Status: In progress

Skin Light


"Yeah, you make think that I’m a zero
But hey, everyone you wanna be
Probably started off like me.
You may say that I’m a freak show
But give it just a little time
I bet you’re gonna change your mind."

Pauline sang-panted to the Glee song as she tried Day One of Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred.

This was the fourth time she had started Day One of the Shred. Each time she had completely a little bit more of the workout, but never actually finished it. Each time she had quit, then gone directly to the fridge for a snack, which had turned into a binge, which had turned into regret.

Pauline was at 5'11'', the fattest girl she knew.

At 5'11'', Pauline weighed in at almost 300 pounds.

Now, it wasn't as bad as sophomore year, when she was close to 400. It was a good thing that between then and now, she had invested a lot of time and effort into losing weight and improving her health. But in her first year at Uni, she had kind of let all the hard work go.

She had promised herself, and her cousin Greta that she would get it together by this summer, the summer before her final year in school, and get down to below 200 pounds.

Pauline dreamed of that day. The day when she was about 170 pounds. She would buy a whole new, chic wardrobe and convince everyone to call her Linny. She would be attractive to every single guy she met, and she would be nice to all of the fat, misunderstood people.

It had to happen someday, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't too polished, but I just wanted to set up a character complex before I actually dived into the crux of the story.