‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Four: He's Unstable

When the class period ended I got up once a lot of people were out the door. I slowly started putting my things in; I looked up to see Ren and Kari talking. I looked back to what I was doing, placing things in my backpack. I was almost tempted to just sit back down and draw, it’s not like anyone is waiting for me.

I sighed and when I looked up again Kari stood right in front of me.

“What’s wrong, Jayden?” she asked.

“I’m just tired…” I said.

Kari placed her hand on my cheek, and then my forehead and then said, “Well, it doesn’t look like you are coming down with anything.”

If Ren was here, he’d grab Kari away. He doesn’t like her to touch me, or me touching her.

“I’m fine, Kari.” I said.

“Well, Ren and I are hanging out with our friends after school so here are the keys.” said Kari and she handed them to me.

“Alright, I’ll see you when you come home then.” I said back to Kari as she turned and walked off.

I sighed once she walked out of the room and tossed my backpack over my shoulder as I made my way out.

I turned right and began to walk and then I looked down to see my black and white converse were untied. I kneeled down to tie them when I finished I looked to the left of me to see Shawn, one of the huge party throwers talking to one of his buddies.

“I’m throwing a huge party tonight man.” said Shawn as he pushed away some of his brown hair from his cheek.

“The usual?” said his friend looking into Shawn’s brown eyes with a smile.

“No! Dude this party is going to be double what it normally is!” said Shawn.

“What makes you say that man?” asked his friend.

“Well Tommy just turned twenty-one, so instead of illegally getting us drinks, he can do it legal now. He’s also working at a liquor store now and he’s friends with a lot of the guys in the business too.” said Shawn.

“Which means we’re getting double the normal?” asked his friend.

Shawn smacked the back side of his head and said, “No, this means we’re getting the good stuff instead of the shitty crap.”

His friend laughed and said, “Sorry man! Does that mean there’s going to be a lot more of drunken hot girls?”

“Well, no shit. Especially since Ren’s going to come to, which means we’ll probably have even more girls there. “said Shawn.

“Dude, I’m so getting laid!” said his friend.

“Yeah man and I heard the princess is coming too.” said Shawn.

“Dude, Kari’s going to it too? Really?” asked his friend whose excitement suddenly doubled after Kari was mentioned.

“She’s been to my party five times, it’s about time she starts coming more often.” said Shawn.

“She’s not bringing that loser Ari with her though, right?” asked his friend.

“Man, she has him around all the time. You’d think he’d go off and hang out with some of his guy friends or some shit.” said Shawn.

“He probably doesn’t have any, the loser.” said his friend.

“He’s freaking weak too.” said Shawn.

“It’d be easy to get rid of him.” said his friend.

“Yeah man, then we could have Kari all to ourselves.” said Shawn.

“I bet she’s a good lay.” said his friend.

“Well, even though she’s fucking hot I haven’t heard anything about her sleeping with anyone.” said Shawn.

“Dude, do you think she’s still a virgin?” asked Shawn’s friend.

“I don’t know man, but I do know Seth’s been dying to sleep with her. He keeps on flirting and harassing her and shit.” said Shawn.

Shawn’s friends laughed and said, “Well, don’t tell Ren about that, he’ll rip him to shreds!”

“Ah, man, I wouldn’t mind getting some of that myself if you know what I mean.” said Shawn.

“Well, maybe one of us can get with her at the party.” said his friend.

“Yeah man, all we need to do his make sure she gets nice and drunk.” said Shawn.

“Not even! Just toss her over your shoulder and take her to a room! She’s light as hell!” said the friend.

“And how would you know?” asked Shawn.

“Well, we’re in the same fitness class.” said his friend.

“She’s in fitness?” asked Shawn.

“She didn’t do it freshmen year.” said the friend.

“Ah, well. We’ll see who gets in her pants first at the party.” said Shawn.

“Yeah, hopefully it’s one of us instead of Seth.” said the friend.

“That little shit is sneaky as hell.” said Shawn.

I stood up and shook my head.

I walked off into the parking lot, and went straight to the car.

I jumped in the car and drove my way home.

I’m definitely going to make sure Kari doesn’t go to that stupid party.

I came home to an empty house, not a single person was home.

I stood there shaking my head as I flipped open my phone and texted Kari, asking if she was going to that stupid party Shawn was blowing up to be twice as bad as the normal.

I sighed again when she didn’t respond.

I walked into the bathroom and washed my face off after I stared into the mirror.

