To Write an E-Mail

Chapter ELeven: Kissey Face

I knocked on Matt’s door, with Joey’s warm hand intertwined with mine. I caught him sneaking a loot at my outfit, just for this party, at Matt’s. I mean how could he not, it was hot. A very, tight, sparkly tank top, with light denim short shorts. Now, Although this is one of my sluttery outfits, Clari, will most defiantly be wearing something worse than I am. “Hey guys,” Matt smiled, pulling us into the house that blared with loud music.
Walking in, I saw people pushed up agents walls, making out, some on sofas, others dancing in the middle of Matt’s living room, very very dirtily. I smirked, a drinking party. But none of Matt’s parties were ever clean. Not that I would get so drunk, I wouldn’t be able t walk, I would just get a slight buzz.

Now dont anyone go and judge me, I live one block away, and we walked, plus it’s a Friday night, and we’re sure to be okay. “Party Baby!” I Laughed, pulling Joey over to the dance floor with a cup, of some sort of alcohol, and orange juice in it. That, was my heaven.

Joey and I danced for an hour or so, before we were dragged into Matt’s bedroom to play truth or dare. We were all sitting in a circle, Charlie, Joey, Matt, Matt’s football friend Josh, Josh’s girlfriend Emily, and myself.

“Sho! Ma-att,” Charlie stuttered, talking a sip from her cup, she was odiously drunk, “I d-derr, y-ou to,” She hesitated for a moment, running her fingers threw his straightened hair, “Oh I knur… Kiss Emma!” She giggled, taking another, large gulp from her cup.
Matt, with a huge grin playing across his lips, leaned, over, I was sitting next to him, and planted a kiss on my lips. This wasn’t some peck you get when playing truth or dare, this was a kiss. He quickly opened my lips with his, and slid his tongue softly into my mouth. Being buzzed, and not realizing whom I was kissing, I returned the kiss playfully releasing my lounge into his mouth. We explored each other’s mouths for a few minutes, before someone grunted.

We played for a while, doing random dares, like Charlie was dared to go down stairs and flash everybody her *** tayss, being drunk she did it, another funny dare was when Emily was dared to walk around Matt’s room with two of his texts books on her head, she was pretty smashed to, so it didn’t end well.

After a while, the game was dying down, but Joey hadn’t been dared yet, so Emily dared him, “Herm! Joey boo, kiss Char-klie,” She laughed, leaning into Josh. Joey hesitated for a moment, but he did scoot his butt over to Charlie, and kiss her. Charlie, being smashed beyond belief, wrapped her arms around his neck, and I could see her slip her tongue into his mouth. I wanted to get up and slap her in the face! Why was she kissing my boyfriend!

“Burgh,” I muttered, standing up with shaky legs, I had drunken a little more than I had wanted too, and walked out of Matt’s house. I could hear someone stumbling behind me as I made my way out of the house. The party had ended, and the only people that remained were Joey, Emily, Matt, Josh Charlie and I.

“Hey urm Ems!” Matt exclaimed, pulling up next to me. I gave a weak smile, as the cool crisp almost fall night air hit me. “Urm, why’d you. You leabe?” He asked, taking off his hoddy and draping it around my shoulders.

“Charlie, kissed Joey like they were dating!” I exclaimed, turning onto my street.

“Oh!” He shouted, “I thought it was c-curz I kizzed yuh!” I looked at him, for a moment, did he really think that? Did he think that because he wanted to kiss me. Whoa, that would be awkward.

WE stayed silent, until I reached my house, and Matt whispered something in my ear I wasn’t expecting, not one bit, “I like you Emma,” and he kissed me.

I watched in shock and horror, as he started running down the street, stumbling ever once and a while, then turning to look at me. I sighed, walking into my house. I kicked off my shoes and literally crawled up and into my bedroom. I stripped my clothes quickly off, and laid in my bed.

The last think I whispered to myself, not truly believing it, but not excluding it from my mind, “I like you too.”
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