To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Eighteen: Help

‘Ring Ring Ring’ my phone sounded, waking me up from my deep sleep. I muttered some very unholy words to myself, before dragging my body out of my warm blankets. Yawning, I grabbed a random pair of jeans out of my closet, and a green, v-neck, long sleeve shirt, before turning into the bathroom.

With a flick of my wrist I turned on the hot water, not caring if it wouldn’t burn me once I stepped in, cause’ in all truth I need it. To feel washed out after what happened last night. I shuttered at the thought, pulling my bra and underwear off. Quickly, I stepped into the scorching water, letting it pour harshly onto my bare body.

I showered quickly, wanting to get to the hospital as fast as possible. I dragged myself from the boiling water, and into the crisp morning air that danced in the bathroom. Before my body realized how cold it was I quickly wrapped a towel tightly around my body, and another towel raveled in my hair.

I then did my normal routine of sitting at my vanity, brushing my hair and putting on a flash of makeup. Although today, I only put on a small thin line of eyeliner, and barley any mascara. I pulled my brush though my hair one last time before pumping a de-frizz serum into my hand. I smeared the cream all over my blonde hair, hopefully getting each and every strand. Once I was sure everything was covered, I pulled the brush through my hair. Knowing my it looked bad, I shook my head, letting the strands of my hair flail out around me.

I looked to my mirror, my hair, was in tangles, but it looked natural and happy. I brushed the small tangles out with my fingers, then happy with my hair, quickly got dresses.

Now dressed, I pulled on my Military styled boots, and my fathers dog tags. I grabbed my phone quickly, before steeping out of my room. I leaped down the stairs, going two at a time, and was down in a matter of moments. I gazed around the open living room, nobody was in it, meaning, nobody was up yet.

I searched fro a pierce of scratch paper and a pen, to write my mother a note, just in case she forgot what I told her last night. In my chicken scratch of handwriting I wrote her a little note saying I was at the hospital, and that I would be there for a while,

Quickly, I snatched the keys to my red, beat up old truck that I simply loved, and headed out the door. I flooded into my car, and sped away towards the hospital

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I walked up to the shinny white counter where a young nurse was sitting, filing dome sort of papers. “Um, Miss, I wandering where the Brewer’s were…” I hesitated, running my fingers through my now dry hair, “They were in an accident last night?” I asked, gazing at the little woman as she clicked on things on the computer.

“Room 209, right down that hallway, sweetie,” She smiled, gazing at me with big, blue doe like eyes. I smiled in response, then turned on my heel to leave. I waked down the same narrow hallway as I did the night before, and I looked at every number before I found 209. As I was about to walk in, Dr. Valentine exited, a clip board in is hand. He must of not seen me, because he ran into me. Sending me falling to the floor.

His head snapped up, and worry was deep within his eye, “Urm… Emma right? Are you okay?” HE asked, putting the clip board in a file and holding his hand out for me. I took it, eagerly, and with his help stood up.

Grinning, I whispered the non existent dusk from my pant, “I’m fine, just watch were you’re going Doc, dont want to run into anymore teenagers,” I laughed, waving to him as he walked away. He waved back, but then disappeared down another hallway.

I shrugged my shoulders, and walked into the room. Unlike the night before, Joey’s dad wasn’t walking around. Instead he was laying on his bed, asleep. Oh how much money I would give for murder to be legal. Joey’s mother was still in the same state, but some of the bruises were yellowing, that means they’re getting better. Right?

I shook my head, and looked around, Joey was nowhere to be found. I bit my lip, and saw that the bathroom door was cracked open. He must be in there. I smiled, bouncing toward the door, but my smile quickly faded as I saw Joey.

He was bent over the small sink in the bathroom, a small knife like thing held to his wrist. I saw one small, cut edged into his other wrist and gasped. Joey’s head snapped up, he looked drained. Worried, scarred. “I-I-I,” He muttered, looking from the knife, then back to me.

I took another step toward him, holding my hand out for the knife, “Give me the knife, Joey,” I said, trying to mask my fears, my shaking voice. What if he didn’t give it back. What if he dug the knife deeply into his skin. I couldn’t take watching him do that to himself, I just couldn’t.

Instead of giving me the knife, Joey just dropped it into the blood coated sink. He were silent, but Joey sat down in on the small, white toilet. I snatched the knife from the sink and went flying out of the room, toward the same desk as before.

I must have looked insane, running down the hallway with a bloody knife in my hand. Once I reached the desk I was out of breath, “Dr. Valentine. Page. Him. To. Go. To. The. Brewer’s. Room. NOW” I yelled at the poor woman, out of breath. She looked at me, with a weary look , and then her eyes landed on the knife in my hand, she quickly paged Dr. Valentine.

