‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Ten: What an age jump.

“Let me guess, the one with blonde hair is Jayden, and my other son with the black hair is Ren, and of course Kari is right in the center. The woman sitting on the couch next to me is my girlfriend that’s changed so much. My girlfriend, Vonia, looks like she’s sick. I can’t help but to feel like shit for not being awake to take care of her. To think I tried to be responsible when I was twenty-four to take care of my kids and I end up in a fucking coma for eleven plus years. It’s like life decided to royally fuck me over.”

“Nate, don’t think like that, at least you woke up. Now you can be here for your kids once more.” said Dolly.

I scratched the back of my head really hard and then shook my head.

“This is so fucked up.” I said.

I can’t even deal with this, I just want to run the hell out of here and hope this is all a damn dream.

“Nate, don’t talk like that in front of our kids.” said Vonia with a slight frown.

“You’re talking like they haven’t heard it already.” I said and rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“I’m not your fucking kid.” said Ren to Vonia.

I looked right at him, my son Ren. He had black hair, blue eyes, and he’s just about my height. He had on a tight red shirt and black skinny jeans with a chain on it. He had a lip piercing on the right side, and hole with none on the other.

“Don’t be a brat Ren. Vonia’s been nothing but nice to you, I expect you to treat her nicely back. ” I said looking straight at him.

“You shouldn’t expect any shit from me, because I don’t plan on being nice to her. She’s an enemy to my Mother, so she’s an enemy to me.” said Ren.

My eyes widened, “Nadia.”

“She’s been in contact with you?” I asked him.

“No, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to forget about her. I love my Mother, not Jayden’s Mom. You’re going to have to deal with it, Dad.” said Ren.

I felt my body slight cringe at the word, “Dad,” being spoken out of a fully grown teen, versus my six year old son. For some reason, it feels like I shouldn’t hear it from a voice like that yet…

I looked over at Kari who had long, thin black hair, and her eyes are light blue and watery. She had her hand over her mouth as tears slipped out. Kari’s small, probably about 5’2. My eyes lowered slightly, I couldn’t help but to feel extremely bad. She’s never once had her actual parent be there for her.

“Come here, Kari.” I said.

She ran right over to me and I pulled her into my arms as she cried out hard.

I’m probably the closest thing she’s ever had to a Father.

“God, I was hoping so much that you would one day wake up.” She said as she sobbed.

I held her tight and then looked up at Jayden and Ren and said, “Come to each side of me.”

Jayden sat on the left and Ren on the right, I stretched out my arms and pulled them both in for a hug and Kari continued to sit on my lap and cry into my chest.

“Looks like I’m home, and if you seriously think you’re going to get away with shit, you better think twice about it. I know there hasn’t been a Father figure here, but now you’ve got it. If any of you boys think you’ll get away with talking shit to me, you sure as hell better think twice before I make you think three times before you say it.” I said.

None of them said a single word after, so I figured my point was made. Assuming, of course. If that doesn’t get through to them, I’ll be the shit out of them.

I looked over to Vonia who had a smile on her face.

“What?” I asked her.

“You’re sounding like a Father. You may think you can’t do this, but I know you can if you try just like this.” said Vonia.

I couldn’t help but to smile.

The rest of the night was literally spent watching movies with my entire family. It’s still pretty difficult to take everything in like this. My kids are all grown up and in high school, and my sisters married to my lesbian best friend. Here I thought my sister could never even be tempted to date a girl, boy was I wrong. I guess I wouldn’t want it any other way though. I actually feel like I’m suffocating, beyond what I was expecting to feel when I found out how long I’ve been in a coma. These kids don’t quite feel like mine, but they are mine. It just so stupid, I worked my ass off to for once be responsible for what happened and I end up in a coma for eleven years. I wake up eleven years later to see my kids have already grown up without me. I really owe my sister and Reia for taking care of my kids all this time. I don’t think I could ever repay them in the slightest bit.

Ren stood up and walked right down the hallway without even saying anything to anyone. He didn’t even look back at anyone when he stood up.

I looked over at Kari who had a concerned look on her face, and she got up and followed him into his room.

Well, there’s clearly an attachment between those two.

I looked over at Jayden who seemed a little annoyed about it, and he got up and went outside.

I looked over to see Reia and Vonia had fallen asleep on each other. I got up and put a blanket over the two and them went outside and sat right next to Jayden on the bench.

“Kari and Ren seem like they’re really close.” I said to break the silence.

“He’s in love with her, and she doesn’t even realize he is. “said Jayden as he exhaled heavily.

“Is there a particular reason as to why Ren doesn’t try to make Kari his girlfriend?” I asked, still trying to figure out what’s going on in this damn household.

“He’s been extremely attached to her since we were young. He’s not the kind of guy that shares, and for some damn reason he is way too popular with girls at school. It’s so annoying, I don’t understand why he dates girls if all he’s going to do is have sex with them and then dump them. What’s even more annoying is how badly they try to get him back! Why would any girl want to be with a guy that doesn’t want to be with them? Why do girls always go for the bad guy? I hope Ren never gets Kari, she’d be better off with someone who does really good in school, and can financially support her in her future.” said Jayden.

I couldn’t help but to start laughing.

