‹ Prequel: Minor Threat

Half Wit

Chapter 2

“Hi guys.” Emelie smiled and hung the white guitar back on the hook so she could give Mike and Tré a hug when they entered the basement. Billie came up from behind them and took the white guitar Emelie had just hung up and plucked the strings, smiling a little at the familiar sound.

“That one is already tuned, I was just playing on it,” Emelie said smiling a little as her dad gave her two thumbs up. “And that bass over there is also tuned, I was bored and it looked like it needed it.” She shrugged slightly, pointing at the bass in the corner before she wrapped her arms around Tré's neck so she could give him a big hug.

The bass was originally Mike's but he had left it here once and never took it back home, saying that it was one to stay in Billie's basement so he could always have one if they randomly decided to practice out of the blue. Mike smiled and picked up the silver with black bass and started to pull the strings, making a familiar dirnt sound.

“Thanks kiddo!” Mike said, ruffling Emelie's hair briefly before the young girl fell backwards so she landed on the couch again. She picked up the book she was reading before dinner and searched the page where she had stopped last time. The basement was one of her favourite places to read, since it was completely sound proof from the rest of the house, and whenever the band decided to practice, she had some additional music to go with her reading – something she totally didn't mind-.

“Oi Billie! I didn't know you allowed your kids to read Middlesex ! How crazy are you really?” Tré asked, catching a glimpse from the book cover as Emelie searched the right page.

“That is some good shit!” Mike nodded towards the book.

“Complicated shit you mean. She tried to explain it to be earlier today but I didn't understand a word she was saying. She and her big words all the time!” Billie rolled his eyes, pouting a little. Emelie chuckled and gave Mike a high-five before she turned her eyes back to the printed words in front of her. Billie shook his head at the two before he started playing the first notes to one of the new songs.

Since it could be rather loud in there, a simple knock on the door wouldn't help to let the boys know someone was at the door. So they had installed this small device that would made sure a red light started to burn whenever someone came in contract with the door. The kids had already learned that it wasn't such a good idea to touch it and then run up the stairs to their room as fast as they could, hoping that their father wouldn't catch them. At least, Jakob and Joey did, Emelie had always knocked and then just joined the band as they practice.

Emelie carefully placed her book on the couch, remembering the page she was at before she walked up the stairs so she could open the door. Poking her head out, she smiled at her mother, who was waiting for the door to open.

“Tell your father to stop making all that noise and to come upstairs already. I baked cookies,” Adrienne said. Emelie smiled brightly and started to nod enthusiastic before she closed the door again and ran down the stairs so she could tell Billie about the news. Adrienne chuckled and shook her head as she walked back to the kitchen.

“Hey guys!” Emelie yelled as loud as she could, trying to top the music, which was nearly impossible. Billie stopped singing for a moment as he saw her wave her arms around like there was some sort of emergency going on.

“What?” He asked once the whole band had stopped playing and was now watching her with interest.

“Mom baked cookies!” Emelie said with a bright smile before she ran up the stairs, trying to reach the kitchen before Billie would. Behind her, she could hear Mike sigh as Billie and Tré had already ran away from their respective instruments to run after Emelie and make sure she wouldn't be the first in the kitchen as she planned.


“So...when are you guys leaving on tour again?” Emelie asked as she sat on the counter in the kitchen. Billie was sitting on the other counter right in front of her so they were facing each other while they both munched on the freshly-baked cookies. Mike was leaning on the counter which she was sitting on while Tré was on the other side with Billie. The bass god was contently sipping from the cup of coffee Emelie had prepared a few minutes ago to go with the cookies.

“The record drops on Monday, meaning we leave that evening to have the record release party on Tuesday evening,” Mike frowned, thinking about it. “Which means late flight and early arrival.” He sighed, rubbing his already tired eyes.

“Mhm, so the record release party is on Tuesday huh?” Emelie asked

“Right!” Mike nodded, ignoring Billie – who had jumped off the counter – and Tré fighting over a cookie on the other side of the kitchen.
“Can I come?” Emelie asked hopeful.

“No, you have school the other day and its too far for you just to come and get back on time for your first lesson on Wednesday,” Billie said, holding Tré down on the ground as he looked at Emelie with a serious face. “And no, your mom won't call you in sick so forget about it,” he said before he turned his eyes back on Tré, “Oi! My cookie!”