Seconds later, Dr. Valentine went flying towards Joey’s parents room. With the knife still clasped in my hand, I followed. I was in the room in a matter of seconds, Dr. Valentine stood confused in the middle of the room.

“I got a 911 for this room?” He said, confusing heavy in his voice. I sighed, holding up the knife. HE took a step back, holding his hands up. I erupted with laughter.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I stated, putting the knife on the floor, to ease his concern, “But go in the bathroom… Joey… he’s done something he shouldn’t have,” I said the last part sadly. I didn’t want to be doing this, but if I couldn’t stop Joey from cutting himself, he needed real help.

Dr. Valentine stood unsure in the middle of the room, obviously worried I would hurt him in the bathroom, “Oh Jesus, I’m not going to hurt you! I’m seven-teen for gods sake,” I hissed, grabbing his arm and lugging him into the bathroom.

WE walked in on Joey wrapping a bandage around his wrist, the blood still pooled in the sink. I let go of Dr. Valentine’s arm, “He doesn’t have another knife, does he?” He whispered in my hear.

“If he did, do you think he would be bandaging himself right now?” I asked, pushing him forward. He did so carefully, as Joey finished applying the bandage, as if he didn’t even see us.

“Joey, what happened here?” He asked in a calm voice, motioning to he blood int he sink.

“I- I slipped, that’s all,” He lied though hid teeth. Dr. Valentine looked to me, and I frowned giving him a do-you-realy-think-I-ran-down-a-hospital-hallway-because-he-slipped face. He nodded, and turned back to Joey.

“I know that’s not what happened, Joey,” He said, again calmly, “I know you cut your wrist. Now I know some people that can help you. Alright Joey, come with me,” He added. Joey sighed, looking at me with a solemn, apologetic face. I followed as we left he bathroom, and hospital room.

I was following them down the hallway, before Dr. Valentine turned around, “Emma I’m sorry but minors aren’t aloud in the…”He hesitated for a moment, debating on what to say, “Facility we are headed to. So could you please go home?”

I nodded, “Can I say bye to Joey?” I asked, he nodded, stepping to the side.

I looked up at Joey, and he was smiling, “I’ll see you when I can,” He smiled, pulling me into a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. I had no idea I wasn’t going to be able to see him. I just wanted a little bit of help with the whole cuttery thing. I sighed, taking in his sent. I loved it. It smelled different, now that he lived with me. HE smelled like that same axe, but with a touch of the cinnamon candles my mom liked to put around the house. I smiled, I was going to miss him so much.

“I love you, Joey,” I whispered, gazing deeply into his eyes. He smiled, weakly, then leaned down to kiss me. It was sweet, and gently, but sent electricity pulsing though my veins.

“I love you too,” He whispered, letting go of me. I watched, Joey and Dr. Valentine walk silently down the hallway, as a warm tear fell down my cheek.

I literally ran, out of the hospital, across the parking lot and into my car. With the tears now controlling my vision, I let them flow steadily out. After maybe twenty minutes, maybe more, my vision was cleared. But my makeup was a mess. I looked in my rear view mirror, at my sad eyes, wit black falling just below my eyes. I quickly whipped it off with my fingers, embarrassed by my appearance.

In a silent state, I began to drive. I wasn’t going home. My mom would freak da freak out if she knew Joey was cutting himself again. And Charlie was away for the weekend. At a funeral. That left one close friend to go to, and as much as I dreaded admitting it, I wanted to see him.

I drove for fifteen minutes until I pulled into Matt’s house. I looked to the driveway, the only car there was his black Jeep. I pulled my car into his driveway, and got out, fighting the tears that were filling electric eyes. With a heavy sigh, I knocked on Matt’s door. I waited for a moment, before Matt came to the door, with a shocked look on his face. He was in a pair of grey basket ball shorts, white socks, and no shirt.

“Emma? What’s wrong?” HE inquired, pulling me into his house. His house was warm, like really warm for October. That explains his shirtless-ness. I thought about how I was going to tell him for a moment, as he led me to his smooth, tan colored couch. I sat down, and he sat down right next to me.

“I-um Jo-um… h-h-,” I couldn’t make out the words I couldn’t think. Everything that Happened was… unexplainably hard to deal with. I mean I knew that Joey was going though a hard time, but I have no way to express it. I dont want to cut myself, I dont need to cut myself, I just need to get it out. And I guess my way I get rid of the pain, is crying.

Which I was doing now. Uncontrollably crying. Matt had his arms wrapped around my, and my head was up agents his bare chest. In his arms I felt safe, and happy. But I knew, I shouldn’t.

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