To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Ten: School, Bay Bay!

I could feel Joey’s eyes staring at me from my bed, where he resided, as I prepared for school. He had come over an hour earlier, wanting to drive me to school, and I couldn’t resist his offer. As I straightened my blonde hair, I thought over how awesome the past week and a half had been.

Still, my favorite part of Joey and myself getting back together, was that I got to kiss him in the rain. I know, that may seem a bit selfish but I told him, while we were dating, previously, that I wanted to kiss him in the rain, but I didn’t want it to be just some kiss. I wanted it to mean something. Which it did. “Emma, you know school starts in a half and hour, and it takes fifteen minutes to drive there,” Joey commented, propping himself on one elbow, on my bed.

I looked at my phone, as it lsat on my dresser, the time read, Seven Twenty Five. “Joey, shh, I have it all planned out,” I replied, finishing up on my hair. He grunted in response, before going back to listening to his I POD. I quickly did my usual makeup, and then, ran to my closet, where I had my clothes handing on the door handle.

“Joey look away!” I laughed, pulling my shirt up.

“Oh god, please warn me faster!” He joked, dramatically covering his eyes. I laughed, quickly changing into an white, camisole, wit lace trimming the edges, a short sleeve, black, green, and white flannel shirt draped tightly over it. TO finish off my outfit, I put of, dark wash, denim shorts, and black flip flops. Simple. Fun. Hot. Everything I was.

“You can look now Joey,” I stated, skipping, yes I did say skipping, into the washroom to brush my teeth. After I finished brushing my teeth, I walked out of the bathroom to find Joey, leaning agents my doorframe, my book bag, as well as his in his hands.
“Ready, beautiful?” Joey asked, making my heart flutter. I grinned, walking up to him, and gave him a sweet peck on the lips.

“Carry my bag, will yeah,” I smiled, carefully pulling his keys from his back pocket. He smiled, and motioned for me to go, but I had to stop by Liz’s room. “Munchkin, mom’s taking you to school, so get up!” I shouted, stirring her from her sleep. The luckly child only goes to school in the afternoon, and she gets naps!

“Lweave me awone sissy!” She shouted, throwing a stuffed pig at me. Will her tiny arms, it landed a few feet in front of me. Joey chuckled from behind me as I glided carefully down the stairs.

“Josh Joey hurry up!” I laughed from the front door, as Joey grabbed two bright red apples from my counter top.

“Not letting you go without breakfast,” He grinned, tossing one of the apples at me. I caught it with ease, as a wide grin spread across my face. Slowly yet surely getting Joey ‘Free Spirit’ Brewer back.

We drove to school quietly, well we were quiet, his car wasn’t. We were blaring, ‘Disturbed’ with the windows all the way down. People gave us angry looks, and some curses were exchanged, but who cares, it was fun.

As we rolled into school I felt a bit nervous, I hadn’t taken to anybody for the past few weeks… hopefully nobody will say anything, “Joey, I’m kind of nervous,” I whispered, staring at the schools main entrance, a large, white and gold sigh read, ’Welcome Back North Ridgway Seniors 2011-2012," It looked as if maybe the Freshman had made it, or maybe even the Juniors, all I knew was, it in no way, cost a lot of money.

“You’ll be fine Emma,” He replied, squeezing my hand that was entwined with his. I smiled, feeling for confident that the school day would be great.

<3 * <3 *

I walked threw the doors of North Ridgway High school my fingers entwined wit Joeys, and I was literally attacked by my best friend Charlie Evans. I know you’re thinking Charlie? Isnt that a boy name? Well it is, but her parents are a bit of Charlie Sheene obsesses, dont ask me why, I find him insane.

“Emma!” She shouted happily flashing her straight white teeth, also because of braces, and her bright green eyes glistened in the hallway light. I released my hand from Joey’s and pulled Charlie into a warm hug, her wavy, chocolate brown hair, fell over my shoulders. We pulled away smiling, I hadn’t seen this girl sence the beginning of summer, seeing that she went to Italy to visit her family.

I looked at her outfit with a smile, she wore, shorts, almost identical to mine, with a bright orange, ‘The Ready Set’ shirt that she had made all on her own. She topped it off with her favorite neon orange All-star Converse Sneakers. I could tell she was looking me over when she exclaimed, “Jesus girl, you got hotter sence the last time we talked!”

I erupted with laughed, “So did you Lii,” Laughed, looking over to Joey, who just happened to be talking to his best friend, Matt Singer. Matt was a jock, but not your typical jock, he was sweet, funny, and a pretty epic person all around. Even if he didn’t have his dark, tan skin, hazel eyes with splashes of blue and green all around, and his to die for body, he still could get any girl in the school with his loving heart.

“Matt!” I shouted happily, running over to him and Joey, Charlie followed on my heels.

“Ems!” He smiled, pulling me into a warm hug, I smile returning the hug quickly.

“God, I’m so happy summer’s over and we can all be together,” I smiled, peeling away from Matt, and melting into Joey’s side.

“Agreed,” Charlie smiled, looking around the hall at the huddles of students that were hugging and cheering at the sigh of their friends. I smiled, pulling Joey in for a small kiss.
“Whoa, when did you guys get back together?” Matt inquired, his brow creasing with a curious stare.

I shrugged my shoulders, “About two weeks ago,” Joey snapped, harshly. I looked at him for a second, confused at his sudden outburst of angry, but quickly over looked it once out Principle, Miss. Gascon, came onto the loud speakers.

“Hello Seniors, I know you are all excited about seeing your friends but would you please make your ways to class, thank you,” She finished, and everyone dispersed. My group was the last to go, as Joey and I walked hand in hand, Matt stood as far away from us as he possible could.

I looked all that over, but in the future, I wish I had noticed the sighs when they occurred, instead of getting a shock of a lifetime.
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