To Write an E-Mail

Chapte Sixteen: Hospital

sat next to a completely mute Joey, as we waited for a doctor to inform us on how his parents were doing. So far, not one person, has told us anything, at all. I glanced at Joey, his face was in his hands and he was weeping quietly. He was not taking knowing nothing to well. I wanted to just pull him away, but I knew he needed to get it out. And hey, it’s better than cutting himself.

WE sat for another hour, before I was getting sick of the silence, so I approached a random doctor, “Excuse me, I’m sorry but my boyfriends parents got in a car accident… and we’ve been waiting here for over an hour, and nobody has said a word to us about their condition,” I hesitated, running my hair threw my hair, “And I was wondering if you knew anything of them?”

The doctor looked at me, with young, electric blue eyes, and dazzling coco colored hair, that swept neatly onto of his head, what, is this Grays Anatomy? “Why yes, young lady, I am their doctor, by the way, would you and your boyfriend like to follow me to their room?” He said with a slight British accents. Oh sweet Baby Mama‘s, it is like Grays Anatomy!

“Sure, let me go get him,” I smiled, walking away from the doctor. Who, followed me, I mean why wouldn’t he… he was going to take us to Joey’s parents room. “Joey,” I smiled, pulling him carefully from his seat, “This is your parents doctor, and he’s taking us to your parents room.”

Joey’s head snapped up, “So they’re not dead!” He exclaimed, hope gleaming with each of his words. The doctor smiled, with a nod. I was taken by surprise when Joey grabbed the man, and gave him a warm hug. I chuckled, letting Joey have his moment, and went over to the other side of the waiting room where Matt was, asleep.

“Matt,” I whispered, shacking his arm, “Matt get up!” I said louder, stirring him from his slumber. At first he looked confused, the a wide smile swept across his lips.

“Is it true?” He asked, standing up, with a yawn and stretching. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Not the time, or the place, Matt,” I hissed, walking back towards Joey, who was calmer now. I looked up at the man, and say his name tag, Doctor. Valentine. “Let’s get going,” I muttered, and Dr. Valentine quickly did as he was told.

He led us down a eerie, long white hallway, the only sounds were the beep’s of the heart monitors, and the echoing of out feet pounding on the squeaky tile floors, before we turned into Joey’s parents bedroom.

I peeked my head in the quiet room, and was taken by shock at his parents conditions. Especially his fathers. Robert, his father, was pacing around the hospital room, his right arm wrapped up in a cast, and he muttered ranty things to himself. A few stitched lined his cheek bones, and his forehead, but nothing more was wrong with him. He was almost fine.

His mother, Carol, on the other hand, was in pretty bad condition. I let my eyes follow from her feet, to the top of her head. Her left leg was bandaged, from her ankle to the middle of her thigh, and was hanging, up, her waist was covered by the scratchy hospital blanket, but her arms were lying loosely at her sides, small cuts and bruises covered them. The worst of it all, her normally caramel colored ringlets, that would cascade loosely down her back, were buzzed off on one side, and a tight bandage hid the wound from the rest of the world.

I let out a small gasp, and a tear escaped from my makeup covered eyes, as Joey zoomed past me, and his father to his mothers bedside. Small sobs erupted from his body, as Robert began to approach him. I raced in front of him, pulling away from Joey, using all of my strength to not punch the man in the face.

“Robert, If you go anywhere near Joey right now, he will probably hit you in the face. And even before you attempt to, I might just take that chance,” I growled, glaring at the man. I may not be fond of either of Joey’s parents, but I don’t want to see him this way. In dismay.

Robert stared at me in shock, breathing heavily threw his mouth, I could still smell the slight aroma of Alcohol lingering on his breath, “Emma?” HE asked a confused tone dancing with his every word, cocking his head sideways.

“Yes Robert, Emma Foy. Joey didn’t tell you we’re going back out! Oh my, wonder why. Maybe it was because you were far to drunk, or stoned, to even comprehend what he was even talking about?” I grinned, staring deviously at the confused Robert.

“I-” He began to object, but I cut him off swiftly, not noticing the silent room, all eyes on me, all I knew, was that I was exceedingly angry at the man before me, and I was letting him know it.

“Do not even start with me!” I spat, clenching my fists in the sad attempt of not hitting him. Which I was about to do, but Matt gripped my wrists, and held them tightly behind my back.

I groaned, as he dragged me out of the room. “Emma, what was that?” He asked, like my mother.

I shrugged my shoulders, suddenly ashamed at what I had done, “I uh, got mad,” I replied, looking up into his, shining blue yes.

He shook his head, “You do realize everyone in the room was looking at you, even Joey, Emma,” Matt scolded, crossing his arms over his chest.

“What are you my mother?” I asked, leaning agent the wall, with my arms crossed over my chest. Matt sighed, shaking his head.

“Let’s go in, but don’t hit the man,” Matt joked, pulling me back into the hospital room. I followed, and was greeted by a frowning Joey.

“Emma, Dr. Valentine said only one person can stay… and urm, I think I need to,” He muttered, pulling me over to the side. I nodded, completely understanding.

“Okay, Joey, I’ll come visit tomorrow,” I smiled, pulling him for a warm hug.

“Thank you for that,” He whispered in my ear. I wanted to answer, but was interrupted by a sweet kiss on the lips. Sending the same electric current pulsing threw my body. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” He muttered, before turning on his heel, and sitting back down next to his mother, and father, who laid on the bed next her, just staring at the roof above him.

I turned out of the room, after waving goodbye to Joey one last time, pulling Matt onlong with me. “You’re driving me home,” I stated.

Matt nodded, and until I got home, we were silent.

<3 (: hope yurr like it(: <3