‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Three: Party...or Emi?

“Kari, wake up.” I said as I brushed hair from her face and smiled.

She groaned and said, “Five more minutes Ren…”

“Today, we have school. If you don’t get up now you won’t have time to get ready when it’s time to go.” I said and then I pulled the covers off her slowly.

She sat up and then she gripped my shirt and pulled me forward. I went with the motion and she placed her head against me and exhaled slowly.

I delicately put my arms around her and held her tight. She then looked up at me with those alluring light blue eyes and smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Kari then pushed me aside and got up and walked off into the bathroom.

I stood there briefly for a few seconds before turning and walking towards the door, only to stop to look into her mirror near her door.

I pushed some of my black hair from my right eye, and then adjusted my studded belt. I stared at my gray shirt and then sighed and went back into my room and pulled it off. I then put on a tight short sleeved red one in which had designs in black at the bottom.

“Better.” I said and then I walked out and into the Kitchen where I saw Jayden who was staring out the window and eating a bagel.

I went right to the fridge and opened it and grabbed some leftovers from last night’s dinner and started to eat it right from there.

“You should put some on a plate and eat it that way instead.” I heard Jayden say.

I just ignored him and continued to eat from it.

“You leave stuff out, and it get’s Aunt Dolly mad when you do that.” said Jayden.

I took another bite, ignoring him still.

“It’s a waste of food when you do that. If you’re going to leave food out and waste it, don’t make it everything from last night.” said Jayden.

I sighed and turned to him and said, “What are you? Gay?”

Jayden rolled his eyes and said, “It’s called being considerate.”

“You’re obviously bothered by something so you’re acting like an asshole towards me. If you’re going to be a whinny little bitch you can at least be manlier about it.” I said as I slapped the top of the container closed and put it back in the fridge.

“Shut the hell up Ren, it’s good to be extra kind to Aunt Dolly and Reia considering that they’ve been taking care of us ever since what happened to our parents, happened.” said Jayden.

I froze up for a second as a thought of my Mother passed my mind before saying, “Jayden, you won’t get laid much if you keep acting like this. Do yourself a favor and shut the hell up unless you got something worth hearing to say.”

I wish he’d shut the hell up about what happened eleven years ago. At least he knows where his Mother is; she’s been in and out of the asylum, and the hospital. He knows where she is, and he at least see’s her about twenty times a year. The only thing we have in common is that we both have the same Dad that won’t ever fucking wake up from a coma.

Kari then walked in before Jayden could respond.

“I’m ready for us to leave, let’s go.” said Kari.

I grabbed the keys and we all walked out and got in the car. It was somewhat quiet in the car that is until I hit the music on loud.

When we arrived, I parked in the parking spot we all pay for. We decided to split the cost so no one has anything on the other. None of us can say, “Well, I paid for it, so I can do whatever the fuck I want.” I didn’t think of this, Kari did, it’s the only reason why I agreed to this in the first place.

When I parked, Kari got out and started walking. I quickly jumped out and ran to catch up with her. I put my arm around her and said, “Why the rush?”

“I promised Ari I’d come to school earlier, but it’s already past early.” said Kari.

I looked back and saw Jayden walking by himself, and I only smiled as he stared right at us.

I then looked back and said, “If he’s a good friend, he’ll wait.”

“If I was a good friend I would’ve came when I told him I would.” said Kari sighing.

“He’ll forgive you.” I said.

“He always does, Ren.” said Kari.

Right when we stepped inside school we separated, Kari and I.

I walked over to my locker and twisted the lock open.

The moment I had it open I felt a body press up against me.

I turned my head slightly to see Emi staring at me with a smile and her forest green eyes which also held a smile in them, staring right up at me.

“What do you want?” I asked.

She whined, “Ren don’t be so cold to me!” and then she slid her arms around my stomach and hugged me tightly.

“Get off.” I said and grabbed her arms that were holding me and pulled them apart, but she kept putting them back around me.

“Do you like my hair today?” she asked when she finally let go.

I turned around and stared at her red hair in which she had styled differently. There was less teasing in it, but it still looked like before.

“I can’t tell the difference.” I said.

She frowned.

She then pressed against me and placed her hand over my crotch area and said in a seductive voice, “Are you coming over tonight?”

I couldn’t help but to chuckle, “As long as you make it worth it.” I whispered in her ear.

