‹ Prequel: Sexy? Why yes I am.

When Light Dies, Darkness Awakes

Eight: Daddy, Mommy.

When I woke up this morning, I still had Kari in my arms and it seems as if she only snuggled closer into my chest. I slid my fingers through her long black hair and then kissed the top of her head. My eyes wondered around the room until my eye caught the stream of light coming from the window.

I looked down at Kari to see her eyes open and looking up right at me. The first thing I wanted to ask her was who the hell raped her, and my next step after that was to kill him.

She looked right into my blue eyes with her beautiful light blue ones. Her eyes then began to fill up with water, and suddenly it was as if I was looking into an ocean.

“S-Seth.” She choked out and began to cry once more. I pushed her tightly into my chest; I automatically knew exactly what she meant when she said that fuckers name. It was Seth who raped her. I will fucking kill him. I don’t know exactly when, but I’m ready to make his life hell. Everyone in the fucking school knows not the lay hand on Kari. It’s not like anyone at the school hasn’t the slightest clue on it. I’ve been in a lot of fights because of something some fucker decided to do to Kari. I’ve probably been in over forty fights at school over the past four years. – Not including outside of school.

I’ve hung out with Seth plenty of times before. We happen to know similar people, and you know how that goes. You know a guy, they know a guy that guy knows a guy, and next thing you know everyone is hanging out. You’d think after he’s hung out with me he’d understand the fact that Kari is off limits.

When Kari fell asleep again I slowly got myself out of the bed without waking her and made my way down the hallway. I walked into the kitchen to see Aunt Dolly sitting down on a chair near a window with coffee in her hands. Her eyes had deep dark circles around them as if she hasn’t slept for days and the look in her eyes…too hard to even describe.
A part of me honestly wanted to ignore the sight before me, as if I didn’t see anything. I’ve never been the type of guy to ask anyone about their business. I’m not a curious person like most. I guess that’s why my brother and every other guy think I’m some heartless guy. But…in reality, I just don’t want to know anyone else’s business. I don’t like it when people ask me about mine, so why the hell would I ask about there’s? Unless it’s Kari, I don’t care. It’s not that I don’t care about my Aunt, it’s just, I’m not good with words, and I’m far to blunt. I’m blunt to the point where it looks like I’m being an asshole. To avoid fighting anyone saying that to me, and going off and judging me, I just keep my mouth shut. It’s who I am. So what? I can’t change myself. Plus I’d rather not make things worse…

I turned around, but then I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh.

Fuck it.

I flipped my hair to the side and grabbed a chair and dragged it right in front of Aunt Dolly and sat down.

She turned towards me surprised.

Aunt Dolly’s black hair was to her shoulders, and a complete mess. Her snakebite holes were dark, and her makeup was almost non-existent. I’ve never seen her with such little makeup in my life. I feel like I’m sitting in front of a completely new person, and that doesn’t help me talk to her one bit. Her blue eyes were faded, nearing a white clear color.

“What is it, Ren?” she asked with the fakest smile plastered on her face.

I hate when people act fake around me. I fucking hate it. This is why I don’t even ask people about their problems, because if they don’t want to talk about it, they fake a smile. Fake smiles piss me the fuck off. I didn’t come all the way over here to waste time on some fake smile. If I wanted fake, I would’ve went for a model that’s had plastic surgery in about every part of her fucking body.

My fists clenched tight at my sides.

She then caressed my cheek and said, “You’re Father wore skinny jeans just like these, and even though your shirt is a lot tighter, and much newer, it still reminds me of his. He had a red tight shirt that was faded out, and it had so many holes in it.”

Her eyes watered and then she spoke again, “Our Mom used to yell at him all the time for it. He’d only ignore her and walk right out of the house. Soon enough, he was gone for days and days. When he finally came back, our Mom never said another word about his shirts. What I never understood, is why she even cared. She was always at work, and she always came home late. It’s not like she ever came to check on us. But…as I got older I realized that she’d rather not see him and know he still is okay with her, rather than knowing he’s mad at her and never knowing when he’s over it. I was always so protective of your Father, so protective. You know, he was always there for me when I needed him, and even when I didn’t need him. He never once in my life let me down, and even though he played girls, I knew deep down he was a better man than anyone realized. I probably came off as a bitch by the way I defended him, but I didn’t care. As long as I could do something for him, regardless of whether or not he asked, I felt I was returning slowly what he gives me.”

Tears began to flow down Aunt Dolly’s face and she shook her head and spoke again, “He never once came to me, no matter how tough times were to him. I always hated how he did that, how he always just deals with everything alone. He doesn’t even talk about it; he just takes the weight on his shoulders and pushes onward. It’s funny because you are like that too, and it annoys me insanely. All I ever wanted from my brother, was for him to for once lean on me, give me that chance to return what he’s done for me all my life. I never got that chance, and it sucks, but I will forever be grateful, and in his debt.”