“Damnit!” Emelie muttered under her breath, which caused Mike to laugh briefly but he was stopped by Emelie's glare.

“Hey Mike, you think you could teach me bass?” Emelie asked, suddenly dropping the glare and putting on some puppy-dog eyes to try and convince him to say yes. Mike chuckled and nodded towards Billie, who was currently being pushed against the floor by Tré who tried to pry the cookie from his fingers.

“Ask him first okay? Then we can see about that,” he said, taking the last sip from the his coffee and placed the cup on the counter. He walked towards his two fighting band members and pulled Tré off Billie, who gasped for air as Tré' released his hold on Billie's throat. With a small push, Mike made sure the two walked back towards the basement instead of starting to fight again over the cookie which was now laying discarded on the floor.


“Come on, let's call it quits for the day,” Billie yawned slightly as he hung the guitar up on it's respective hook at the wall. Mike and Tré agreed, being tired from the rehearsal and the past few weeks of recording and practicing. Emelie, who had already fallen asleep on the couch an hour earlier slowly woke up herself as she noticed that there was a sudden silence in the room. Mike was sitting on the other side of the couch, almost falling asleep himself while Billie and Tré were trying to stay awake but couldn't hide the yawns.

“Had a nice sleep?” Billie asked as Emelie swung her legs over the side of the couch and leaned with her elbows on her knees so she could place her head in her hands. She looked up as she finally realized that Billie was talking to her and made eye contact.

“Oh yes, always,” she said tiredly, stifling a yawn and causing Mike to smile tiredly at her as his eyes were starting to close.

“She was dreaming about me again! I can see it in her eyes!” Tré said, pointing at Emelie who stood up from the couch and stretched a little, getting the joints out of her body.

“Um...” Emelie said, looking with wide eyes at Tré who was looking at her with a crazy smile. “yeah..whatever you say Tré, but why is it then that you looked like Mike?” Emelie smirked, causing Tré's smile to fall from his face.

Mike started to laugh at the drummer's reaction as he had woken up at the mentioning of his name. Billie looked between the two band members and his daughter and smiled before yawning again.

“Shouldn't you go to bed? It's like..” Billie paused, looking on his watch to see how late it was. “12 am already.”

Emelie shrugged, sitting back down on the couch and leaning back so she was about to slid out of it. Mike copied her position and closed his eyes again, crossing his arms in front of his chest so he could be more comfortable. Tré looked from Emelie to Mike and then back again, blinking a couple of times and wondering what was going on.

“Shouldn't you?” Emelie asked, looking at Billie who was about to fall asleep. Billie frowned and got up from the couch at the same time as Tré, the two of them looked at each other for a moment and then just shook their heads at the same time.

“Come on, I'll let you out. Emelie, wake up Mike will ya?” Billie nodded towards a sleeping Mike on the other side of the couch. Emelie yawned and nodded, watching her father walk up the stairs with a sleep-walking Tré behind him. Emelie stood up from the couch and yawned again, looking at a sleeping Mike before she smiled and ran up the stairs, grabbed one of the blankets that covered the couch in the living room and ran back downstairs.

Deciding she could use some more sleep too and that her room was currently to far away – and the running up and down the stairs a minute ago had tired her out even more – just made her decide to crawl next to Mike. She placed her head on his shoulder and covered both of them with the blanket she had gotten from upstairs before she closed her eyes and dozed off to sleep.

Billie walked back towards the basement, seeing that the door was still open for a small bit. He pushed the door open and looked down, seeing that Mike and Emelie were still downstairs. Billie sat down on the top of the stairs and looked at the two.

“I thought I told you to wake him up,” Billie Joe said, clearly more to himself than to Emelie and Mike, who were sleeping peacefully next to each other, completely ignorant to the fact that Billie was in the room. Billie Joe sighed and shook his head, deciding to let them sleep.

Mike shifted slightly in his sleep and wrapped one arm over Emelie's shoulders to pull her closer to his body, to which Emelie responded and snuggled closer, resting her head on his chest. A small smile crept on Billie's lips before he decided to stand up and leave the room as silent as he could, not forgetting to close the door behind him after he turned off the light.

