‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Seven: Not so strong after all

Today I woke up in my first period, and I was the only one who still remained in the class.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I asked her.

“Excuse you? You fell asleep in my class Kari, so it’s only smart of me to allow you to miss the next. You aren’t getting a pass either.”

“Why thank you Ms. Brooks, I’ll be sure to tell Ren of how kind you were to me.” I responded sarcastically.

Her eyes went wide and I turned around and walked right out the door.

That’s right, I know exactly what happened between you two. I’ve never liked this teacher ever since I found out what she’s been doing to him. I think she’s a little too old to be obsessed with a teenage student. And I honestly find it odd. Why would a pretty teacher like her go for a high school student?

I made my way to my fourth period class, but I decided to just ditch it. What was the point in even going now that I’ve already missed a half hour of it?

I walked into the quad and just sat down on the side.

I sighed heavily, and next thing I knew arms were wrapped around me.

I felt the hot breath on my neck and immediately I felt a scream coming up my throat.

The hand snapped over my mouth.

“Shh, don’t scream yet sexy.”

My eyes widened.

He took his hand off my mouth and turned to face him.

“Seth, that wasn’t funny.” I said and then slapped his hands off me and stood up.

He stood up as well and pulled me close to him.

“Stop.” I said.

“You know, one of these days you’ll give into me, and I’ll have you.” said Seth before kissing my neck and sliding his hand up to my inner thigh.

I bit his arm hard and he released me.

“Ouch, fuck!” he yelled out.

“Keep your hands off me. You’re a fucking creep.” I said and then turned around and ran.

When I stopped I realized I had forgotten my backpack.

I sighed and then turned back around.

I jumped and nearly screamed when I saw he was already before me.

“How…” I said.

“If you run, you might lose me. If you stop running, I’ll catch up easily.” said Seth with a somewhat sinister smile as he held out my backpack.

For some reason what he just said now sounds extremely familiar…

Seth had light brown hair and black eyes that made me feel very uncomfortable. I could see part of the tattoo he had across his chest, but I still couldn’t make out what it said.

I looked at my backpack, and then up at him.

“Well, are you going to grab it?” He asked.

I felt my heart quicken slightly.

I reached out my arm to grab it quick, but I ended up being pinned against the wall.

“I knew you were going to do this.” I said and he smiled and pressed himself up against me.

I struggled against him, trying to break free but he wouldn’t let go.

“I tried to win you over in a fair way last time. Now I don’t think I can play fair anymore…” He said and before kissing down my neck.

“Get off me Seth, or else.” I said.

“Or else what? You’ll tell Ren and he’ll come kick my ass?” said Seth with a grin on his face.

“No, or else I’ll scream. Did you forget we are in a public place?” I asked.

“No one’s around…” said Seth.

“If I scream….there will be someone coming right over here.” I said.

“That’s no fun.” said Seth.

“Since when did I say I made anything fun?” I responded back.

He let go of my wrists and stepped back.

“I’ll make you feel real good if you just give me the chance.” said Seth.

“Go away.” I replied.

“You look good today by the way.” He said before winking at me and then walked off.

I watched him as he went, he did stop at some point to look at me.

One day I might just end up using Ren as a threat without even thinking…

He then turned back around and continued walking, at that very moment the bell rang and I made my way to my next class.

When lunch time came around I met up with Ari.
“Did you decide on what suit you are going to wear to the dance?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to wear the black one, and I bought the red tie.” said Ari.

“I got my red dress, it looks so good.” I said with a smile.

“That’s good…” said Ari forcing a smile out.

“ I know you are still depressing about that bitch that rejected you for some other but listen to me. If you go with me, she’ll definitely regret leading you on like she did before. Trust me.” I said and then hugged Ari tight.

Ari smiled and said, “You have done so much for me already, you’re a good friend.”

“As are you, Ari.” I said back with a smile.

“I actually have to get going home. The dance is tonight and I still need to pick up your flower.” said Ari.

I laughed and said, “Alright, I’ll see you tonight then.”

After we parted I had a friend drop me off at my place after we hung out for a couple hours.

When I got home later, I saw Ren in the living room in a tuxedo. My heart nearly dropped, and my eyes widened.

Ren looked up at me with his blue eyes meeting my light blue ones.

“Can you help me with my tie?” he asked.

I didn’t even utter a word; I just came right over and began to tie it for him.

“So, you’re going after all?” I said.

“Yeah, I decided I might as well.” said Ren.

“Why?” I asked.

“We’re seniors after all.” said Ren.

“True.” I said back, and then turned around and walked off right into my room.