I looked down at the floor and then back into her eyes.

“Aunt…Dolly, what happened?” I asked slowly.

She shook her head and began to cry harder.

“I haven’t seen Reia for about two weeks now..."

"where the hell is she? Did she leave you? She better not have.” I said and snapped up.

She grabbed my hands and shook her head, and I sat back down.

I placed each of my hands on each side of her head and pulled her close, and looked right into her eyes and repeated myself, “What happened?”

“Nate woke up…your Father woke up from his coma!” she said out loud and clenched her fist into her chest.

My eyes widened.

“Dads…awake?” I repeated with my eyes wide in shock.

“After eleven years, I know! He’s awake! I wasn’t supposed to tell you guys just yet…” said Dolly.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Well, as you know, he’s been in a coma for eleven years. Yes, we’ve hired people to massage his body and work his legs, but he’s still lost a lot of muscle mass. You’ve seen pictures of your Father right? He had a lot of muscle back then... Now he has a lot of skin hanging around. He’s also going through excessive therapy, because he’s in his thirties, and the last time he was awake he was in his twenties. The first thing he did when he woke up was scream out, ‘WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?’ into the mirror. He didn’t even think I was his sister, and Reia had her hair up in a Mohawk like she used to do. I think that’s the only reason why he believed I was his sister, and she was his best friend. He’s in a state of shock, he really is. He’s not ready to see his six year old children as grown up eighteen year olds. I mean he’s still facing reality now. So we’re having him go through excessive therapy physically, mentally, and emotionally. I’ll probably tell Vonia last, and have them meet each other last. I mean, she’s been awake and living life for the past eleven years, she’s grown up, and your Father, well, he still talks like he’s twenty. It’ll be a couple of months before you guys see him again, so please don’t tell Kari or Jayden.” said Dolly as she wiped tears from her face.

“Why are…you crying over something good that happened?” I asked still in shock.

“Because the first person he wanted to see when he woke up was Vonia. When Reia told him he couldn’t yet, he yelled at her and me. The last thing I wanted to happen happened. I didn’t want to hear words of hate from him the second he woke up. I know he just really misses Vonia, because after all the last time he saw her she was in a cast. I haven’t seen my Wife in two weeks, she’s been with him. I love my brother, but I really miss my Wife.” said Aunt Dolly.
I exhaled a lot of air I had pent up inside me, and then pulled Dolly right into my chest, and wrapped my arms around her.

“Auntie…losing sleep won’t make time go faster. Sleep. Time will pass.” I said and then got up and turned.

“I love you, Ren.” I heard her say as I walked away.

“Right back at you Auntie.” I said in a low voice as I walked.

I went into my room and pulled out a knife from the bottom of one of my drawers. I looked at it for a split second before putting it back into the drawer.

I felt a memory flood into my mind...

“Mommy, why are you holding a knife?”

I looked up at my Mother with her long black hair and bright pink streaks shining in the light, as she held the knife. Her green eyes shined with delight as she watched the light reflect off the knife.

She grinned before saying, “Ren, you use a knife only as a last resort to fix your problems. The best way to fix your problems is through manipulation and pay back. If you can make someone suffer from the same pain as they did to you, you have accomplished getting even. If you can do worse, you’ve taught them a lesson. Son, always try to make them suffer, they deserve it. So don’t you dare ever feel guilty and always aim to do better than any previous thing you’ve done.”

“What’s manipulation?” I asked.

“Ugh. I guess I can’t expect my six year old son to have a brain that’ll understand me.” said my Mother before she turned around and wrote her name, “Nadia” on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I looked at the paper confused and then at her.

“Get lost.”

-Flashback end-

It’s weird how I remember something from when I was six. To be honest though, I really thought about what she said. I think I’ve lived by her advice only partially…

Now that Seth raped Kari, I think I’ll do something worse than beating him to death. I can do better.

I know I can.

I looked into the mirror and pushed some of my black hair from my face and replaced my lip ring with a spike.

After all…
My Mother did say I could always do better.

There is always room, for better.

I think I know how to make Seth suffer for what he did to Kari.

He’ll regret what he did.
So much he will wish for death, and I won’t answer his prayers.

I smirked in the mirror.

I turned to see Jayden standing there.

“You look scary as hell.” said Jayden.

“For once I’m not insulted.” I said as I walked out and began laughing.

“What happened to Kari?” Jayden asked as I walked off.

I stopped in my tracks and said, “Seth raped her…but don’t worry about Seth, I’ll take care of him.” I said in a slow like manner before I began to walk right back into Kari’s room, and into her bed.

She instantly placed herself against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her tight.

“Don’t worry…he’ll regret it.” I said in a low whisper.

She had already fallen asleep.

I felt oddly good though.

Mom, I know I never got to know you, but wherever you are, I hope you are proud of me. I listened…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading
Chapter 9 will be out soon.
Don't be shy ^^

Oh, and I updated the character page a bit. :)