I looked at my blonde hair and brushed the tips of it with my finger. A thought of my Mother passed through my mind; she’d always play with my hair, and tell me I got lucky to have hers instead of Dad’s. I always wondered why she thought that though. It was wet, despite how I tried to make sure it didn’t when I washed my face. It was definitely time to get a trim. I looked down and then at the mirror again, I stared into the mirror at my blue eyes. In the mirror I saw Ren standing next to me with his hateful blue eyes, the eyes we both got from our father. I blinked and shook my head a good ten times.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat down near my paint set I had out.

I couldn’t help but to think about what the guys were talking about. How Ren would probably kill Seth if he found out what he’s been doing to Kari. I know Seth’s always teasing and being touchy with Kari, but I had no idea he was doing it so much to her. She never says anything about it when I’m around, so I figured it wasn’t anything big. The fact that those two guys think he’s been doing a lot to her, says a lot.

Right then, Kari walked in and Ari was right next to her and they were laughing as they walked over.

“Kari, welcome back.” I said.

She turned to look at me, “Hey, Jayden.” She said with a smile.

“Why didn’t you text me back?” I asked.

“I was a little busy…” said Kari.

“Well, could you tell me if you are going to that party or not?” I asked in a slightly impatient tone.

“Well, yeah, I’m going to go. Why do you even care though?” asked Kari.

“Don’t go to the party. It’s going to be twice as worse as what it normally would be. “I said.

“That doesn’t matter, I ‘m going regardless.” said Kari.

“It’s going to get really bad in there, far worse then it normally is; it’s not a good idea.” I said firmly.

“Look Jayden, I’m going to the party with Ari. Ari has a huge crush on this girl, and it’s my job as his best friend to be there for him and help him. I’ve been to Shawn’s parties a couple of times; even if it’s worse then it normally is I’ll be just fine. Beside, I’ll have Ari with me the entire time, it’s not like I’ll be alone.” said Kari in an annoyed voice.

I rolled my eyes and said, “The only reason why Ren isn’t worried when you two are together is because he knows Ari isn’t strong. Ari wouldn’t be a difficult person to push out of the way. Just don’t go Kari, please? I have a bad feeling about it…”

“Jayden, it’s not like you to be rude to my friends.” said Kari shaking her head at me.

“And who are you to tell me, I shouldn’t go even if it’s to help my friend?” said Kari shaking her head once more.

“Ka- Shut up Jayden.” said Kari and she grabbed Ari’s hand and they walked off into her room.

I sighed and then got up and fell onto the couch.

It’s not like I was trying to be mean to Ari or anything.

I feel exhausted, all I did was go to school, but I still feel really tired.

I found myself completely laying on the couch and hugging one of the pillows. My eyes were feeling heavier and heavier.

The next thing I knew I woke up and it was already dark out.

“Shit!” I yelled out and grabbed the car keys and ran out.

I ran quickly down the stairs and into the car and began to drive. I wanted to stop Kari from going to the party, but I fell asleep.

I clutched onto the steering wheel tightly.

I didn’t know how to explain to Kari what I overheard Shawn and his friend talking about. So of course, she wouldn’t even bother to understand why I’m so worried about her going to that party. Normally, I’m not too concerned about it, but now that I know about Seth and Shawn and his friend’s potential plan, I’m beyond worried. I don’t do the greatest in high pressure decisions like this. I’ve gotten better throughout the years, but when it comes to Kari and Ren, I stumble.

I knew I was close when I heard the music booming down the neighborhood streets. I tried to park a decent ways away from the house, just to make sure the car didn’t get scratched. I then took a deep breath before I got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

I don’t go to Shawn’s parties; they always tend to be the worst when it comes to sex. There are always a lot of people screwing each other in some corner, on a couch, it’s just disgusting.

I walked in, and the moment I stepped in there I had two girls start to dance close to me. One behind me, and the other was pressed up close to my chest.

“E-Excuse me.” I stuttered out unwillingly.

“Where you going handsome?” she said winking at me.

“Somewhere.” I said.

“You have the most beautiful blue eyes, it reminds me of- I cut her off and pushed past her.

I’m not in the mood to hear another girl say my blue eyes remind them of Ren’s eyes.I knew she was going to say that, because she definetly look’s like one of the girl’s he brought home last year. I get told that too often, it pisses me off. Shouldn’t blue eyes just be blue eyes? Why should it remind them of some other guy who just happens to have the same color as another blue eye boy you met?

I kept aimlessly walking around in the huge crowd, hoping I would find Kari. I even started looking for Shawn, Seth, and even Shawn’s friend. This wouldn’t have been such a pain if she had just listened to me.