I opened my closet and took out the red dress and put it on slowly. I then put on my heels and began to fix my hair up real nicely. I couldn’t help but to look into the mirror and wish my Mother was alive to see me now. This is my last year of high school after all…

I sighed heavily before getting up and walking to the door which was being pounded on.

I opened it to see Ari there in his suit sweating.

“What’s wrong? Why are you all sweaty?” I asked him.

“What always happens to me at school, except I wasn’t at school this time…” said Ari.

I shook my head and said, “I really wish they’d grow up and stop picking on you.”

“It’s alright, let’s just go to the dance.” said Ari with a hopeful smile as he placed the corsage on my wrist.

I nodded with a smile as he placed the corsage on my wrist. A few petals had fallen off the white flower, but I didn’t mind at all. I’m surprised he was even able to hold onto it as he ran.

When we arrived at the dance, the room was huge, and the building was at least three stories high.

We walked around a bit until we came into the dance room. I saw right away Ren standing there and the girl next to him, who I presume to be Rose Velezia. She had long dark brown hair and her eyes were hazel, and her gown was black with white going around the waist line. She was looking at him with such hope as she pressed her chest against his arm. The gesture didn’t faze him in the slightest though.

I looked over to Ari who was staring right at the girl who he had previously asked to the dance. The girl he’s liked ever since high school began. She was making out with her date and he was enjoying it like no other.

I put my hand over Ari’s eyes and said, “Just have a good time while you’re here. She isn’t worth putting you in misery like this. You look incredibly amazing in your tuxedo, so you might as well have fun.”

Ari’s body is lanky and his glasses make him look slightly awkward, but tonight he was wearing eye contacts. He looked pretty handsome, not like I’m saying he doesn’t with his glasses on.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out on the dance floor and we began dancing. I could tell by the way he rested his head on my shoulder that he felt depressed. It made me somewhat upset; all I wanted to do from the start is to make him smile again. It seems getting someone out of such a depressed state is far more difficult then I hoped it would be – at least with him anyways.

After continuously dancing song after song, Ari finally stepped away from me.

“I…have to use the restroom.” He said and turned away and started to walk right for the door. I could see tears in his eyes desiring to come out. Ari’s never been the type to cry in public though. So of course he’s just going to run right to the bathroom.

I stood there looking at everyone as they danced. I couldn’t help but to want to just go off and walk around, and that’s exactly what I did. I figured I could explore this place a bit while Ari was in the bathroom.

When I made it out of the dance room I slipped off my black high heels and walked bare footed up the stairs to the second level. I walked slowly down the hall way with my shoes in my left hand, and at every door I encountered I tried opening it. I don’t know why I did that. I guess perhaps I wanted to explore even if the extent of my exploration included going through things I shouldn’t be.

When I stopped at the end of the hallway I saw a door was wide open. I found it odd seeing as just about every door I had tried to open was locked. I walked over and looked inside, but it was far too dark. I was about to turn around when I felt someone shove me inside the room and slam the door shut behind them once they were in as well.

I fell to the floor and hit my head on something that felt like metal.

“Who did that?” I said out loud as I rubbed my head and looked around the dark room for a moving figure.

The light flipped on and I saw Seth leaning against the door in his tuxedo with a smirk on his face.

“You’re favorite man in the whole wide world.” Seth replied.

I stood up and began to step back.

“Seth, open the door and let me out. I don’t have time to deal with you right now.” I said.

“You know, I did tell you I wasn’t going to play fair anymore. Did you decide in your mind that you wouldn’t figure out what I meant? That strapless short red dress your wearing, doesn’t make me want to just let you go.” said Seth as he slowly stepped closer to me with a gigantic sinister smile.

He loosened up his tie and then tossed his jacket onto the floor and continued to step closer to me. At this point I was up against the wall with his pressing himself against me. The second I threw my arms at him to push him away, he pinned me.

“Stop.” I said firmly as I looked into his eyes.

He laughed.

“You can demand I stop all you want, but a five foot two delicate goddess isn’t going to make me let you go. Want to call out for Ren? Oh wait. You can’t! Why? Because no one will hear you in this room! So baby, please scream nice and loud.” said Seth before throwing me against the other wall and running up to me, and kicking me right in the stomach.

I yelled and my eyes went wide. I hadn’t expected this to happen while I was at the dance. It was the last place I thought Seth would assault me.

“I don’t want to rip up your pretty dress, so be a good girl and take it off.” said Seth.

I gripped my stomach still trying to withstand the pain of the kick, he had put all his strength into that kick surely, and it sure felt like it. I glared up at him, I couldn’t speak without squeaking I knew, and so glaring was the best I could do.

His smile faded and he looked down at me in disgust and said, “I asked you nicely. Now, I’ll make you listen.”

