To Write an E-Mail

Chapter Three: Getting Ready

I sat on my bed, staring anderily at two outfits I had picked out. Too bad I couldn’t decide which one to wear. One was a dark green sun dress, along with a black belt, and my favoite black Military Boots. The other one was a pait of jean shorts, with a flowy purple tanktop, with my purple flats.

I slimped backwards, why am I thinking this over so much? I groaned, I’ll just do ennie meenie miny moe. Thats how I solve most of my problems. After a minute of my little picking game, I had finally chosen my sun dress. Happy with my chose, I walked casually toward my bathroom. With a flick of my wrist, I turned on my shower. With a calm sence moving threw me, I watched as the water poured blissfully from the shower head to the tile floor.

Grinning, I stripped my clothes, that I had been wearing for the past week, off and threw them quickly into my dirty laundry basket. With a smile, I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water fall carelessly over my slim body.

I took a fairly long shower, seeing that My hair was matted with knotts, and it despratly needed to be cleane out. Now I dont want you thinking I didnt shower in the past two weeks, because I have, my hair just gets very knotted, very quickly.

Once done with my shower, I stepped out into the cool, crisp bathroom air. Feeling the sudden cold air made me scramble to get a towel out of my cabinate. I quickly drapped the towel around my body, and another one was on the top of my head, drying my blonde hair. I walked out of my bathroom, and quickly across my fuzzzy carpet toward my vanity. I sat down quickly on the soft seat infront of it, and stared at myself.

My face, look good, not a blemish in sight. But that was just my skin, I rarley got a zit. My eyes, although a tad dry from crying for so long, boomed with an eletric blue. I smiled, my teeth were white, and straight, based on the fact I had braces from sixth to eighth grade. Not the best look, but I worked them. Over all, I looked ok, maybe just a bit tired, but a number of things could fix that.

I unravled my towel out of my hair, and dropped it, letting my hair cascade past my shoulders, maybe even past my chest. Without further thought, I pulled my zebra print brush threw my hair, slowly brushing the knotts that had survived the shower. Once I finished brushing all of my knotts out, I plugged in my eletric blue hair straightner, but it was no ordinary hair straitner, no, it could straten my hair when it was wet. Epic right?

After straightning my hair, which took almost two and a half hours to do, it only toook that long because my hair is really long, and thick, I started with my normal makeup. I applyied a small amout of foundation over my skin, to hid anything, then, I started on my eyes. My favorite thing to do. WIth a quick, but careful hand, I put a think layer of black eye liner around my eyes, making them mega pop, but that was only the begining. I did a light, brown, smokey eye, which man, made my eyes look immacualte. If you couldn’t tell, I really like my eyes. After a light layer of mascarra, I was finished.

Happy with my look, I walked toward my bed, where my outfit layed. I let my towel fall to the ground, as I began to get changed. Once finished putting my clothes on, I looked at myself in my full lenghth mirror that was proped up agenst my wall. I looked great, but it was missing something. Knowing what I was missing, I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my fathers dog tags. I could feel the small tears start to escape my eyes as I put the chain around my neck. I whipped them away, and held in the rest. Good thing I put on water proof makeup, never know when you’re going to cry.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at the dog tags, a wave of sadness crashed over me. My dad died in the war, he was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this is all I got of him. Besides the few good pictures I had of him. I shook my head, knowing if i thought about it further, I would burst into tears.

I grabbed my small, black over the shoulder bag, and threw my cellphone in it asI ran out of my door. My boots, slammed hard agenst the steps as I thundered down them. My mom ws sitting in the living room, in a normal outfit of, jeans and a white blouse, her wavy brown hair was in a high pony tail, “Bye mom,” I shouted, walking toward the door.

“Wait sweetie,” she objected, causing me to stop. I groaned, turning lowly around to see her walking up to me. “Where are you going?” she inquired, her slim hand on her hips.

I sighed, “Mother, I am going to the lake with Joey, I’ll be back when we’re done talking. Kay, good love you mom,” I quiclky repied, kissing her on the cheek. I literaly ran out of the door, leaving it open in the know that she would close it.

“Your lake!?” She shouted from the door. Nobody knew where the lake was, only Joey and I knew. And we liked it that way… or we use to.

“Yeah,” I shouted, now walking slowly down the ceiment side walk. She nodded, closing the door. I smiled, walking confidently down the street. Once the forest began to suround me, and the road instead of houses, I knew Iwas getting close to the point where I would get off the road. A few minutes later, I came to my turn off. A smal break in the forest, nobody would notice unless you were Joey or myself. I walked carelessly into the woods, hearing the sing song birds chip their favoite tune. The bugs flying every which way. And I could hear it now, the slow hum of the lake, the mini water fall that poured into it. I smiled, as I pulled myself out of the woods, and into the clearing with a large willow tree handing above the lake.

My stomach flip flopped, when I saw a silouetee comming from around the tree.

“Emma,” he said, comming into the light. Joey.
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