She nodded and I grabbed my book and walked off.

I did date Emi a while back ago, and I don’t normally sleep with my ex’s again. She couldn’t let me go like many other girls I’ve dated and have slept with. What I don’t get is why they cling to me so much. It feels like every girl is clinging to me except the one I want to cling to me. They don’t know a whole lot about me, but they get really clingy and obsessive even sometimes. I’ve been told many times, that it’s the ‘mysterious’ side of me that excites them, and attracts them. It doesn’t make sense to me though…

I decided to make a small stop at Ms. Brook’s class. She’s a young teacher here who has a huge crush on me. How do I know? She gives me the answers to every assignment I ever ask her on. I honestly never needed her help in the first place, but I try to make all the teachers like me that are female. Why? Well, because I tend to be late to class a lot. I used to tease her a lot on things, and soon enough it led to me getting detentions. A lot of the detentions I got were for absolutely no reason. Later on I found out that she had a lot of interest in me. She said I was, “A curious, mysterious character,” to her. Eventually it led to sex, and then her wanting us to be in a relationship. Of course I used the excuse that she was teacher, and how it wouldn’t work out. I changed classes, and now I only visit her. She tries extremely hard to win me over, but all I see is her acting desperate, it’s pathetic.

I walked in and she immediately looked up at me and smiled.

She doesn’t have a second period class.

“Come to visit?” she asked.

“Well, you seem to be lonely, so I figured I’d come in before class starts.” I said and sat down on her desk.

“The bell already rang.” said Ms. Brooks.

“What’s your point?” I asked solemnly.

She smiled and looked at me with loving eyes and shook her head and said, “Nothing.”

She then laid her head down on my leg and looked up at me.

“Why do you bother coming early to school every morning if you don’t even have a second period?” I asked.

“Well, because you visited me that one time I came early. So, I decided I’d come early all the time in case you did again.” She said with a smile. Her brown eyes shined up at me, and her short dark brown hair never seemed to become imperfect.

“It’s time for me to go.” I said and got off the desk and began to walk away. She ran after me and wrapped her arms around me from behind.

“I still love you, Ren.” She whispered.

“Let go.” I said in a dull voice.

“Why are you so cold?” she asked in a slightly whinny voice.

I looked back at her with dullness in my eyes, “Why do you love a student you don’t even know well?” I asked.

She stood there silent.

“Why are girls like this here? Huh?” I asked before shaking my head and walking off.

I walked out and started to walk off to my first class that I was beyond late too.

I walked in and the teacher glared right at me.

“You’re late.” said Ms. Kendly.

I just walked over to my seat and sat down.

She kept looking at me, and I just yawned.

She shook her head and started back to where she left off.

Nikki who sat next to me passed me a note.

“Where have you been?” was written on it.

I pushed the paper back at her and didn’t even bother to look at her.

I heard her sigh in frustration and she started to write down the notes more loudly.

Nikki’s a girl that has a huge crush on me. Like Emi, we met freshmen year in English class. Man those two girls really were competitive with each other with getting my attention. I never had an interest in either of them until they both started to get really seductive and flirty. I guess doing that get’s any guy’s attention. Although, when Kari’s around, none of that ever works. No one can ever compare to her, that’s just how it is.

Finally, I made my way to my fifth period class, this one I do my best to not be late too. Why? Well, because Kari is in that class with me; so is Jayden but that’s not my point.

I walked in to see Kari hadn’t come yet and frowned as I saw Jayden already in his seat. He looked up at me with a look that said, “You’re already here?”

I sat down at my seat and started to go through my backpack. I took out my notebook and slap it down on my desk, along with a pen.

I opened it up right at the middle and began to draw wings on the picture I had drawn of Kari. I closed it the moment I saw Emi’s hand slap down at my desk.

I looked up.

She winked at me.

“Miss me?” she said with her glowing forest green eyes looking at me with happiness. She’s always happy when I’m around. I don’t get why she likes me, she doesn’t even know that much about me.

When Kari came in she didn’t even look at Emi, she sat right on my lap.

“Ren, I forgot my lunch, can you give me the keys so I can drive back home at lunch and get them?” asked Kari.

“Don’t worry about it Kari, I’ll buy you lunch, my treat.” I said.

Emi turned and walked back to her seat, staring at us in jealously once she sat down.

Kari frowned and said, “I don’t want you to spend your money on me, just give me the keys.”

