Love Is Not Dead

Love is not dead chapter 16

“what happened ?” I asked them
“relax lee we just went to a street fight that’s all” snake said like it was nothing
“why ?” I asked
“for something to do” sky told me
“alright so who won ?” I asked
“well it was teams so we were all in a team together” matt said
“so the three best fighter in a team … so the other teams had no chance” I smirked
That made the guys laugh . I walked over to the sofa and sat beside matt .
“so lee how was your date ?” snake asked
Snake looked jealous and angry at the same time .
“it was amazing” I smiled
“what did you do ?” matt asked
“we went to the movies , out for dinner then went to the park” I smiled
“that sounds fun” matt said
“it was I don’t know why you guys were so worried” I told them
“lee if you now what we know you would have been worried too” sky said
“then tell me” I whined
“no it’s for your own good lee” snake said angry
I just rolled my eyes at him . We all hung out for a while but then I got tired so I went to bed I feel asleep straight away .
(lee’s dream)
I was lying on my bed no more than 8 years old with someone pinning me down
“no , no , no ,no , no , no I shouted scared
The person had something in they had something shinny in they’re hand .
“stop , stop please stop” I shouted loudly
(end of dream)
I sat up quickly on my bed while screaming . My door swung open and matt ran in and put me in his arms holding me tight . I was shaking and sweat was poring off me . I was so scared I’ve never had a dream like that before .
“lee what’s wrong ?” matt asked worried
“I had a bad dream” I told him
I couldn’t stop shaking .
“what was it about ?” he asked
“someone was pinning me to my bed and they had something shinny in they’re hand” I told him
“don’t worry it was just a bad dream , dreams can’t hurt you lee” matt comfort me
“I know but I’m scared” I told him
Stile scared as hell .
“it’s okay lee I’m here” matt said
“matt can you sleep with me I’m really scared” I told him
“okay lee move over” matt said
So I did I moved over and matt climbed in beside me . Matt wrapped my arms around me so I feel asleep . The next day I wake up but matt wasn’t beside me so I walked down the stairs . I heard talking coming from the kitchen . I sat on the bottom step listening to what they said
“I think she’s starting to remember she has a bad dream about a guy that had something shinny in there hand” matt said
“I know we want her to remember but I don’t want her to remember that” a male voice said
I’ve heard that voice before it was snake .
“me too man she doesn’t need to know that we’ll just have to try and help her forget like tell her other stuff from when she was a kid” a different male voice said
I’ve heard that voice as well it’s sky .
“I wonder what they are doing here so early” I thought to myself
There was only one way to find out so I stood up and walked in to the kitchen . Snake looked at me and smiled .
“morning lee” he smiled
Sky and matt looked at me
“morning guys what are you two going here so early ?” I asked
“why don’t you want to see us ?” sky asked pretending to be hurt
“of course I do I was just asking” I told him
“we came to see if you were okay I need matt running in to your bed room last night and hugging you while you cried so I called sky and we both got worried so we came to make sure you were alright” snake told me
I could tell he was lying to me but I didn’t want to push my luck . Plus I know he wouldn’t tell me the truth anyways .
“thanks I’m fine I just had a bad dream” I told them
“yeah matt said but lee don’t worry dreams can’t hurt you” sky told me
“I know thanks guys for caring” I smiled
I then sat at the table in between snake and matt .
“of course we care we’re your best friends lee” snake smiled
I just smiled at them .
“coffee lee ?” matt asked
Then standing up and heading to the kettle he wasn’t expecting me to answer cause he know the answer to it so he made me and they guys a cup of coffee then handed them out and sat back down at the table .
“so what’s can we do to day after school ?” sky asked
“we can go to a fight” snake shrugged
“lee wouldn’t want that” matt said
“yeah I would I’ve never seen you guys fight before I only go by what people tell me” I told them
“okay we’ll go to a fight to night” snake smiled
We all sat there drinking coffee then I got ready for school . Once I was done me and sky left for school . Snake was stile not aloud for another two weeks so snake stayed with matt and sky gave me a lift to school . Me and sky meet up with Trent at school . School when on like it normally did . At the end of school we all went to my house were snake and matt was then we all left and went to an old under ground train station there was a lot of guys down there with some girl but the girl were dressed like whore . I felt kind of out of place but I really wanted to see them fight . The guys signed in then walked over to were everyone was gathered around shout at two different gangs of people fighting .
“are these gang ones ?” I asked
“yeah me and the guys throw it would be a better plan if we did it together or we would end up fighting each other” snake told me
“but to guys were always doing it on your own what chanced ?” I asked them
“yeah we did lee what then a while ago you ask us if we would fight together cause you didn’t want us to fight each other anymore” sky told me
“when did I ask that ?” I asked
“when you were 13” matt answered
“alright sorry I forgot” I blushed
“don’t worry about it lee” they all said at the same time
A guy walked up to the guys .
“you guys are on next” the man said
The guys nodded they’re head then the went closer to the circle of people . Trent stayed with me he halt on to my hand and pulled me throw the crowd of people so I could see the guys better . The same guy as before got in circle when the two gangs finished fighting .
“okay everyone this is what you all have been waiting for it it’s devils children vs. the haters” the man shouted
While the guy said devils children matt , snake and sky stepped in to the circle then when the man said the haters 3 different guys stepped in to the circle .
That made the crowd go wild .
“come on devils children” the crowd of people shouted happily .
“the fight starts ……………………. NOW” the guys shouted
Then got out of the circle and they all ran for each other . The guys were amazing they punch the guys to the ground and kick them , smacked they’re heads of the floor and everything . They’re was a lot of blood coming out of them and the other guys punched matt , snake and sky sometimes but it was nothing compared to what they were dong to them . I grabbed a hole of Trent’s hand every time they guys got punched or kicked . I was kind of scared for them but I did want to see them fight . They moved really fast it was so amazing seeing them fight but then another five guys jumped in to the circle and started helping the other guys so matt , snake and sky was out numbered . The other guys started kicking and punching the guys to the ground .
“that is not fare at all” Trent said
The guy that tells you who was fighting next tried to get the other guys out of the circle but it was no good . I started getting really scared for the guys know . It didn’t matter what anyone said to the guys the extra guys wouldn’t come out of the circle .
“f**k this” Trent said out loud
Trent let go of my hand then pulled off his jacket and handed it to me.
“don’t worry lee” he smiled
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hi everyone i would stile love to know how your favourit chaerter is and why ? and what you think of the new charter Trent it would help me so much thank you :)
i hop you liked chapter 16 i'll work on chaoter 17 soon