‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Fourteen: Messed up.

“Yes, I am your Mother, now follow me.” She said and then slid her hand down to mine and grasped it and pulled me forward to follow.

Next thing you know I was led down an alley way and led straight into a building that looked just like any other home from the inside.
“Don’t tell anyone where I live, Ren.” She said before shutting and locking the door.
I only nodded and began to walk around. She had one long black couch with a big screen TV, and down the hallway I spotted three rooms.

“How did you afford this?” I asked.

“Let’s just say rich men are suckers for hot women.” She said with a snicker as she threw herself onto the couch and stretched her arms out.

“They aren’t easy to get rid of either…Mom.” I said mumbling, “Mom,” on the last part. I haven’t called anyone Mom in so long.

She cringed a little before saying, “That’s why I killed him and took all his money.”

My eyes widened at her blunt response.

“You will kill someone too someday, Ren. It’s in your blood- in my blood. Like Mother like son, remember that Ren.” She said and then pulled herself up and motioned me over.

I don’t know why but a lot of the smart ass remarks that I would have made I just couldn’t make too her. What baffles me a little is how serious she is about killing people off and how she’s using men for money. Then again though, it’s understandable. If you think about it, she was in love with my Father and Vonia drove her to the point of insanity. Why? Because Vonia wouldn’t leave no matter what she did. I think a lot of people would say that my Mom is crazy, but really she was just a girl in love with a guy another girl took. I don’t think she’s crazy, I just think loving him made her this way.
I came over to her and instantly just fell to my knees and held onto her tight. She gripped me tightly with her arms right back.

“You’re home son.” She said.

I wish it was as easy as that. I felt myself shaking, and it was only then that I knew… I’m officially stuck.
“Why did you leave me behind when you left? Why didn’t you ever come back for me?” I asked. I hate to sound like some needy ass kid, but, this is my Mom. She hasn’t been in my life for so long…

“Things happen, son. I couldn’t exactly find you either…but I was looking.” She said before looking at her nails and frowning. She got up and sat down near a desk and took out her nail polish kit.

I just sat there on the couch quietly as she painted her nails all over again. One by one, and I just sat there waiting for my heart to stop racing. I only sat there and stared, it’s just really hard to believe that my actual Mother is in front of me. Not Reia, not Dolly, not fucking Vonia, but Nadia…my Mom. It feels like fucking Jayden won’t be the only lucky one now.

After an hour she was blowing on her nails and we were watching some TV.
I shifted my eyes from the screen to look at her.

“Anything…I should know about?” I asked.

She didn’t say anything, and in that moment the door slammed open.

“FUCK LIFE! FUCK IT TOO HELL!” said a girl coming in – a young one at that. She had on a black mini skirt, black heels, and a light purple shirt that stopped right before her belly button. She had dark brown eyes that had purple on the eye lid and dark purple lip stick on the lips. Her lips are pierced, and her nose and she’s got about three piercings on each ear.
“Ugh, shut the hell up Fay.” said my Mother before turning the volume up.
“MOM!” She yelled out as she stomped over.

“Don’t call me that you WHORE!” she said snapping back.
I guess you haven’t really changed. I remember she always cringed when I called her Mom. She still hates it…

“I want my fucking ring back.” She said glaring right into her piercing green eyes with her brown.

So…I have a slutty step-sister. Not sure exactly how to take this right now.

“Why don’t you say hello to your brother?” she said.

Fay turned to look at me and her eyes soften.

“There is no way we’re related.” She said.

“You two are, so don’t fuck him.” She said.

“You’re just saying he’s my brother so I don’t!” yelled Fay.

“He’s your brother, get over it.” She said.

She stood there quiet before snatching my hand and yanking me up and dragging me to her room.

She pushed me on the bed and then grabbed her desk chair and put it so it was right in front of me. She then sat down and stared at me in silence.

Again. I don’t know how to take this.
“Blue eyes, jet black hair, scene kid hair style, attractively dressed a decent amount of muscle, and a great height. Yeah, I don’t see myself keeping off you.” said Fay.

“That would be incest.” I said.

“Incest with a brother I’ve never met is better than incest with the brother I grew up with.” said Fay.

I scratched my head frustrated.

I took a deep breath

“So far, my impression on you is that you are my little step-sister, you’re a slut, and you want my dick. To be quite honest that’s not a good impression, in case you aren’t capable of comprehending that. You may be attractive, but unfortunately for you, you aren’t the first attractive girl I’ve seen. You are coming off as the annoying girl at school I wish wasn't a dude, so I could punch you. We can do this one of two ways. You can introduce yourself properly, or you can keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll walk away. Now. Go.” I said waiting.
She got up and sat on my lap with her leg on each side. Her skirt rose up high and I pushed her off and walked out.

“I’m leaving.” I said as I was walking out.

“Wait!” I heard my Mom yell.

I turned and felt her jump me practically to hug me.

“Where is Daddy?” she asked.

“He’s living with Reia, like the rest of us.” I said.

“Well, you should let me meet them soon, Ren.” She said with a smile as she caressed my cheek.

I sighed and looked into her eyes and said, “You aren’t from this world anymore, are you?”

She took out a bag and put it in my hand.

“Heroine.” I said.

“It makes great debt for people, and followers. Instead of me making them pay me back, they do as I say.” She said.

I shook my head.

She put her hand on my cheek and said, “Don’t worry, I don’t do it. Drugs just happen to make a great amount of money. I really want my son to join me, and help me. I could really use someone who I know has my back. Blood is thicker than any of the people following me, and I want you. Sometimes people get violent, and I need you to fight them for me. I hate taking a beating…”

I looked down at the floor.
To think a guilt trip would actually work on me… ha! I would laugh if it where anyone else but her, and Kari…

She put her finger under my chin and moved it up to look at her.

And with one slow breath she said, “I love you, Ren…my son.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!
And waiting patiently....
I assure you I intend to keep writing chapters on this story. I won't leave you hanging on my first sequel.
I hate making you guys wait. But. I'm never free anymore. I work, (about to get a second job hopefully soon) and I'm always out ._. and schools annoying.
Plus I wanted more twists in this story. I thought I could get some ideas by reading.
But I couldn't find anything I liked lol.
So NOW, it's finally out.
Next chapter will be out soon. COMMENT =D It keeps me going.

Yes. Ren has Mommy issues. But you've got to understand. He hasn't had a Mother in so long.
Yes. Hell is coming.
Yes. you are my favorite.
thank you guys!