To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Twenty: Woah

I stirred awake, to find some football game playing on the television, and found myself curled up against Matt. I Listened for a moment, to see if I could hear Matt snoring lightly, or if he was normally breathing. I heard no snore, so I sat up, and looked around, rubbing the sleepy out of my eyes with my hand. “Morning, Emma,” He smiled, staring at me with happy eyes. I smiled back, although I forced it, and I wondered if he could tell. This was making it hard. Hard that I love Joey, and I feel like I’m sort of using Matt in a way.

“Urm, what time is it?” I inquired, blinking my eyes a few times, my tiredness was still evident in my vision.

Matt quickly looked down at his watch, his dark brown hair falling loosely with his head, “Ten-forty… two,” He said, smiling a the fact her was right down to the minute. I smiled, okay, that’s a decent time. But wait.

“Matt, isnt it Monday?” I asked, anxiously awaking the answer. Matt shook his head, chuckling a bit.

“The school heard about Joey’s parents, and because they know we’re so close to him, Mrs. Gascon let us have the day off, Charlie too, but she’s still at that Funeral, oh, and your mom knows too, so she wont be mad or anything,” He explained.

I nodded, standing up, “Drive me to the hospital?” I asked, hoping he would.

Matt quickly nodded, “Let me get changed, and then we can go,” He said, disappearing up the stairs, and into his bedroom. My bladder suddenly felt like it was about to explode, so I ran, as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom, which to my luck, was only down the hall. I quickly did my business, then looked at myself in the mirror.’

My blonde hair, was knotted, looking like a fuzzy mane around my eyes. The small amount of makeup I was wearing, was smudging down my cheeks. Jeeze, I looked like a zombie. I turned the hot water on in the sink, and let it heat up for a while. As it did, I grabbed a white wash cloth out of the counter drawer, and Matt’s mom’s brush, out of the same drawer.

Once the water was good an hot, I dampened the towel, and washed off the smudged makeup, just leaving the small amount that managed to stay close to my eyes. I laughed, looking at the now black wash cloth. Should I clean it? My conscious took over, and soon the towel was a pristine white again.

Happy with my less zombie looking face, I pulled the pink brush before me through my knotted hair. After a few, painful minutes, my hair was unknotted, but frizzy like a boss. I sighed, pulling it up into a messy bun. I searched the bathroom for toothpaste, knowing my breath probably smelled like death.

Once I did find some, I put a little bit on my finger, and then into my mouth, and swished it about. After spitting, I left the bathroom, fine now with how I looked, and smelled.

Matt was waiting for me on the couch, dressed in a black, graphic tee, dark wash jeans, and black chucks. “Someone a bit dark and dreary today?” I chuckled, sitting on the couch next to him. He laughed, as I pulled on my boots, and laced them tightly.

“Ready?” I asked, standing up. Matt nodded, stood up and walked casually out he door and toward his car.

We drove to the hospital awful quietly, the only noise being the Disturbed that blasted though the speakers. Odd thing to listen to when you’re going to see your boyfriend in a Physic Ward, isnt it?

<3 * <3 * <3 * <3

“Can you page Dr. Valentine telling him Emma’s here? I inquired, staring at a new nurse lady, “He’ll probably know who I am… so.. please?” I added, Matt standing at my side with an awkward smile on his face.

The woman smiled politely, then paged Dr. Valentine as I had asked. I smiled, pulling Matt over to the chairs by his wrist. A few minutes later, Dr. Valentine came walking down the hallway, a happy docterly smile on is face. I stood up, and began to approach im.

“Hello, Dr. Valentine,” I muttered, staring at him. He looked drained, as though he had been up all night. Which he probably had been.

“Emma,” Was all he said.

I smiled, weakly, “Can you maybe arrange a ‘chance’ encounter with Joey?” I asked hopefully.

Dr. Valentine smirked, "I thought you’d never ask, " HE smiled, “Follow me, quietly though,” He added, and started walking away. I followed quickly dragging Matt behind me, by his hand this time.

After a few minutes of walking down random hallways, Dr. Valentine stopped up, “Stop here, I’ll send him on a ‘walk’ and he’ll meet you here. Just make sure nobody finds out I’m doing this, Okay? I could loose my job.”

