate you, get out of my sight. Now back to the question of “Who did Tré Cool adopt?”, right now, nobody yet, by later this evening? A 16-17 year old teenager who is a huge fan of, everything Billie Joe hates basically, except Green Day (part of the reason why Tré adopted her in the first place, so she can help him to annoy Billie).

I can all hear you buzzing right now, being jealous of her and asking yourself why it isn't you he adopted. Some of you might just shrug at the news, not really caring what Tré does in his free time. But this blog is for the people who are actually curious enough to read it all the way to this point where I'm just rambling in the hope they'll get some inside information.

Now you're probably all wondering why Tré Cool would want to adopt a teenager while he already has Ramona and Frankito to take care of. And while I'm typing this, the man himself is reading over my shoulder, basically yelling in my ear “because she's awesome!” but let's just ignore that shall we?

Ramona, who I met several times, great girl, lives more with her mom in New York than in Oakland with her father, she comes over from time to time but not that much, school and other things stop her from doing so and Frankito is still too young to understand the crazy shit his father does so yeah, let's just see it as the fact that Tré wants another daughter he can dote upon and buy her expensive things (in Lou's case, merchandising to freak Billie Joe out).

I think we just arrived at the venue and my dad wants to get the laptop back to see if there isn't any junk on it from the time I've been on it so I'll leave you.


“Had fun blogging?” Billie Joe asked with a smirk as Emelie shut down the window to the blog.

“More fun than your ass can deliver,” Emelie smirked back at him and patted her father on the shoulder before leaving him alone in the bunk area.

During the concert, everything went rather well, the occasional banter between Mike and Billie Joe entertained the fans whenever it was needed and everyone clearly enjoyed it when they started playing some of the older songs, just for old times sake. Emelie stood safely behind the people of the pyro, observing how they arranged the fire for the concert and still trying to take as much pictures of the band as she could. Even from her hidden spot backstage, she could still see some of the fans nod towards the others and then point at her, something that made Emelie smile slightly.

“Hey Em! Phone for you!” one of the crew members yelled at the young girl, holding up Billie Joe's cellphone, Emelie frowned, wondering why her father hadn't turned off the phone and nodded towards the guy, walking up to him and taking the phone from him.

“Yeah?” Emelie held the cellphone between her head and shoulder as she looked at the pictures on the small screen of her camera, “oh hi mom.”

“How is the concert going?”

“We're about half way through why?” Emelie frowned, normally her mother knew when the concert was about to end and only called around that hour instead of half way through, “mom? Is there something wrong?”

“Is there a way you could get Tré on the phone?”

“Well, I could try and get him between some of the songs, dad can keep the crowd busy for a while why?”

“Please do so honey.”

“Alright...hang on then,” Emelie frowned, shielding the phone from the sounds around her as she walked up to one of the crew members and whispered something in his ear. A few minutes later, Tré stumbled backstage, frowning at Emelie and wondering why he was called off stage. Emelie nodded towards the backstage room and gave the cellphone to Tré the moment she realized they were alone.

“Mom wants to talk to you about something,” Emelie shrugged, sitting down on the couch and placing her hands on her lap, wondering what her mother would want to say to the drummer.

“Yeah Adie?” Tré asked frowning as he listened to what Adrienne wanted to tell him. After a few moments of silence, Emelie could clearly see Tré's frown change to a face full of horror before he almost broke down in tears, which only made Emelie wonder what her mother had told him. Before she could ask however, Tré let the cellphone fall on the floor and breaking the connection with Adrienne before he sank down to his knees.

“Lou got in a car crash,” he muttered as Emelie quickly joined him on the floor, looking at him worried as she tried to keep him up with her arms while asking what was wrong. Emelie's heart skipped a few beats as she stopped breathing for almost a minute before finally getting the courage back to speak.


“She,” Tré blinked away tears, “she didn't survive Em, she didn't survive.”