All In His Actions

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jordan's Point of View

I pulled Charlie into the restaurant without a single hesitation. I was bubbling inside. I wanted her to see it. It was amazing. 

I held on tightly to her hand as we stood in the middle of everything. Her eyes were wide and shiny. Her hand was trembling slightly. I knew why. This was her dream place. It was inch by inch everything she dreamed of. I felt pride in the fact that I'd found this place. 

"Are... Are we allowed to be in here right now?" she mumbled. Even her voice trembled. 

"Yeah, it's no big deal," I assured her. I glanced around the restaurant. It was home-y. It was comfortable. It was somewhere I would one day take my family when they all came into town and the restaurant was up and going. I would come here with my teammates after a win to celebrate. I could see my future here, too. 

If I somehow gained the luck of the most fortunate men in the world and then some, I could see everything. I could picture coming here with all of my family, in-laws, my family, and friends. I could see us celebrating an engagement. I could see my first son coming here and driving his toy cars from table to table and then across the bench. I could see my daughter sitting at one of the tables in a sun dress while I cut up her food. I could see the first time one of my kids spilled the drinks in their laps. I would take them back to the bathrooms and console their crying as I cleaned off their clothes. A son probably would care less where as the girl most likely would care. Either way, I'd cherish the moment. 

And then I could see my daughter bringing her first boyfriend here to meet the people she grew up around. I could see my son doing the same. And I'd stand with my wife, debating if those two would ever be good enough for our children. 

My stomach did flips at the thought. I wanted to run head first into the future to get these things all started right away. I wanted to jump into action. 

But everything fizzled out of me as I caught a sight of her face. Tears were budding in her eyes as her feet carried her between the tables and all around. Her fingers lightly grazed the furniture before snapping away as if it had hurt her. 

She rubbed her hands in front of her chest. "Want to see their menu?" I asked, hoping she'd be happier then. 

She just stated at me. I could tell she wasn't seeing me, though. She was seeing her dream being taken away from her. 

I panicked. "Wait just one second," I begged. I darted into the office area where I knew several menus would be stored. I picked up the top one and rushed back to Charlie, only to find her missing. 

I scanned the restaurant before noticing her. She was standing outside the building, hands covering her face as she sat in her heels. Her shoulders shook slightly. No. She wasn't supposed to cry. 

And so I decided to give it the last bit I had to make her happier. With everything turning against her, I knew at least this one thing had to bring a smile to those raspberry red lips. I pushed the door open. 

"Will you come back?" I asked softly. 

She shook her head widely, but never uncovered it. "I can't! I can't go back in there, Jordan!" she cried out. 

"Please? Just this one little thing you have to see and then we'll leave. I'll take you where ever you want: Oregon, home, Belgium, China! Please, Lottie... For me?" I begged. 

Her hands pulled away from her face as she stated across the street. No tears had fallen yet. She was strong. "Fine," she whispered reluctantly. She took my hand as I lead her back inside. I took her to the counter and left her there as I circled around. 

"Okay. Just listen first before you say anything," I pleaded. She nodded her head. Her arms folded protectively in front of her. 

I reached down and pulled up three seller ate folders. I place them all in front of her and spread them out. I inhaled deeply. "Okay. I've got three ideas. No, I guess it's more... You have three choices," I began nervously. 

This was it. This was my last chance. This had to work or I was so fucked. 

I placed my hand in the folder on the farthest left. "You can go Oregon and do whatever it is you want to do with your life there. The plane tickets are in this folder," I told her. 

Her mouth dropped as she finally stared me in the eye. My heart was hammering in my chest. This was it. Here it goes. 

My hand dropped in the folder in the far right. "Or you can fill out these papers with me and this restaurant will be solely yours. Everything in it. You'll be in charge completely."

"But how-"

I cut her off quickly. "Wait, remember?" I asked. She shut her mouth and nodded. "You can stay here in Pittsburgh and run this restaurant just like I know you so badly want to. Or..."

My hand dropped on the folder in the center. Her eyes were still locked on mine. She was dying to let her questions fly. "You can take the acceptance to a culinary school in New York City and fly over in August. Your tuition is paid and everything is figured out. Then you can come back her afterwards and sign those papers and take over the restaurant then."

I swallowed hard. I was insane, wasn't I? Who even did something like this? I was insane. But it was all her who made me this way. With that fucking idea of moving to Oregon, across the country from me. The state single handedly threatened to break my heart in two. 

"So... Go ahead now," I mumbled. 

"Who's restaurant is this?" she asked right of the bat. 

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Technically it's mine as of this second. Charles Wentz, remember him? He offered to give you some pointers in your own business? He walked me through every single step of this. He made this so much easier in me. And he's very close to the man who is in charge at that school, so he pulled some strings," I answered honestly. 

In the last week, I had been working day in and day out to get this place put together. It was crazy, but it was all put together. All it needed was a person to run everything. 

Her mouth gaped at me. Her eyes searched for answers. Her eyes slowly fell down to the folders. Her fingers ran over each one of them. Her mouth slowly shut and she swallowed hard. 

"Why would you spend so much on me?" she finally whispered. "Why would you ever go through all of this for me?"

I felt like laughing. "Because, Lottie! I..." I stopped to stare at her. "I thought you'd already figured that out. I've been in love with you for I don't know how long. You've been my best friend for almost six years now. We've been through thick and thin together. How could I not love you?" I asked softly once I took in her shocked face. 

"I haven't talked to you in weeks because I was so scared that when you told me you liked me more than a friend you would realize something was wrong with me and you'd leave. I couldn't stand to let you leave. Even now. If you want to leave, I'll let you, though. Because at least now you know where I stand. And if you go to that culinary school in New York, at less you'll be coming back. You won't be gone for good then."

Finally she let out a small laugh. It slowly grew louder. She faced the front of the place as she rubbed a hand over her forehead. "I think we're both just scared of the same thing." She turned back to face me. Her smile was wide. In that smile I could everything that was missing. The fear for her future, the pain of losing her dream, and the stress between us. It was all missing now. 

"I'll make you a deal," she decided. 

"What's that?" I asked. My heart was still pounding in my ears. Please, God. If you ever do something positive for me again, let her stay. Please let her stay. 

She leaned over the counter. "I'll stay here for good if you promise to be my boyfriend," she stated. 

I almost died on the spot. What had I ever done to get so lucky? I wanted to jump around and scream and celebrate. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her slyly. 

She smirked. "I'll think about it," she allowed as our faced drew closer until our lips meant. I put everything i felt into that kiss. She was mine. She was staying and she was mine. 

I didn't care about the money or the stress or the worries about the future anymore. Charlotte De Vos, my best friend since I got to Pittsburgh, was now my girlfriend and she was not leaving. 
♠ ♠ ♠

I have to leave, but I will have the epilogue out late tonight or tomorrow!

Thank you do much for all the comments! Y'all make me so happy that someone likes this. =)