“Kids these days, seriously,” Billie Joe muttered in a low voice as he shook his head and made his way up the stairs towards the first floor, where the main bedrooms were located. His sleep-deprived mind was only on one thing at that moment and that was to crawl in his warm, comfortable bed next to Adrienne and wrap his arms around her waist as he slept.

If Mike and Emelie preferred to sleep on the couch, so be it, he thought as he crawled under the blankets and got closer to his wife, who was already sleeping soundly, not knowing that Billie only joined her two hours later.


Emelie opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times as they adjusted to the darkness surrounding her. She yawned a little and laid back down, trying to catch some more sleep before being forced out of bed by either one of her brothers or her father, the former more likely than the latter. Of course, this was before her mind realized that there was a pair of strong arms surrounding her waist and that there was the small detail of her laying on top of Mike Dirnt.

A small smile crept up her lips as she realized that she was actually, rather comfortable. But even though she was enjoying the fact of being comfortable, she still wanted to get up and stretch a little, as she was wide awake now after the latest revelation. Trying to worm her way out of his grip seemed useless as Mike clearly had a firm hold on her tiny, slim waist.

The 16-year old girl sighed and gave up, knowing that it wasn't any use of trying to get out of Mike's grip if he was asleep anyway. She carefully placed her head back on his chest, listening to his repeated heartbeat. She kept her eyes open, even though she couldn't see a lot, the darkness was slowly lifting as the early sunlight crept through the small window at the other side of the room, letting Emelie know that it was still in the early morning and that she shouldn't even be awake at this hour, after all, it was Saturday for goodness sake!

Her eyes looked at the several tattoo's covering Mike's arms, or at least, the ones she could see from the angle she was laying. His arms were rather muscled from the continued bass playing, something Emelie hoped would pass her once she started to pick up bass, or at least, for a part. She could see every small inch of the tattoo's in detail, the different colours, the ink printed in his skin, even some small scars -which he probably received those from either fighting with Billie or Tré, or from his childhood, the former being more likely- that were now only visible as a small pink spot on his arm.

“Hey guys! You up already?” Billie's voice ran from on top of the stairs. He looked rather scruffy, his dark hair tousled as he had just woken up. It looked like it could use a good trim, being brushed or even a combination of the two, in Emelie's honest opinion.

Even though she rather liked the long hair on him. His green eyes were already surrounded by a thick line of black eye-liner, a small attempt to distract the attention from the huge bags under his eyes. In his hand was a white cup, which had the text “#1 DAD” printed on in big red letters, a fathers day gift from Emelie two years ago.

“You still alive down here?” Billie asked again as he reached the bottom of the stairs, his eyes looked at Emelie, who was half asleep, and Mike, who still had his firm grip on the 16-year old girl's waist.

“Hey Dirnt!” Billie yelled, causing Emelie to jump up slightly at the sudden noise before she groaned and buried her face in the crook of Mike's neck. However, no matter how loud Billie mightve yelled, Mike didn't move an inch from his current sleeping position.

Billie Joe sighed and shook his head, pursing his lips together in disagreement. He walked closer and poked Mike's arm, which briefly let go of Emelie to slap Billie in the face and then just take in its former position. Emelie looked up at her father and bit her lip, trying to keep in the laughter as Billie looked rather confused at the movement the bassist made in his sleep.

“Oi! Pritchard!” Billie yelled, this time somewhat louder and closer to Mike's ear. Mike, being interrupted from his beauty sleep as Tré called it, shot up and let go of his grip on Emelie's waist, causing her to roll of him and fall on the floor. Billie looked at the two and couldn't help but laugh at the sudden reaction coming from the bassist.

“Mike!” Emelie whined slightly as she sat on the floor, rubbing her butt while looking at the bassist who was looking around the room aimlessly. Mike shook his head quickly to get the sleep out of his system before he rubbed his tired eyes and looked down at Emelie still sitting on the floor.

“What are you doing on the floor?” Mike asked, frowning as he swung his legs over the side of the couch and placed his head in his hands for a moment before he looked up at Billie, who had chosen to sit down on one of the steps of the stairs while waiting for Emelie and Mike to notice him.

“I fell of the couch, thanks to you might I add,” Emelie said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouting, looking the other way as she tried to ignore Mike. The older man raised an eyebrow at her and then made eye contact with Billie, who shrugged at him before he took another sip from his coffee.

