‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

One: A rainy day

Where light exists, darkness always seems there…
More than ready to engulf it in its empty black portal of endless darkness…

I sat in a chair near the window in the living room painting. It was raining, and I couldn’t help but to stare out at it and to enjoy the soothing sound as I painted with my brush in slow strokes.

I looked to the right to see Kari lying on the couch peacefully sleeping. Her skin so white, her black hair seemed to cascade down, and her arms were bent on each side with her palms facing up as she peacefully slept. If she were awake, you’d see her pure light blue eyes. She’s so beautiful, that it’s as if she were a goddess. I’ve painted Kari before, quite a few times actually. It’s difficult to resist the urge for me to paint her when she’s like this.

It’s funny how I didn’t even hear her come into the house. I tend to always be so into what I’m painting that all my senses just focus on this one thing.

I couldn’t help but to smile. I guess this is just what happens when you’re passionate about something…

When I heard the door shoot wide open, I knew he was home.

He walked over and looked into my blue eyes with his.

“Jayden.” He said to me.

“Ren.” I said back to him.

That’s how we greet each other; that is if we feel like even bothering to greet the other…

Ren had on his black skinny jeans with his tight red colored band shirt. Today he didn’t even bother to wear a jacket despite the fact it was raining this morning when he walked out. He was soaking wet from the rain, and he didn’t even bother to take his wet black converse off.

He turned to Kari after greeting me and pushed a piece of her black hair from her face. He then smiled as he looked down at her with the most loving eyes. Those loving eyes I’m witnessing right now, are only loving towards Kari. No one else has ever gotten the honor of having those loving eyes meant for them.

It’s been this way ever since we were young. Ren and I are half brothers; we have the same Dad but different Moms. Kari isn’t related to us by blood, but she’s been with us ever since we were two, I think. We were never told she was our sister, and somehow we knew she wasn’t our sister. Even though we weren’t told until we were ten that she wasn’t. When we were told though, for clarification, I was surprised but I knew it, and Ren, well Ren didn’t treat her any different. Heck, Ren didn’t even have a reaction to being told. People always assumed she was our sister because she lives with us. I think it’s just ignorant of them to do so. If you don’t know something, then you have no right to assume, that’s what I believe.

Ren grabbed my jacket and wiped his hands on it and his face.

“…And you couldn’t have found a towel because…?” I said to him in an annoyed voice.

He grinned, “Because your ugly ass jacket happened to already be right there.” said Ren.

I flipped him off and he just chuckled.

He grabbed his sketch book from under the couch and sat on the floor next to Kari as he flipped it open. He didn’t even bother to change clothes or to dry off the rest of his body. Doesn’t he know he’ll catch a cold if he doesn’t? Sometimes I think he does it on purpose.

Kari turned over to her side, her eyes opened and she rubbed them.

“Good evening, sleepy face.” said Ren to Kari.

She looked at him and frowned. She reached her arm out slowly and pushed some of his black wet hair away from his face.

“Why are you all wet?” asked Kari.

“It rained. “said Ren.

“Well no shit. I mean why didn’t you change?” said Kari.

“To lazy.” He said and yawned.

I swear- he totally does this on purpose. Whenever it rains, Kari takes a nap on the couch. Almost every single time he’s pretended to forget his jacket, and then comes home soaking wet and just sits next to Kari on the ground. There is a perfectly good couch right across from Kari that he can sit on. But no, you know what he does? He stays wet and decides to sit right there until she wakes. Do you know what she does when she sees him like this? Watch.

Kari rolled her eyes and sat up.

She grabbed the sketch book from him. No one gets to grab that sketch book from his hands unless it’s Kari. Trust me, his ex-girlfriend tried taking it from him to talk to him, and he shoved her down.

Kari then set the sketch book down beside her and began to pull his shirt up.

As the shirt was just about over his head, I saw a big smile on his face as it came off.

That asshole is totally doing this shit on purpose! I know it! He purposely get’s all wet when it rains so Kari freaking gets all worried about him! It pisses me off.

Kari then set the shirt down, and then she pointed down at his pants.

He grinned at her and said, “Take them off for me.”

Kari just rolled her eyes and reached her hands down. The moment she did, he pulled her down to the ground and pinned her hands over her head with one of his hands and started tickling her with the other.

“Stop it Ren!” she yelled as she laughed trying to break free.

Kari is only five foot two, and her body frame is small, so it’s really easy for Ren and I, or any guy to just grab both her wrists and pin them over her head with one hand. We both are after all six feet tall…

She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him down so he couldn’t tickle her as much if his body was on hers.

You could tell he was thoroughly enjoying it though.

When he finally stopped she glared at him.

He smiled at her when she did.

“You got me wet with your damn pants!” said Kari in a pouty voice.

Ren just laughed and put his arm over her.

“I saw you hanging out with that one Asian guy today. I’ve never seen him before, is he knew to the school?” I asked deciding to butt in on Ren’s fun.

“Hey, I’m Asian too you know.” said Kari.

“Yeah half.” said Ren ignoring the fact that I joined in.

“So? I’m still Asian. I’m half white and half Asian.” said Kari.

“I don’t know how you got so lucky in having a Dad that was one hundred percent white and a Mom who was one hundred percent Asian. What was she, Korean?” I asked.

“What’s lucky about it?” asked Kari.

“Well, people who are lucky enough to be half white and half Asian tend to be highly attractive.” I said.

“Awe, Jayden, you think I’m sexy. Don’t you?” said Kari grinning big.

I looked over at Ren to see him glaring at me.

“I’m just stating a fact. People who are lucky enough to be only half white and half Asian tend to be really attractive!” I said in a frustrated voice.

“Suuuure.” said Kari in a teasing tone

Ren wrapped his arms around Kari tighter and yawned tiredly as if saying he was bored with this conversation.

“Go change.” She said to him.

“Eh.” Was all he said.

She grabbed his arms that he had wrapped around her and opened them so she could get up.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“I have to change since you got me wet.” She said and started to walk away.

He shot up and started to follow and said, “Hey, you’re the one who wrapped your legs around ME. Don’t blame me for it!”

I sighed and looked out the window. The rain had stopped.

“I’m home!” I heard from the doorway.

I got up and walked over to see Reia with my Aunt Dolly carrying groceries.

“I thought you were going to just buy Burger King.” I said to Reia as I grabbed a bag from Dolly.

“Aha! You know your Aunt Jayden. If I run into my sexy Wife she’s going to tell me to not go off to buy fast food, but help her shop!” said Reia and then she began to laugh.

When Dolly smacked Reia’s ass, I said with my face scrunched up in disgust, “Gross, get a room!”

Reia laughed and so did Dolly.

I just rolled my eyes and turned.

“Dinner will be ready in a hour. Tell your brother and Kari; I don’t want to be shouting at you guys to come and eat. My throat has been hurting me a lot lately, so if I have to shout, I’m sending Reia on your asses.” said Dolly to me as I walked away to my room.

That’s always been my Aunt Dolly’s threat. She’ll send Reia to kick our asses. Reia’s the man in there lesbian relationship, and man does she do a good job at it. Ever since we were little, the threat that Dolly would send Reia to put us in our place actually made us behave. It’s kind of funny how she still uses that threat. Then again, we still listen every time she makes that threat.

We don’t always eat dinner together, but when we do…it’s never quiet.

Let’s just say everyone’s personality is what keeps everyone from being quiet…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading.
It was short I know.
But it's only chapter one. ;] ( I need to let you digest it slowly~ There's a lot of information as this goes on)
I hope you liked it.
Chapter 2 will be out soon.
You know you want to be the first! =P