Mindless Deception

Left Behind

I don't know where you're going, or when you're coming home. I left the keys under the mat to our front door for one more chance to hold you close. I don't know where you're going, just get your ass back home.

Iacon's Hall of Records seemed empty without Optimus's presence. The whirring and clicking of the gargantuan computer got on Roulette's nerves as she roamed the building.

"Left behind again." she thought. "How does he expect me to prove myself if I'm constantly stuck in this library?"

The war for her home planet had started a few years after she emerged from the Well of All-Sparks. She had started training at the Cybertronian Elite Guard Academy when the bases cleared out to choose sides. Most of Roulette's comrades sided with the Autobot affiliation, (aside from a select few) as did she. She didn't have a fondness for politics, but still had a sense of right and wrong. Because of her age, Optimus refused to let her fight, but instead continue her training under his watch whenever the war had cease fire. But lately, Optimus was never around. She found comfort in speaking to one her old friends from the Academy, (now a scout) Bumblebee. He left a few weeks before the bases cleared out, and Roulette wasn't sure why, but in the short time she knew this spunky bot, she had taken a liking to him. He was currently on watch on the next floor.

She made her way towards the elevator and pushed the button. The doors slid open and made Roulette jump backwards.

Bumblebee was already in the elevator.

"Bee! What the slag, you glitch head!?" she yelled as she punched him in the shoulder.

All the yellow bot could do was laugh. "Ha! Haha- you should have- hahaha!- have seen your face!"

After a nanoklik of standing there with a seldom face, she managed a laugh. "I was just on my way to see you."

"Nah. Prowl relieved me early. He was convinced I'd screw something up if I stayed much longer." He replied casually.

Bee stepped out of the elevator and started walking around with Roulette. He was about 10 feet taller than her, but only a few years older. She saw him as an older brother.

"What do you do on watch duty anyways?" Roulette asked.

"Eh. Pretty much? Just sit there and fiddle with stuff til the next bot shows up. Its crazy boring."

"Hmm. Better than walking around I suppose. I was surprised Optimus didn't take you with him this time."

Bee stopped to laugh. "Ha! After that last stunt I pulled in the field? I'm stuck in the Hall for a while."

She was confused. Nobody told her what happened. "What did you do?"

"You don't know? I blew a hole in one of our ships." He said with a vacant expression.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

He sat on one of the monitor desks. "Yeah. Got caught in the heat of the moment. Didn't realize it was one of our ships til after it was down and the pilot was rescued."

Roulette couldn't believe he was acting like it was nothing.

"Glitch head." she mumbled.

He turned his head and grinned. "What was that?"

She played along and said with a wink, "Oh...nothing."

A blue glow of a notice popped up on the main behind them. It was probably a status update from battle that the Grid was recording. Bumblebee walked over to the keyboard.

"What's going on?" Roulette asked as she followed him.

He frowned. "It's Prime. They aren't doing so hot out there. He's calling in for backup. Me, Prowl, and Sideswipe gotta split."

This wasn't the news she wanted to hear. This meant Roulette would be in the Hall alone. Again.

"He doesn't want me out there by any chance, does he?" She asked hopefully.

Bee turned around and patted her on the shoulder. "Not on your life."

"Aw, c'mon! You know I could take them."

"I also know that you can't. Optimus Prime's direct orders. Can't risk loosing the last piece of Cybertron." He teased.

Bee ran off to find the bots and head out, leaving Roulette standing on her own. She looked down and kicked the desk out of frustration. When she looked up, the cerulean warning still lit up the screen.

"One day..." she thought. "I'll show them what I'm made of."
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It's taken forever, but it was worth the effort. Rate and comment!
Lyrics: Ass Back Home, Gym Class Heroes