“Oh, then why don't you get up from the floor then?” Mike asked curious as Emelie leaned against the couch behind her and still chose not to face the bass player. She frowned, cocking her head to the side and thought about it for a moment, her eyes being fixated on the carpeted floor.

“I don't know," she shrugged, still looking at the same spot on the carpet.

“There's a spot on the carpet there,” Emelie said, pointing at a small spot on the carpet. Mike chuckled and shook his head, standing up from the couch and giving Emelie a hand, which she gladly took before he pulled her up from the floor.

“Oh finally, took you long enough,” Emelie rolled her eyes. Billie chuckled and shook his head at his daughter before he stood up and walked up the stairs, his cup of coffee still in his hand as he decided to leave Mike and Emelie alone again.

“Hey Billie! Is there any good coffee here or do we have to go to the Starbucks in town?” Mike asked just before Billie walked out of the room, Billie halted in the door frame, looking over his shoulder at Mike and shrugged.

“Whatever man, you've always liked the coffee I made, so why drive to the town to get some Starbucks and pay for it if you can get some free coffee here?”

Mike thought about it for a moment before he nodded and walked up the stairs with Emelie following. Any mentioning of coffee was worth to follow Mike and Billie Joe around the house, knowing that these two were just addicted to coffee in the morning. Something she had taken over ever since Billie had given her a cup of coffee instead of chocolate milk when she was younger.

Adrienne was already sitting at the counter in the kitchen with Joey, who was slowly eating form his cup of cereal as he watched his father, sister and Mike Dirnt enter the kitchen all at once, his sister still being in the same clothes as yesterday and looking like she had just woken up. He frowned a little at the fact that Mike looked like he had also just woken up, which was something unusual for the bass player whenever he was over at their house.

Billie Joe gave Adrienne a quick peck on the cheek before he stole the coffee can from under her nose and refilled his cup while Emelie took out two more cups, one for her and one for Mike, giving them to her father so he could fill them with the fresh coffee.

“Had a good sleep guys?” Adrienne smiled, looking at Emelie who looked like she was about to fall asleep again on the table if she wasn't holding a cup of coffee. Mike yawned a little and nodded, going through his hair with his fingers to sort off comb it so it would at least look a little more decent. Joey drank up the remains of the milk in his cup and carefully placed it in the sink before he gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs to his room. Emelie giggled a little and shook her head as she held her cup of coffee with two hands and took a sip from it.

“Oh yes...until dad was so smart to yell in Mike's ear, causing him to sit right up and me falling on the floor because of that,” Emelie said, rolling her eyes slightly and pouting as Mike and and Billie were grinning widely. Adrienne chuckled and shook her head, placing her empty cup of coffee on the table before she started to clean it up a little.

“You shouldve seen them sleep Adrienne, so adorable !” Billie gushed as he looked with wide open eyes at his wife and a big grin playing on his lips. Adrienne grinned herself and looked at Billie for a moment before she yawned a little and gave him a kiss on the top of his head.

“I'm going to take a shower, by the time I get back, I want you to be fully dressed mister! You're coming with me for the groceries!” Adrienne said as she pointed at Billie's pyjama pants and bare chest. Billie smirked at his wife briefly as she walked out of the kitchen.

“But you like me like this! Don't deny it!” He yelled after her.

“Just get dressed! You're still coming!” Adrienne yelled as she walked up the stairs. Billie Joe pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest, muttering some curse words under his breath. Emelie chuckled and sipped from her coffee again.

“Looks like you have something to do after all.” Mike commented, yawning a little before he drank from his cup again. Emelie giggled slightly and yawned herself, deciding to take some of the same cereal Joey was eating before she entered the room.


“But Adrienne! I don't want to go grocery shopping!” Billie whined as Adrienne held out his coat and waited for him to take it from her and put it on. She raised an eyebrow at him and threw the coat in his arms before he could protest.

“You're still coming, as you said last night, you don't have to do anything else anyway so why don't you make yourself useful for the time being?” She said, putting on her own coat as she looked at Billie, who grumbled and eventually put on his coat anyway since there was no point arguing with his wife on this matter.

Mike, sitting in the living room on one of the couches, rolled his eyes as Billie quickly ran in the room, whispering “save me” before he ran off again. Emelie giggled slightly and then returned her eyes back to her book, which was apparently very interesting as she couldn't stop reading.