“What?” said Jayden.

“You know, you may be attractive, but you are definitely a nerdy kid in school. I was always curious as to which one of you would end up being popular with the ladies. To be honest I wasn’t sure as you two began to age. People that dress the way Ren does don’t normally get so popular like that. I mean, sure with some they do, but it’s always females. “I said.

“Why is it like that? Why do girls like him so much? What does he have that I don’t?” asked Jayden in a frustrated voice.


Jayden blinked his eyes repeatedly at me confused.

“Confidence is what you lack, and it’s what he excels in. You can be the nicest guy in the whole world Jayden, but what women want is a man who’s confident in who he is, and what he does – Even if deep inside he isn’t.” I said and placed my hand on his shoulder.

Jayden looked down and sighed.

“You’re brother isn’t a bad guy, he’s just comfortable with who he is, and what he does. I wish you two could have grown up to be close, but seeing as your Mother and Nadia didn’t like each other, it ended up passing down.” I said and shook my head.

“I hate him because he gets whoever the fuck he wants. I’m so done with him getting what he wants. He thinks he can have Kari all to himself, but I won’t let him. Kari won’t be his in the future, I’ll fight for her.” said Jayden.
“I recommend you don’t even try that.” I said looking firmly at him.

“Why? I can take him, I know I can. I might not be as strong as he is, but I’m smart.” said Jayden.

“Jayden, listen to me. I haven’t even been in the room with him for a day yet, and I know he isn’t a stable person to fuck with. If your brother is anything like I was in high school, you’ll get your ass kicked if you go near someone he loves. Also consider the fact his Mother didn’t give him any love as a child, and treated him like crap. Then he grew up without either of his parents. You need to realize your brother and you may have had life hit you in a similar way, but trust me when I tell you that he got the shittiest end of the stick. I think he would kill you if you aimed to take the only person he’s had be there for him for almost his entire life. If you think about it, he’s fiercely loyal to his Mother who’s never been there for him, who’s never given him love, and who left him behind. Now imagine how he is with someone who is there for him, who has always been there. Put yourself in his shoes Jayden, just do it. If you choose to ignore my advice, just remember I won’t always be around to protect you. If you haven’t been in very many fights, then I suggest you stick to what you know, and that’s your education…not fighting.” I said and then stood up and stretched out.

“I feel like you’re on his side…Dad.” said Jayden.

“He’s a mix between his Mother and me, I just know him despite that fact I’ve been out in a coma. I’ve always been good at figuring out people. Plus, if you can’t fight, you aren’t going to win. It’s plain and simple Jayden. Have you even considered how Kari may feel? I’m heading off to bed.” I said and walked back inside.

Jesus. That kid is one emotional dude.

I walked into the guest room and saw Vonia sitting there with a smile.

I smiled back and came over and caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes and pushed her cheek further into my hand and smiled.

“It’s been so long since I’ve felt your touch.” said Vonia as her grayish silver eyes looked right into my blue ones.
“I… I hate how I’ve woken up to see you looking so pale like this.” I said.

“I’ve…been in an asylum for a while. It was just really hard to heal after everything that happened eleven years ago. Even though I haven’t seen Nadia since then, I still have nightmares.” She said and a tear slid down her face.

“Don’t worry babe, I’ll protect you.” I said and then lifted her chin up and kissed her.

I couldn’t help but to grin once we got into deep kissing, and slowly it turned to sex.

I may have been in a coma for eleven years, but it looks like I still have my skills in getting laid. Perfect.

Once we finished, we laid there next to each other looking up at the ceiling.

I began to hear sniffling noises, and once I looked over she began to cry.

I turned towards her and caressed her cheek and wiped the tear off her face.

“What’s wrong Vonia?” I asked.

Her grayish silver eyes began to pour out water, and her expression showed such pain as she choked out the words, “I cheated on you.”

My eyes widened, but only for a second before I went and laid on my back again.

I stared up at the ceiling quiet for a few minutes as she continued to cry and then I spoke.
“Are you dating him?” I asked.

“No, it was just sex.” said Vonia as she began to cry harder.

“I’m so sorry, I was weak. I didn’t think you’d ever wake up. I thought I was going to be alone without you for the rest of my life. I’m so sorry.” said Vonia as she turned and threw her arms over me and gripped me tightly.

I closed my eyes tight.

“Are you still in contact with him?” I asked.

“No, I’m not at all!” she said.

“Well, if you aren’t having sex with him anymore, and you aren’t speaking to him anymore, and you won’t see him anymore…then I guess its okay.” I said slowly.

Her cries silenced, and she paused and said, “Wh-what?”

I turned the opposite way of her on my side.

“I said its fine. I had sex with Sammy, so I guess you just tied us up. And…seeing as you aren’t fucking him anymore, or talking to him, I trust you and I’ll accept that. I’m over it. Goodnight.” I said and closed my eyes and inched myself closer to the end of the bed.


I said nothing back.

“I’m sorry, Nate.” said Vonia.

“Go to bed, I said it’s fine.” was all I said back before pretending to sleep.

I can’t help but to feel betrayed, but I guess this is just how you feel…when you are in love with someone. Fuck it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!!!!
Chapter eleven will be out soon.
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