To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Thirteen: A Happy Surprise

I sat in Algebra One, next to Charlie, bored to death, and not paying attention. Not that I knew everything, something else was on my mind. Homecoming. Of course I was planning on going with Joey, he just hadn’t asked me yet. “Emma, guess who asked me to Homecoming,” Charlie whispered happily..

I tilted my head slightly toward her, “who?” I asked in a hushed tone. I eyed Mr. Norman, the teacher, as Charlie told me who.

“Gavin Pratt!” She replied, followed by a happy sigh. I grinned brightly before, looking down.

“Awesome Lii, we got to go dress shopping today,” I stated, writing down a math problem I already knew how to do. Charlie pondered the invite for a moment, probably trying to keep us off of Mr. Norman’s radar.

“Def, I’ll meet you at your house at like… four-thirty?” She suggested, also working on a problem. I nodded, and with that our conversation was over.

<3 * <3 *

“Joey, why weren’t you in school today?” I asked, intertwining my hand with Joey’s as we laid on my bed, watching ‘The Simpson’s.’ He shrugged his shoulders, odiously trying to avoid the question, which made me want to know more.

“Joey Brewer, tell me why you didn’t come to school,” I insisted, sitting up, and letting go off his warm hand. He laid their for a moment before sliding off of the bed, wincing in pain.

“I had swimming today, and I didn’t want anyone to see this,” He said, pulling up his shirt. A large, black and blue bruise, was painted across his side. I gasped in shock, shooting off the bed, and next to him. I examined the bruise, touching it oh so lightly with my finger, casing Joey to wince.

“Joey, who hit you!” I shouted, little to loud. Joey snapped his hand onto my mouth. I frowned, and bit into it, causing him to pull it away. “Answer me!”

“My dad,” He muttered, pulling his shirt down. I stood in shock, I knew his dad was an alcoholic jerk, but to hit his own kid is a new low. Even for him.

“Were you going to tell someone?” I inquired in a calmer voice, sitting down my bed, propping myself up with my hand.

“No,” He muttered, sitting on the bed next to me.

“You need to tell someone, Joey,” I whispered, pressing my forehead to his. He sighed, pulling away from me, and laying down.

“Emma, you do realize if I do, they’ll come to my house, give him a warning saying is he does it again I’ll be taken away, and then, he’ll hit me in a drunken rage. Then, I’ll be taken away,” He whispered, as I laid down next to him, keeping as much distance from his side as I could. I shrugged my shoulders.

“You’ll be away from your dad,” I stated.

Joey sighed before responding, “I’ll be away from you, Emma.”

I turned to my side, staring into his sad eyes, “Joey you’re eighteen in a month, they wont take you anywhere, and if they did, I could get my mom to let you stay her,” I replied.
Joey turned his head toward me, “I should just leave,” He smiled. I studied his face for a moment, seeing if he was being serious about it, and the smile on his face showed me the truth.

“You should,” I agreed, planting a sweet kiss on his lips, he returned the kiss happily before shooting off the bed.

“Ouch,” He laughed, pulling his green All-Star Converses on, and sliding toward my door, “I’ll be back in a little while Emma.”

I smiled, waving as he slipped out of my door with a smile, this is probably the best idea ether of us has every had, and I’m surprised we hadn’t thought of it before. I skipped out of my room, and into my mother’s room.

“Joey seemed awful happy when he was leaving,” She stated, suspiciously sipping her afternoon tea. I smiled, and sat down next to her.

“Mother Joey has decided he is leaving his house, for good!” I explained, knowing she would understand why he was leaving. I had told her everything about Joey.

“And where is he planning on staying?” She inquired, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Here…,” I muttered awkwardly running my fingers threw my hair. I took a sideways glance at my mother, and she was frowning.

“Emma Foy,” She started, but I cut her off.

“Mom he has nowhere else to go, seeing that his mother has all but left, and he can stay in the guest bedroom,” I insisted, but I’m pretty sure it sounded more like a beg. She stared at me for a second, then let out a deep and heavy sigh.

“Fine,” She agreed. I grinned, standing up.

“Thank you Mom, thank you!” I cheered, dancing my way toward my bedroom. I could here her amused chuckles erupting from the couch, as I bounced into my room.
I giggled as well, puling on my Military Boots, and slipping my phone into my over the shoulder bag. I bounded down my stairs, and into the living room, “Going shopping with Charlie, be back.. when we’re back!” I shouted, slamming the door behind me.

“Ayee Babyy!” Charlie laughed from her window, pulling up to my house in her black
Mustang, why her parents bought her it, the world may never know.

“Ayee Chika!” I exclaimed, sliding into the passenger seat. I quickly closed the door, and buckled my seat belt as she sped away, far to fast.

<3 * <3 * <3

“Boo, I really like this one!” Charlie exclaimed, leaping from the dressing room. I examined the dress, and I was stunned, she looked absolutely stunning. In the short, black sweetheart dress, with sequins starting tight at the top then flowing carelessly down the rest of the dress.

“Honey, that is gorgeous!” I exclaimed, a happy grin on my face.

She smiled, twirling around in the dress, it fluttered happily around her, “You are buying that!” I demanded, with a laugh.

She laughed, “Psh, you dont have to tell me twice!” With another laugh, she hurried into the dressing room to change back into her normal clothes. “Your turn, Emz,” She stated, sliding out of the room. I smiled, grabbing the dress, I knew was just right, and glided past her and into the small room.

I stripped off my clothes, eagerly, and slid the dress down my slim figure. With a wide grin, I peered into the mirror at my reflection, the dress was tight, not make me have a muffin top everywhere tight, a snug skinny jean tight, and it was black, with lime green sticking, the sweetheart top was embroidered with the same green stitching, into elaborate patterns. At the very top, a small flash of lime green lace peaked out.

With another, wide grin, I stepped out of the dressing room and was welcomed by a jaw dropped Charlie, “Emma Foy, get our of here with that thing!” she squealed, happily giving me a hug.

I laughed, “Charlie, if we’re going to look this good at Homecoming, think about Prom,” I smiled.

Charlie pulled away from our hug, with a huge grin on her face. “Boy…. this is going to be a great year!”