“Seriously, are you ever going to stop reading?” Mike asked, looking at Emelie, who blushed slightly at the fact that she just couldn't. She shook her head and made brief eye contact with Mike before she continued reading.

“To exciting, can't stop,” she said quickly, smiling a little as she read the next few lines in the book. All of the sudden, Joey ran in the room, looking around frantically as he searched for something, or someone, whichever it was.

“Have you seen dad?” he asked Mike and Emelie, who were both looking at him with a raised eyebrow as he looked rather nervous. Emelie nodded briefly and looked confused at her younger brother.

“He's gone with Adrienne for grocery shopping, against his will but still, she managed to convince him one way or another,” Mike shrugged before he walked out of the room with his empty cup of coffee. Joey cursed and pouted a little before he sighed and sat down on the couch that Mike was occupying moment earlier.

“Why? You need him for something or what?” Emelie asked, placing a small piece of paper between her book and closed it, placing it next to her.

“No just...never mind,” Joey sighed before he rubbed his face with his hands and then the back of his neck. Emelie looked at Joey, perhaps a little worried, she didn't know.

“Any idea on when he might get back?” Joey asked hopefully. Emelie pressed her lips against each other and shook her head.

“You never know when they get back if mom goes grocery shopping,” she rolled her eyes slightly as she smiled a little. “You sure you don't want to tell me why you need dad?” she asked again. Joey nodded and stood up from the couch again, walking out the living room again just as Mike entered it with a acoustic guitar in his hand. Emelie smiled a little at him as he sat back on the couch he previously occupied and started to play some small guitar parts he still remembered from when he was younger.

“I need coffee,” Emelie muttered silently before she walked out of the room, rubbing her tired eyes. She was bored, it was that simple, there was just nothing to do around the house on a Saturday morning. It was only 10 AM, late enough to be up but early enough to be bored.

Emelie sighed and filled her cup with some fresh coffee and let it cool off while she walked back to the living room. Deciding to stop reading for a while, she turned on the TV and immediately putted it on MTV, which was the main music channel that was played here in the Armstrong home. She groaned as another rap-song came on and quickly changed the channel, happy to know that they were still showing cartoons at this hour in the morning.

Mike playing guitar on the background and the cartoons on TV made a strange mixture of sounds, causing Emelie to sigh and eventually turn the TV back off, realizing that she had already seen the episodes they were airing. The young girl shot up from her position on the couch -which had been rather comfortable but the fact that her cellphone was in her back pocket made her sit up anyway-. Her hand grabbed the cellphone and opened it before she laid back down and said a quick 'hi' to whoever it was on the phone.

“Oh hi Andrea,” Emelie said in the phone, Mike stopped playing, looking up from the guitar and waiting for Emelie to say something again. She sat up and looked around the room, facing him for a brief second and shooting him a small smirk before she laid back down on the couch.

“No he isn't here. Mike is however...” she said in the phone to the person called 'Andrea', which was all that Mike knew at the moment “No..Andrea, I know he looks hot but -” Emelie was cut off by the other girl. Mike's eyes widened slightly as he raised an eyebrow at Billie Joe's daughter talking about him on the phone.

“He's dating for crying out loud!” Emelie said, frowning and looking rather disturbed. Mike sighed in relief a little and leaned back on the couch, eavesdropping a little bit but he was sure Emelie didn't mind. If she did, she would leave the room, wouldn't she?

“No Andrea, I don't think he'll be interested in you..” Emelie said, stifling a giggle as she made eye contact with Mike, who looked rather shocked at the conversation she was having. “Especially not when you're wearing that outfit.” Emelie chuckled, thinking of Andrea wearing a certain outfit and then standing in front of Mike.

“He's old enough to be your dad! Yeah I know he's hot and stuff but seriously!” Emelie whined a little, sighing and throwing her head back as she listened to Andrea talk on the phone.

“Yes, I'll tell my dad..who I look nothing alike, yes I know..don't worry I'll tell him that you want to meet him..again!” Emelie rolled her eyes and looked at Mike, shaking her head slightly with a small smile playing on her pink lips.