I cocked my head to the side, “Then why do it?” I asked, holding onto his arm.

He sighed, looking at me with his sad, blue eyes, “Because when I was around your age, I had a girlfriend, that I loved with all of my heart, that hurt herself, and one day when I wasn’t around, she cut so deep she had to go to the hospital. They refused to let me see her, at all. And she went kind of insane. They thought she had stopped cutting herself. But she found ways, Emma, and she killed herself. I always felt if I had been there to talk her out of it, she would be alive today. That’s why I’m doing this. Okay?” He explained, and by the end of his sad story, a single warm tear was falling down my cheek. One small tear was rolling down his as well.

‘Thank you’ I mouthed, as he disappeared behind closed doors. I could feel myself beginning to hyperventilate, thinking, what if Joey did that? What if I could never see him, alive, again. That would kill me. Tears began to slip from my wet eyes, and Matt saw. He pulled me into a hug, that I gladly went along with. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and let the warm tears spill onto his shirt.

After a few, long minutes, we were walking slowly down the hallway, hand in hand, I was as close to him as I could be, and I was still teary eyed, Joey appeared in front of us. He was dressed in horrid grey sweatpants, and a yellow shirt that read ‘Be happy.’ I smiled, seeing that he was okay, then looked to his face.

His jaw was dropped, and he looked angry. His brow began to furrow together, and his fists balled. I looked at him, pulling away from Matt, although he still held my hand in his. “Emma, what… what is this,” He asked in a growl, motioning at Matt and myself entwined hand, “And why are you in the same clothes as yesterday!” He hissed.

I let go of Matt’s hand, “I slept over Matt’s house, that’s all,” I said in a calm tone.

Joey’s nostrils flared, why was he so jealous!? “You what?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, “I slept over Matt’s house, is that a problem?”

“Yes Emma, it is! You’re my girlfriend, you shouldn’t be sleeping at other guy’s houses!” He shouted, angrily.

“Where did you want me to go Joey? Hmm? If my mom found out you were cutting yourself again, she would flip out! And probably not let you come home. I couldn’t go to Charlie, she’s at a funeral. Matt’s the only person I trusted to go to!” I Argued, anger swelling in my stomach. I began to breath heavily, trying to calm myself.

“Anywhere but his house!” He objected, “You could have stayed in my parents room!”

“I didn’t want to stay in this hospital, Joey! I wanted to get my feeling out, to feel comforted, safe! And that’s what Matt did!” I hissed, glaring at Joey now.

“Why did it have to be Matt though?” He asked in a quieter tone.

“Because Joey, Matt helps me. He’s one of my best friends, and I love him. Why wouldn’t I go to his house?”

Joey’s eyes got wide, “YOU love him?” He asked though his teeth.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes Joey, I love one of my best friends. But not the way I love You! Cant you see it? Joey I was hurting, and he helped me.”

“How are you hurting Emma, seriously. Did your parents get into a car accident? Did your girlfriend turn you in? No! Emma, no! I’m the one hurting.”

I gasped, “Joey you may be hurting, but so am I. And you are oblivious to it. I’m still getting over my dads DEATH, still getting over you breaking my heart. My boyfriend, cuts himself. I saw him about to hut himself. Joey I’m hurting because of you,” I shouted, regretting the last words of my argument.

Joey looked hurt, but I read it wrong he was angry, “Emma… do you mean that?” He hissed though his teeth.

I nodded, I did belive it. But I didn’t want it to be true.

“Leave,” He said, pointing the way Matt and I came.

My head snapped up, and I looked at him, “What?”

“Leave!” He shouted, turning o his heel to leave.

“Wait,” I objected.

He turned around, angry dancing in his eyes, on his face, “What?” He growled.

“Joey if you tell me to leave one last time,” I hesitated, not knowing If I wanted to say the words, “Then we’re done.”

Joey looked me in the eyes, “Leave,” and with those final words. He disappeared.

<3 * <3 * <3 *

Did any of you see THAT comming!? ahaha, I did(: I mean… I knew two ways it would end. This way. Or Joey not caring. I thought this way was mor intresting to readd(: Okays. Tell me what you think? Are you happy they’re over? DO you think it’s REALLY over. What about her and Matt. OH the things you could say. Haha(:

Hope you liked it btw lol