Status: Just a One Shot

The Tides


Georgie and I grew up in a little fishing town in Iceland, the water flowed right from the Denmark Strait. It was always cold and we always hated it. I've loved her since the day I met her in first grade. She was the apple of my eye. We became pessimists together in eighth grade, we grew to hate the same things and love the same things. When it was nice enough we would sit on the dock outside of her house and try to catch fish. Georgie hated fishing though, she was in love with every sea creature in the ocean. It broke my heart to watch her cry as the full fishing boats made their way in every morning.

The love of my life was a strange girl indeed, she would make me walk miles with her to buy cigarettes when we were fifteen. But she would kiss me in return, with those perfect rosy lips. Her pale skin blushed in the intense cold and it always made my heart shiver uncontrollably. She always talked about artists that she aspired to be like but she would never make it out of this goddamn fishing village. And I guess it's safe to say she never did.

Georgie died when we were nineteen. Something had seriously changed in her the summer before. She lacked that spark in her eyes. I didn't see a smile anymore. It was like someone sucked the magic out of my girl. I tried to make her happy, I really did. I would tell her day in and day out how much I loved her and that I would marry her in a heartbeat if she would agree. She wouldn't though. Georgie had begun to tell me almost everyday that the tides were coming for her.

Her dad muttered those words everyday up until the day he died in sixth grade. The crazy old fisherman was always terrified of being lost at sea. He would always tell everyone he met that the tides were coming for him. They were the last words he said to Georgie.

Georgie had abruptly gotten up from my couch one afternoon in the winter, she kissed me just before. It was frigid out, far below zero and she didn't grab a jacket. I remember screaming at her when she was walking barefoot across my snow covered lawn.

"Get back here you idiot! Don't be a stupid bitch!" I had shouted towards her.

When she didn't look back I got more worried. She started to run out to the end of the dock and I chased right after her. She stopped at the very edge and turned to me. I wrapped her forcefully in my arms so she didn't slip into the icy water. She had this dead expression in her eyes, as if there was no life left in her body.

"I love you." I had whispered in her ear. I was trying to keep her warm at the same time. I never thought those would be the last words I would ever say to her, well alive at least. Georgie pulled from my arms and dove into the water behind her. I ran to the edge and tried to pull her back towards me but her body was frozen in shock and there was nothing I could do.

Do you know how that feels? To have no power to contribute to saving the only person you've ever cared about. That's the only thing I felt. I watched the last of the sparkle leave her eyes as she slipped below the surface. The tides had come to take my baby away.
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This was just a short winter one shot I did for a contest! It was my first one shot so don't be too harsh!