“As long as you don't over analyse him like you over analyse me, I'm fine with it. What? No, he would just be freaked out just like Mike here sitting in front of me as we talk about him being hot and all of that,” Emelie said, standing up from the couch. “Yeah..I told you he was here! Uhu, whatever, see you in a few!” Emelie closed the phone and took a deep breath, shaking her head a little at her friend before she pocketed the cellphone again and faced Mike, who was looking rather shocked at her with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly hanging open.

“I guess you overheard us right?” Emelie blushed a little and rubbed the back of her neck, looking uncomfortable at Mike and directing her eyes to the floor.

“I'll pretend like I never heard it. Even though it freaks me out,” Mike said, winking at Emelie. She showed him a small smile and nodded.

“Can I help it if she thinks you're 'hot stuff',” she said, using her hands to put some quotation marks in the air as she said the last bit. Mike smiled and shook his head before he turned his attention back at the guitar on his lap. Emelie chuckled slightly as she saw how Mike was trying to act as normal as he could while he was completely freaked out by the phone call.

She shook her head slightly and looked at her cup of coffee, which was already empty in the short time she had spend in the living room. She shrugged and took the empty cup with her as she walked towards the kitchen and filled it with water a little to get the coffee stains out of it before she went up the stairs and to her room.

Looking in her closet, Emelie sighed and rolled her eyes at the many clothes she had with the 'Adeline' name printed across them one way or another. She grabbed one of her black pants that came until her knees and a black-shirt with a sleeveless vest to go over it. She smiled and hoped that a shower would freshen up her mind.


“You know, your sense of clothing really resembles your fathers. Just with a female touch,” Mike said as Emelie walked in the living room again, her hair was still damp from the shower as she ran a comb through it. She raised an eyebrow at him before he pointed at her black and white striped socks under her pants and some black Converse All Stars to complete the look. Emelie smirked and winked at him as she placed the comb down on the coffee table and run her fingers through her hair so make it fall into place.

“They're his socks by the way. I just sorta borrowed them without permission. Admit it, they look much better on me anyway,” Emelie said, looking at the socks that adored her feet. Mike chuckled and nodded before he plucked another string on the guitar. Emelie nodded in agreement and looked in the mirror above the fire place to see if her hair was in the right place before she smiled and grabbed her make-up out of her back-pocket (which she had taken with her downstairs because the mirror in the living room is a so much better place to put your make-up on anyway).

Mike watched her for a moment as she applied her red eye shadow before she put on a thick layer of eye liner to complete the look. Emelie smiled at herself and nodded before she put the make-up back in her back pocket, knowing that she would loose it to her father if she let it lay there.

“How do I look?” she asked, turning to Mike.
“Why ask me?” Mike asked back, frowning before placed the guitar next to him and looking at Emelie.

“Because you're the only one who has some sense of fashion here,” Emelie said, rolling her eyes and raising an eyebrow at Mike as she waited for his response.

“You look pretty," he said with a smile. Emelie shot him an equal smile back before she ran out of the room when the doorbell rang. Mike sighed and shook his head, muttering some things under her breath as he picked up the acoustic guitar and brought it back towards the basement. Billie would freak out if one of his guitars had suddenly disappeared or misplaced.

Mike gladly saved Adrienne the trouble of trying to make it clear to Billie that it the guitar would be alright and that it was just laying on the couch in the living room. He heard Emelie talk in the hallway with one of her friends, of which he didn't recognize the voice immediately. Then again, Mike wasn't such a big genius on recognizing voices of people he had never met before.

“Hey Mike!” Emelie called down to the basement where Mike was in deep thoughts as he stood in the middle of the room with the guitar in his hands. He shook his head out of his daydreaming and looked up the stairs to face Emelie.”

“Tré called and said you had to meet up with him and Ramona at 4 PM at his house. And you had to bring Estelle if you could,” Emelie informed him. Mike thought about it for a moment before he nodded and placed the guitar back where he had found it.

“I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me okay? Dad should be home in half an hour or so. He already send me a text message saying 'save me!',” she giggled as she she told Mike about it. Mike shook his head and laughed a little himself before Emelie turned her back on him and told her friend to follow her upstairs.

“I still think Spiderman is better,” he heard her friend say before he chuckled and took out his cellphone to call Tré back for more information about their afternoon plans. And to send a text message to Billie to tease him with the fact that he was about to drink coffee and that the lead singer was still stuck in the super market with his wife.
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