I sighed heavily and then I turned towards the door. The moment I turned that way I saw Kari and Ari talking to some girl with long brown hair.

Is that the girl Ari likes?

I tried to make my way over there but it proved to be beyond difficult. Some people were rude enough to the point where they wouldn't even move out of the fucking way.

By the time I got passed a few people and this gigantic fat guy, I was too late.

Seth was already over there with his drink talking to her. He had his hand trying to touch her cheek, and every time he tried, she slapped it away. Ari was busy it seemed, talking to the girl he liked.

Meanwhile that was happening I was trying to make my way over. I let out a huge sigh the moment I saw Shawn and his friend come over to her.

I looked to my right, and right away I see Ren. At that moment my heart rate increased slightly - and not in the good way.

I then looked back at Kari who was pushing Seth and Shawn who both had their hands on her.

The minute I saw that I began to run to her.

When I was close enough to hear what was going on, I still had people in my way.

"Seth, fuck off. As for you Shawn, why don't you go and try to get in some other girls pants? Hm? I'm not interested, so let me go." said Kari.

"You know, at one point or another, I will get exactly what I want. I don't need to have it now just yet. I promise you though, I'll be back for you." said Seth and he turned and walked off.

Shawn stood there shocked Seth had left. I stood there relieved and rather shocked myself. I was expecting a lot more than that…

It wasn't the end of my worries as I was expecting it to be though.

Shawn wrapped his arms around her the minute she turned and grabbed her chest.

She squeaked and then yelled at him to let her go.

He only laughed and said, "Why? You know you like it."

Ari turned around and told him to back off.

Shawn's friend shoved him down to the floor and laughed.

"If that’s all you got, go home Ari. Besides, we’re just playing around." He said.

"I said don't fucking touch Kari! She doesn't like you!" yelled Ari once he was back on his feet.

Shawn laughed and pushed Kari into his friend’s arms.

She began to struggle against him. Yelling at him to let go and struggling.

"Listen Ari, I'll give you three seconds to walk away from here. I can let you go, or I can kick your ass, pick. If you were smart, you'd walk away." said Shawn as he shoved him back down once more.

Ari tried getting up again, only to get kicked in the face this time.

"Well...I guess I'm on that smart then..." Ari said after wiping the blood from his nose, and then got up and tried to punch Shawn.

Shawn only laughed and socked him in the stomach and then shoved him down and began to kick him repeatedly.

“STOP IT!” Kari yelled out, but her voice was simply drowned out by the music playing.

When Ari didn't get up, Shawn took Kari from his friend.

"Let me go!" she yelled and began to struggle further.

“Oh come on Kari, learn to have a little more fun.” said Shawn as he pushed her around a bit.

“I swear to god, if anything happens to Ari you are all DEAD!” she yelled out.

“What are you worried about Ari for? You should be more worried about yourself.” said Shawn.

“I’m not fucking worried.” said Kari.

“Why, because you believe your dearest Ren will come and save you little princess? Don’t you think you are depending on him a little too much in protecting you?” said Shawn.

She glared right into his eyes and said, “You can’t fuck say I’m depending on someone I never asked to help me in the first place. Now, if you don’t let me go, I swear to god you’ll regret it. You’ll be saying goodbye to what you treasure most.”

By that she means his cock.

“Little princess is a little too confident.” said Shawn with a smirk.

I shoved my way through, but I ended up falling down right in front of them.

When I looked up Ren had his arm around Shawn’s neck, and started choking him with it.

My eyes went wide.

How the FUCK did Ren get over here before me? He was farther away then I was!

Shawn struggled to breathe and tried to get Ren to let go.

Ren’s eyes pierced down into Shawn’s and he said, “I thought you of all people would know better.”

“Ren, let him go. I’ll kick his ass. I don’t fucking need help.” said Kari.

“You’re going to let this prick’s words have an impact on you like that?” said Ren to Kari as he squeezed Shawn’s neck with his arm tighter.

Shawn struggled, his eyes desperate and apologetic.

“I can handle him on my own, Ren. I’m not weak.” said Kari. You could tell she was more than just upset about what Shawn did, but also on what he said.

“Kari, I never said you were weak. I just don’t think you’d be able to handle both Shawn and his friend.” said Ren glaring over at him.


“Kari.” Ren said her name as if trying to reason with her.

“Whatever Ren, just leave me alone.” Kari said angrily before turning around and going straight over to Ari who had just stood up.

I looked over at Ren whose eyes looked as if he had just been thrown into a river with a metal weight pulling him down to the floor of it.

