Letter Thirty

Letter One: Introduction

I remember how this all began...

When I found out... about..... you, I bawled my eyes out. I just felt so helpless. I still do. We've known each other for... what..... about 13 years now? Well, now we're Juniors in high school, looking forward to the next year. At least, our classmates are. I won't be able to stand next year. I will have no one else.

You called me crying. I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew it was something.

You said you went to the hospital. That's why you weren't at school. I knew you had been feeling ill the days before. By then I was extremely worried, thinking of the worst, wishing for the best. Let's just say... I don't believe in wishes anymore.

They said you have cancer. Thirty days to live. I couldn't control myself. I broke down. Every SINGLE emotion I had ever held in came pouring out with passion. Anger, sadness, all of my tears......

I'm going to write you a letter everyday until I can't write anymore. Starting here, with Letter One.
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I'm writing the other chapter now. All you have to do is subscribe and be patient :D