To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Fourteen: Free Spirit

I slid out of Joey’s old, truck, and slammed my boot coveres feet onto the wet ground, gripping my bookbag to my shoulder, “Joey Brewer, I hate this,” I whined, the close rain peliting my face, and hair, which I had put in a messy bun, knowing it would have gotten messed up anyway.

“Emma, it’s just rain,” He comented, slipping his wet hand into my, also wet, and welcome hand. I huffed, throwing my pink hood over my messy blonde hair. He chuckleled ask we entered the school. Almost imidetly, as with our rutine of Joey goping to his locker with Matt, and me going my mylocker with Charlie, and all four of us meeting up afterward. I stalked toward my locker, the persipitaton from outside, literaly dripping down my sides.

“Charlie, I hate the cold fall-ish rain,” I complained, grabing my books for my classes, and stuffing them into my wet bag. Charlie sighed from next to me.

She slammed her locker shut and looked at me, “I know sweetie, it sucks,” She agreeed, throwing her hair into a missy ponytail. I laughed when I realized we were wearing almost the same thing, light wash skinny jeans, a plane colored teeshirrt, and a hoody, plus our rain boots, “Let’s just go to class,” I muttered, pulling my hood tighter over my head.

<3 * <3 *

I was sitting next to Joey in English, our hinds secretly entwined under the table, as the teacher, ‘Miss. Codi,’ lectured us about things, I alread knew. A few minutes passed by, and Joey slipped a pink peice of paper into my view.

I chuckled, Joey and I use to pass notes all the time, I quickly peeled open the paper, and peered inside. Written in his best handwriting was, ‘Hello Beautiful, Would you do me the honor of being my date to Homecoming,’ under that it had ‘Yes or No (Circle Your Choice)’ written in tiny hand writing.

I covered my paper secretly, and cirlcled ‘Yes,’ with a huge grin on my face. I slid the paper back to him, but I hadnt noticed a key thing, Mrs. Codi was looming next to our deck, a scowl creasing her old womanly face.

“Is that something you wish to share with the class,” she inquired in that snotty, you’re-about-to-get-in-trouble voice all teachers, I know, use.

I was about to say no, but Joey did something else insteand, he let go of my hand and stood up, “Why yes, Mrs. Codi! this is something I wish to share with the class,” He smiled down at me, with a wide and warm grin on his face, then with a snapp of his wrist, the note was in his hands, he cleared his throat, “I, Joey Brewer, just gave my girlfriend, a note, asking her to be my date to the Homecoming, and she said yes!” He exlaimed, grinning at Mrs. Codi.

She smiled at him, the woman, though old, and wrinkly, had a soft spot for love, “Very well then Mr. Brewer, Ms. Foy, please pay attention,” She stated, then turned on her heel to go back toward her desk.

Joey sat down, with the same grin dancing across his lips, I leaned into him with a smile, entertwining my hand with his, “I love you, Joey,” I whispered in his ear.

He leaned over, “I love you too, Emma.”

I sighed, leaning into him as Mrs. Codi continued to lecture, but not listening. No, I was thinking about how, I just got my ‘Free Spirit,’ Joey back. And how much I had missed him.

<3 Yurss Its kina shorrttt, but the next chapter is homecoming, and its really going to be long. And some MAJOR drama is going to go down. So, be prepared(:
P.S Its unedited <3