To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Nineteen: Matt's

My eyes fluttered open, and I was in a dark room. Groggily, I sat up, and looked around, moving my hair out of my face with my fingers. A few minutes later, my eyes reagusted and say that I was in Matt’s room. Why was I in Matt’s room though? I thought for a moment, then remembered my mental break down.

I groaned, flinging his thick, warm blankets from me, and getting up. Stumbling, I made my way toward the door, tripping over random objects that sat on Matt’s floor. I pried the door open, and was surprise to see, that from the window across the hall, that the sun was set, and it was dark out.

I gasped, my mother knew I was going to be out, but not this late! I flew down the song steps, leaping two or three at a time before I reached down stairs with a loud thud. Matt was suddenly in front of me with a chicken wing in his hand, the other up, blocking my way. “Hey, Ems, you finally woke up. Want me to call your mom? Or do you want to eat first?” He said, now motioning to a platter of sizzling chicken wings.

I cocked my head to the side, “I need to get home, I’m going to be in so much trouble,” I muttered, running my hand nervously through my hair.

Matt chuckled, holding my phone up, “Hope you dont mind, but I messaged your mom saying you were staying for dinner. She was fine with it,” He smiled, passing the phone back to me. I grinned, taking it eagerly, sighing a sigh of deep relief.

“Thanks Matt,” I smiled, shoving the phone into my pocket, “But I’m not all that hungery.” My stomach cried out moments later, giving away my lie, “Okay well maybe I’m a little hungry,” I laughed, pushing past him to the large pie of chicken.

I sat down, holding one chicken leg in my right hand, and nibbling on it. I was thinking of Joey. Of course, what else would I be thinking of? Matt? No. He was y friend, and I just happened to have the teensiest crush on. But nothing more. Right? ‘Yes, Emma, yes! You love Joey’ my conscious shouted, crushing my heart. I did love Joey. No I do love Joey. And Matt… Matt was just… a impediment along the way. I sighed, looking up from my chicken, my appetite suddenly gone.

I plopped the chicken down on the small, paper plate I had in front of me. I sighed, picturing Joey, all alone in some hospital room. Maybe not alone. But her probably felt alone. With ought warning, Matt’s warm hand slipped into mine. For a moment, I thought it was Joey’s. Seeing that it gave me a feeling of pure happiness. But when I looked up, and saw Matt sitting next to me. I yanked my hand away.

“I thought we talked about this, Matt,” I stated, giving him a look of dread. He cocked his head to the side, and looked at me like I was stupid.

“I thought… when you came that… you and…. urm.. I’m sorry, Ems,” He stammered, looking to the floor with shame. I thought back to how I came in earlier. Weeping, not being able to talk, barley being able to say Joey’s name. He thought Joey broke up with me.

“Dawh, I’m sorry, Joey didn’t break up with me. Matt, he’s been like… hospitalized…” I muttered the last part, my heart aching at he words.

Matt gasped, his head snapped upward, “For what!?” He inquired urgently.

I ran y fingers though my hair, nervously, should I tell him Joey cuts himself… I guess have to explain. “He um, cut himself. And I found him. And… and… now he’s in some like… Mental Facility at the hospital,” I breathed out. I knew that’s where Joey was. Why else wouldn’t I be able to see him?

“Emma! I’m so sorry!” he cried, pulling me into a warm hug. I smiled, welcoming the comfort. We stayed like that for a few moments, but I did pull away, smiling.

“Thanks Matt,” I looked around, my eyes finally landing on his TV, "
Want to watch a movie?" I suggested, with a warm smile.

He nodded, walking toward the large couch in front of his television. “What movie?” He inquired, puling open his drawer filled with movies. I wondered for a moment, then decided of Matt, and my favorite movie. Ever.

“Avatar, pluh-ease,” I smiled, melting into the couch. I looked around, as Matt set up the movie, for a blanket. I finally did find one, I wrapped myself around in it. Feeling safe, and comforted.

A few minutes later, Avatar started playing, and the lights were off. If you knew me, you would know, for a face, this was a bad thing. I never, ever, got though a movie, unless it was bright in the room.

“Emma share,” Matt groaned, pulling the blanket from me. I groaned, loosening the grip on the warm cover. Slowly, really without noticing, I was next to Matt, my head in his lap, and his arm draped over my back. Knowing I would be falling asleep in the next few minutes, I pulled out my phone, and pretended to be Matt.

ME: Hey, Mrs. Foy. Emma and I were watching Avatar, and you know how she is. She feel asleep. Can she sleep the night? You know nothing will happen. Plus, my parents are home. PLUS! She’s dating Joey.

I smiled, playing my phone down on the shag carpet, and curling up in a ball next to Matt. Like clockwork, I was asleep within minutes. Just hearing Matt’s parents coming home from some dinner.

I drifted off into sleep, and I dreamed. A happy dream.

About Matt.

<3 * <3 * <3 *

YOu must hate me xD Lol dont. Next xhapter is seeing Joey at the hospital. THey just ‘accidently’ meet int he halway as Joey walks around. What do you thinks going to happen… althoughhh I’m pretty sure you wont guess!:D<3