“No, I’m buying you lunch.” I said.

“I can’t let you buy me lunch.” She said.

“Why not?” I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Ari and I are going out to lunch with the boy’s today.” said Kari hesitantly.

My smile fell.

“Why did you say you forgot your lunch at home if you’re just going out?” I asked suspiciously.

“I left my wallet at home.” Was all Kari said.

“You’re eating lunch with me; they can eat lunch with you some other time.” I said in a firm voice.

“Ren, I have plans.” said Kari.

“Of course, with me.” I said.


“Kari, you don’t want to eat lunch with me? I’ll buy you anything you like.” I said and brushed some hair away from her face and looked into her light blue eyes with my blue ones.

“Why do you get so jealous when I’m hanging out with other guys?” asked Kari.

“I’m not jealous; I just love spending time with you.” I said with a smile.

Kari rolled her eyes.

I chuckled.

“Well, look who it is, the prince and princess!” said Liam as he strolled in.

Kari snapped her head the other way and yelled, “Don’t CALL me that!”

He laughed as he walked over to his seat.

I don’t know why, but ever since I became popular that’s been the nickname given to us by people in the school. I guess it really stuck…

Kari hates being called a princess by people, she thinks there calling her stuck up and that she acts like she’s royal when she isn’t. She doesn’t like gaining popularity just because I did; she has no interest in that. Regardless of whether or not she wanted it, she got it. It’s kind of how it works when you are close to a person who’s popular. I think that’s why she hates being called Princess, because she didn’t get that title by herself. So instead of taking it as a compliment, she takes it as the biggest insult.

“I hate him.” She said turning back to face me.

I leaned in slowly and whispered in her ear, “Shall I kill him?”

She didn’t say anything back.

I grinned and held her tightly.

Of course she wouldn’t respond to that. She can totally see me doing that; how funny would that be if I actually did?

I saw Emi staring jealously at us, and I couldn’t help but to smile.

When Kari got up to walk to her seat I saw Jayden look the other way when I looked at him.

He’s always watching.

The teacher started to write on the board and began the lecture.

I looked over to see Kari nodding off on her desk.

It was adorable; she kept trying to keep herself awake.

Finally she gave up and let her head fall on the desk. Her long black hair cascaded down, and her light blue eyes slowly closing.

Emi was as focused as ever, writing all the notes she needed. It’s not that Emi really cared about this class; she just knows I don’t write notes. I ask people for the notes, and she likes to give me hers before I ask Kari. I think she considers Kari her competition. Little does Emi know, she can never compare, or beat Kari. Hell, Kari doesn’t even try…

Emi just recently got snakebites; she got then right when I decided to take mine out, they look pretty good too. I think she got them, because when we were going out I told her she’d look good with them in. Before she told me she was too afraid to pierce her skin, now she has pierced ears and snakebites.

When the lunch bell finally rang, Kari was still asleep with her head on her desk.

I walked over and brushed some of the hair from her face and kneeled down.

“Wake up Kari.” I said sliding my fingers through her hair.

She opened her eyes, and then snapped right up.

I laughed, “You really did go to bed late last night, didn’t you?”

“We always sleep late, I blame you.” said Kari.

I smiled.

“Are you ready to go to lunch?” I asked.

Kari gave me a look as if saying, “I have plans but you know I still love you.”

I reached in my back pocket and set her wallet down on her desk.

Her eyes went wide.

“I was the last one out the door, and I saw you forgot it. I was going to give it to you in the car, but I forgot all about it.” I said.

Kari rolled her eyes and said, “You’re so forgetful.”

I shrugged and handed her the keys.

She smiled and put her hand on my cheek.

“I’ll see you later then.” said Kari with a smile. She then got up and walked away.

I walked out only to be stopped by Nikki.

“Are you coming to the party tonight?” asked Nikki.

“I forgot all about that.” I said.

“Are you going to go?” asked Nikki.

“I’m thinking about it…”

“You should go it’ll be fun.” said Nikki.

I stood there thinking, I did tell Emi I’d come over tonight. I could just ditch her and go to the party, or I could tell her I’m going to the party instead. It’s not like I actually care if her feelings are hurt…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading!!
Chapter 4 will be out soon!
(sorry it took so long. I was busy last weekend, and I kept re-writting this chapter. It tends to happen when I get a better idea. >_>)

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