Shawn had lost consciousness and Ren simply dropped him on the ground. Not caring in the slightest at the blood that came out from his head once dropped.

He turned towards Shawn’s friend who was frozen where he stood.

Ren walked right over, and the minute he stepped close enough for Shawn’s friend to throw his fist, he did. It was a mistake on his part though, all Ren did was catch it, and then snap his wrist.

I stood there wide eye as he screamed bloody murder and then fell to his knee’s gripping his arm and yelling curse words.

Ren then walked over to me and said one single word.


I looked into his deadly cold blue eyes and said, “I need a way home too.”

“Show me where the fucking car is and then you can just hand me the key’s once we get in.” said Ren.

“Fine.” I said.

“Go.” Ren said shoving me out the door.

“Calm the fuck down.” I said.

“Hurry up.” He said as if what I had said hadn’t been spoken.

The moment we got in the car and I handed the keys to him, I started to regret it.
I was seriously holding onto my seat for my fucking life.

He drove nearly eighty miles an hour, and when we got to a red light, he zoomed right through it if there weren’t many cars there.

I thought I was going to die.

All I did was shut my eyes tightly and hold the fuck on.

By the time I opened my eyes, we were home, but I still felt like I was moving.

He was already out of the car and running right up to our home.

I slowly got out of the car and made my way up the stairs.

When I walked in I saw Ari walk right by Ren and say, “Just leave her be…” and then he walked passed me and left.

I turned and watched him get into his car and drive off.

I walked back into the house and saw Ren on his knee’s at Kari’s door.

I walked over only a little and just stared right at him.

“Kari, please open the door.” Ren said with his head against her door and his fists tight.

“Go away, Ren.” She replied back coldly.

“Please don’t be angry with me. I just don’t like it when other men try to do something to you that you don’t like.” Ren said in a low tone. He then started to punch the door when she didn’t respond.

He dropped back down on his knees once more.

I stood there, and I knew he knew I was watching him. It was as if I didn’t exist though…

“I’m sorry…” Ren said in a low pained voice.

I think…I’ve only ever heard him apologize to Kari. An apology from Ren is rare unless it’s towards Kari.

For some reason, seeing him on his knees with his head against Kari’s door reminds me of when we were little. I remember sitting in my Mother’s lap and staring right at the closet. Ren’s Mother always just shoved him in there. He’d bang on the closet door, and I’d hear him yell, scream, and cry, but his Mom didn’t even flinch. The only thing she ever did was watch TV and turn the volume up as loud as she needed it to be to drown out his cries. She did that to him every single day…

I always sort of imagined Ren being exactly like he is now, but in that closet when we were younger. Just on his knees with his head against Kari’s door and pounding his fists and yelling for her to understand.

“Ren…” Kari said out slowly in a low voice.

Ren’s head perked up.

“I’m here Kari.” He said listening attentively.

“I’m not just all upset because of you. I’m just feeling horrible right now over other things as well. Stupid Shawn just made me think of it all. I hate him. I just want to be alone, so go to bed please.” She said in a low voice. You could hear guilt in it, but you could also hear pain, and the coldness in her voice.

“I’m not going anywhere. Just let me in Kari, I’ll be good.” said Ren in a shaky voice.

He’ll be good? Is he implying that he never is with Kari?

“Ren please…” Kari said out desperately.

“I’m not leaving you alone!”Ren yelled.

“You know how I fucking am; you know I won’t do that. Especially at a time like this when you are upset. I know you are hurting, but that’s why you should just…just let me in.” Ren said pressing his hands hard against the door; as if he thought he could just break it with a mere push.

The only time I ever see Ren on his knees and as weak as he looks now, is when Kari is in pain in some way. It’s because of him that she doesn’t show the emotion of pain on her face as much anymore. Whether it’s physical or emotional. She probably hides a lot from him.

I remember a time when I dropped a pot of hot water onto her foot. Ren nearly killed me; it was when she told him it didn’t hurt after getting it wrapped up that saved me. I swear it did. I also remember the time when her best friend Lana died. She only cried for a day, and after that she was back to how she normally is. Ren was in the room that night she cried her eyes out, because he refused to just sit and watch. He really doesn’t get the meaning of, “I need some space” unless it’s him saying it to some girl at school that won’t leave him alone.

When Kari’s door slowly opened and she stepped forward out…

Ren gripped onto her legs tightly and held her.

He was still on his knees.

She bent down to hug him tight, but in the end it was her getting that tight hold.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading.
I'm sorry for the SUPER late update D:
Chapter 5 will be out soon.
Thank you for waiting.
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