He grabbed my arm and yanked me up, in that moment I threw my fist at him. He simply picked me up and slammed me hard down onto the floor and put me in a choke lock with his legs as he handcuffed both my wrists to the table.

I yelled out in pain, both from him slamming me so hard onto the ground and on how tight the handcuffs were on.

He put all his weight down on my legs and gripped my long black hair in his hands and yanked it towards him and smelled it.

“You’re hair is so silky and it smells like what an angel would smell like.” He said with lust and desire in his voice, and his eyes staring at me intently.

“Let me go, or else.” I said with courage as I felt my body begin to shake. I came to the painful realization that no matter what I did I couldn’t out do him in strength in any way. Every attempt I’ve made so far ended in me getting hit.

He laughed and tried to grip the zipper of my dress, but I pressed my back against the table so he couldn’t. I was trying so hard to free myself, yanking the cuffs hard and trying to make it difficult for him. I was hoping he’d give up if I just kept being difficult…but I knew it was futile.

His evil smile fell once more and he began to rip my dress off my very body as fast as he could.

My eyes widened as the evil look on his face got darker, and the room felt as if it were getting colder. I screamed when he began to suddenly just rip my dress as fast as he was doing.

My eyes couldn’t get any wider, and I felt tears begin to drip down my face and my heart begin to quicken even more so. I tried to bring my knees up to cover my body but he was sitting on them.

He began groping my body and kissing down my neck. When his head was close enough to mine, I head butted him. He gripped his head and yelled out. He glared at me and slapped me across the face before yanking and ripping off my underwear and bra.

At this point everything became fast.

His shirt was undone, and his pants were already off to the side.

“Don’t.” I said as I felt him press his body against mine as he slowly tried to spread my legs--- which I held tightly shut with every bit of strength I had.

“Are you still a virgin Kari?” He asked in a whispering voice in my ear.

My eyes widened.

He smirked wide.

“I see.”

I bit my lip hard enough to the point it bled. I was searching my mind over and over again for a way out. All I could do was just stare right at the door and hope Ren would come. He was my only hope. I can’t escape. I always felt like, I was strong enough to fight off people on my own. Now I’ve realized I need to get stronger if I intend to take that all on my own. I think…I’ve been rather foolish.

My body was shaking an insane amount and the tears were endless.

“If you don’t spread your legs, I’ll make sure to shove it all in. You can’t blame me if it hurts, I’m willing to prepare you…” said Seth in a slight whisper into my ear before biting my ear.

I tightened my lips and closed my eyes tight, No matter what it’s going to hurt. I’d rather just put all my effort into making him stop…even if…

“You whore.” was all Seth said before ripping my legs apart from each other and shoving himself right in.

I screamed louder than I’ve ever screamed before in my life and yanked the cuffs so hard to the point it cut into my wrists a bit. They were officially bleeding.

I looked down to see blood…and lots of it.

I looked back up at the door.

Then I only looked at Seth aggressively thrusting in me once before fixating my stare on the door.

Please come Ren, please. He always comes in when I don’t want him too. He always comes no matter what. Why isn’t he here?

A lot of time past, and I never realized it until I heard Seth’s jacket button snap on.

He walked right out the room without even giving me a second glance.

At this point, I didn’t care anymore what happened to me. I put all my hopes onto something I didn’t get. No one came for me this time around, and for once I needed him more than I ever knew.
I closed my eyes and hours later I woke up with Ren’s jacket covering me, the handcuffs were off and he was holding me tightly in his arms rocking me back and forth.

My body felt numb…

I hadn’t noticed for a whole ten minutes that he was muttering something over and over.

It took me a minute to understand what he was saying.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry…I should have been here.”

He said this repeatedly.

It wasn’t his fault, but I did place every hope I had on him.


Well…because normally he’s there at the right time. I know he isn’t a super hero…but.

I closed my eyes once more, and I woke up in the hospital.

I heard people talking, but I couldn’t hear a thing.

I closed my eyes once more, and this time I woke up where I wanted to be all this time. In my bed with Ren holding me into his chest, protecting me with everything he has…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while since I've updated.
And I hope you can forgive me for it.
I've just been going through a lot, and I've been uber busy.
But I'll be posting chapters again.
I was going to post up two chapters at once.
BUT, I've realized that this story is slowly edging towards the complicatedness.
You'll be seeing old characters from the previous story come back into this one. I'm excited to write that, but I've got to be careful on how I do it!
Next chapter will be out soon!
Comment :D

Poor Kari. =( She always tries to put a tough front on, but now she's realized, she's not as strong as she thought. :l
Hopefully she can recover, and become the strong girl she's always wanted to measure up too...