‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Six: Dance?

When I woke up this morning, I woke up to Reia sitting right on my bed.

“Ren, you have school today, did you forget to set your alarm?” asked Reia.

I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock, “Fuck.” I muttered.

“You know, you didn’t have to be so rude to Jayden’s mother, Vonia. I never did tell you everything about how your Mother was and maybe still is.” said Reia as I got up and started taking off every bit of clothing I had on.

“It’s her own fault for coming up to me as if she had the right. I know enough about my Mother, and I don’t care if my Mother had problems, she’s still my Mom.” I said and then I walked into the bathroom and showered quick and fixed up my hair.

When I walked out Reia was still there staring right at me as I got dressed. Putting on my tight black skinny jeans, and my slipknot shirt, and then the final thing I needed, my wallet.

“You know if you weren’t a lesbian, or my Aunt, I’d find it creepy that you are still staring at me. “ I said to Reia.

She didn’t say a thing back, only stared.

I sighed and said, “What Auntie?”

“You know exactly what.” said Reia.

“I don’t like Jayden, and I don’t like his stupid Mother. I don’t care if my Mom wasn’t in the best state, it’s not her fault no one came to help her.” I said looking back into my aunts eyes that stared at me judgingly.
“You never did explain to me why you hate Jayden.” said Reia.

“He’s my brother, what’s there not to hate? Plus, he hates me as well, so who fucking cares.” I said back.

“You shouldn’t hate him; you should love him, even if he is only your half-brother. His Mother didn’t do anything to deserve your hate.” said Reia.

“She didn’t fucking do anything? Reia, Vonia took my Father from her. I have plenty reason to hate her with every ounce of my being.” I snapped back.

“Sweetie, your father was never Nadia’s from the start. They were fuck buddies, not lovers.” said Reia.

I stood there for only a moment before shaking my head and saying, “She never got the chance to make it more than just that because Vonia got in the way. If my Mom had my Dad the entire time, I bet she wouldn’t have broken down so much. I know what it is like to love someone so much to the point where it drives you insane not to have them. I really do get it. Any enemy of my Mother is an enemy of mine, that’s just how it works. Even if she did lock me in the closet all the time, I know deep down inside she really did love me. It was just my Father that made her crazy, I understand her.” I said and then turned and left the room.

When I got to school I immediately went to my locker. The moment I had it open, I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

“You didn’t come like you said you would.” said Emi in a whinny voice as she gripped me tightly from behind.

I rolled my eyes and said, “My ex-girlfriend isn’t my priority.”

“I don’t think of you as an ex, Ren.” said Emi.

“Well I think of you as one.” I said back.

“Are you going to the homecoming dance?” asked Emi.

“I don’t plan on it.” I said back.

“Why? You should go with me, it’ll be fun.” said Emi hugging me tighter.

“No thanks, and let go.” I said back coldly.

She sighed and then finally let go.

I grabbed my binder and then slammed my locker shut and turned the other way ready to walk off.

“What if Kari is going? I heard she is.” said Emi.

I froze right away, and then turned back to face her.

“Where did you hear that?” I asked questioningly.

Kari never told me about how she wanted to go.

“That doesn’t matter, Ren. You see? This is what pisses me off so much, you have no idea. If Kari is going to go somewhere, you go. If Kari wants something, you get it for her, or try to. If Kari asks you to do something for her, you never say no, no matter how big or small it is. You get jealous when Kari is around other guys to. It’s obvious you love her, yet you don’t go for her. It doesn’t make sense to me at all. It’s not like she is your sister or anything. I don’t really want you to go for her, it works in my favor. I just really would like it if I could understand why you don’t go for the one girl you really seem to love.” said Emi and then she sighed again.

I walked up to Emi and caressed her cheek.

She looked up at me with her forest green eyes.

I shrugged before a smile came to my face, and then I said, “It’s never been the right time for such a thing to happen between her and I. Besides, regardless of us being lovers or not, you still could never compare to her.”

Emi’s eyes widened.

“Listen Emi, guys…guys toss the word, “love,” around because it works when they want to get laid. No man loves you until he proves it. Half the time women fall for it when they are told they are loved; they never figure out that men only say it to get laid. Why would a man go to the extremes to prove his love for her if simply saying the word gets him a good fucking? Emi, you are my ex-girlfriend, and I haven’t ever loved you in the way you love me. You can find a guy who truly loves you as much as you love him someday. You are a beautiful woman, but I’m not that guy for you. You can get me to sleep with you quite a few times even if I resist, but I’m a guy, that’s expected. I could say no to you as many times as I want, but in the end it doesn’t really matter if I sleep with you. I’m a single guy; I can do what I want. Do you know why I try to avoid you though? It’s because I want you to move on to a guy that isn’t me.” I said and then I once more turned around.

“We…can’t even be friends?” I heard her say out slowly.

I then turned to her once more and said, “Being your friend won’t stop us from screwing, so I can’t be your friend either.”
I then turned back around and this time walked off.

When I looked back I saw tears falling from her face, but I kept on walking. It’s not my job to deal with her crying, that can be someone else’s job. I just kept on walking….

I sat through most of my classes either talking to the girls next to me, or just messing with the jocks.

When I finally got the class I had with Kari though, I got there quick.

Kari was at her desk setting things down.

I walked right over and sat on her desk and then put my arm around her shoulder.

“Hey Ren.” She said looking up at me with a smile on her face.

“Hey. Are you going to the dance that’s coming up?” I asked her once she turned to face me.

“I might, but I’m not quite sure yet.” said Kari.

“Anyone ask you?” I asked.

“Seth asked me, but I rejected him.” said Kari.

“That kid asked you? I can’t stand that brat.” I said.

“I can’t either, I really can’t. Are you going to the dance?” asked Kari.

“I might.” I said back.

Kari smiled and then asked, “Did you ask anyone?”

“Not really.” I said back.

“I’m thinking of just going with Ari. The girl he liked rejected him to the dance and I think it would really cheer him up if I went with him. He really wanted to go to the dance, he already purchased a ticket. It’d be a waste for him to just throw it away. “said Kari.

“I didn’t know you were interested in Ari.” I said.

“Ren, you don’t have to be dating the guy to go to the dance with him. He’s just my friend, and I’m doing it to cheer him up is all.” said Kari in a slightly annoyed voice.

I smirked and pulled her close.

I leaned down a bit and whispered in her ear, “You are so cute when you get all annoyed.”

I then let go and went off to my seat, at the same time the teacher came right in and began to teach the second the bell rang.

As the teacher began her lecture I pulled out my phone. I held it in my lap and slowly began to go through my contact list.
Who to ask to the dance…who…

Yeah, I never really intended on going to the dance, and yes I never did like school dances. I feel like school dances have to many restrictions. Enough restrictions to make me feel like I’m just a little kid again. That’s why I don’t like school dances. I’d rather just take the girl I’m interested in to some fancy dinner and then go to some dancing place later. One that allows you to dance however you want, and bring what you want. I can have a pack of gum in my pocket without some lady coming up to me and asking me to give it to her, otherwise I can’t go in. Yeah, school dances don’t even let you have a pack of gum with you when you go in. It’s stupid, and a waste of money.

Since it’s the beginning of my last here at this shitty school, I might as well go to a few, right?

I have a lot of ex-girlfriends, but I haven’t slept with every girl in my phone. I’m not a player; I just know how to get a girl. To be honest I never really have to try hard to get one at all. I’m not saying that because I’m cocky, I’m saying it because it’s true. Jayden thinks I swoon every girl I see just so I can fuck them and then toss them aside. That’s not true in the slightest though, it really isn’t. To be fair though, they all give the same reason as every other has, “I was attracted to you because of how mysterious you are.”

I finally stopped at a name on my phone after going through half my contact list---which is pretty big.

“Rose Velezia”

I sat there staring at the board the teacher was writing on, thinking if I should call her after school and ask, or just send a text. It’s always best to ask a girl out in person, it’s the right thing to do.
But...Why bother if I know she’ll say yes either way? Plus, I don’t really like Rose Velezia enough to really go that extra for her.

I yawned and then lazily typed a text asking her if she wanted to go. Three seconds later after I sent it I got a text back saying, “YES!!”

I smiled and then closed my phone and began to actually listen to the lecture.

When the bell rang Emi came right over to me and sat on my desk.

I stood up and packed my things.

“Well?” asked Emi.

“Well what?” I asked back.

“Are you going to go to the dance with me?” asked Emi.

“Nope, I’m going with Rose Velezia.” I said as I zipped up my backpack.

Her jaw dropped and she shook her head before saying, “She’s a fucking whore. She pretty much jumped you after the second week of knowing you.”

I tossed my backpack on my back before laughing and then said, “So what? You gave me a blow job at the beginning of our first date, so what’s the make you?”

Emi’s eyes widened in shock, lost for words she didn’t even say anything back.

I smiled and then said, “Don’t be a fucking hypocrite, okay?” I then walked off.

I finished off my day with another class and then went right home.

The moment I walked in, my eyes locked with Vonia’s, Jayden’s Mom.

“Oh, you’re home.” She said.

“And…you are still here huh?” I said back and then walked past her and right into my room.

I saw Jayden in my room and immediately I gave him a death glare.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” I asked.

“Looking for my iPod that I know you took.” said Jayden.

“I took your iPod?” I repeated and then laughed.

“Learn to get some evidence before coming right in like it’s your right. The only person who has the right is Kari, so get out.” I said looking him dead in the eye.

“The moment you give me what you took, I’ll leave.” said Jayden confidently.

“Jayden, by now I think you would have known better. You know for a fact this is the one place you aren’t allowed in. You know for a fact, that I’ll kick your ass if you do come in here. You also know I won’t hesitate to beat the shit out of you if I’m in a bad mood and you are in my room. Why? Because this space, right in here is mine and I don’t like you. I won’t ask again.” I said in a calm yet deadly voice as I stepped up right in front of him.

Our blue eyes that we both got from our Father met.

Jayden took one step forward and the second he did I pinned him against the wall, and with one of my arms I choked him.

Jayden gripped onto my arms trying to pull them off.

I only smirked and pressed tighter.

“Ren! Stop it!” I heard Kari yell.

I immediately stopped and turned around as Jayden dropped to the floor coughing.

“Jeez. You two really need to lay off each other.” said Kari and then she came right in.

She walked over to Jayden and reached in her pocket and pulled out an iPod.

She then extended her arm with the iPod in her hand and said, “I’m sorry I took this without asking you. Mine broke, and I really needed something to do in Mr. Hoffmen’s class because he was having us listen to one of those boring CD’s about the history of man.”

Jayden’s eyes widened and he took it and said, “Oh…”

I looked right at him.

“Get out now.” I said.

He got up and walked right out.

“What was that about? Why were you choking Jayden?” asked Kari.

“Don’t worry about it Kari.” I said back and turned the other way to fix the stuff that fell from the shelf when I shoved Jayden against the wall.

Kari rested her head on my back as I did that, and slowly I began to relax once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading.
Chapter seven will be up soon :D
I hope you enjoyed.
Ps. I'm working on the character page :)